My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1205: Incarnate Dragon Boat

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

A dragon boat was the first to collide with the team of Jui Can. At this moment, the dragon boat seemed to be alive and turned into a real dragon.

It rammed straight, knocking down countless eyebrows, or swinging its tail, sweeping the blockbuster.

Above the sky, there are almost a hundred real dragons.

"It's so powerful, most of those eyeballs have the strength of the peak of the Immortal Venerable, and some of them are of the highest level."

Chu Yi's face changed from time to time, and his eyes spread all over the sky, constantly pouring out from the sun. There were too many and endless numbers.

They finally understood why the old dragon said that the appearance of the monster inside was a disaster.

Such a huge level of fighting power of the Immortal Venerable Supreme is a huge disaster no matter where it is. In the state of the Immortal Realm and the Hidden Realm today, although it returns to the chaotic age, it is absolutely unbearable, and only the use of war fairy weapons.

The dragons above the level of Xianzun all rushed into the sky, and the old dragons also went up on crutches.

He is powerful, although he has never surpassed the Supreme, but the dragon ball in his hand makes him like a real dragon.

A canthus came over, opened the mouth on the forehead, the horrible fangs were like springs, suddenly ejected, dozens of tongues rolled out, but the densely covered teeth.

Obviously, this cantilever is much stronger than the ordinary one.

The old dragon snorted coldly, and his cane was directly nailed to the tongue of the other party. The end of the cane was submerged into the void. The terrifying energy, like the dragon's breath, exploded continuously from the dragon ball, engulfing the canthus.

Kaka Kaka!

"Be careful!"

The fat man shouted, and his figure moved, asking for help, but a sharp pipe had pierced the skin of a dragon, and the terrible venom quickly invaded the nerves, and the skin of the dragon burned fiercely. Get up and turn into coke.

Obviously, this is another kind of venom.

The huge dragon's body fell from the sky to the ground, and the dragon's eyes were still open, with dignity, so he looked directly at the sky, and finally dimmed.

"Go to hell!"

The fat man shouted, he picked up the bricks, and the bricks bloomed out of the moon, and the materials for making the bricks were obtained from the sky Yinxing, which is naturally extraordinary.

As the brick went down, the tube on the face of the gadgle cracked, and the terrible cold instantly frozen it.

Pig Bajie also shot together, attacking these eyeballs.

Dragon people did not have too many sacrifices because of the protection of the dragon boat, as long as they are within a certain range of the dragon boat, they will be given special blessings and their combat power is extremely powerful.

The sky burst, blood was boiling, but there were too many jigs on the opposite side, endless.

"No, Senior Long didn't say that these Jade Tigers were responsible for the Duron, leaving corpses so that they could proliferate. Why was there no corpses on the scene, all of them were destroyed?"

The thought in Chu Yi's mind flashed away. Suddenly, there was a big riot in the Jiji group in the distance. Then, a creature about twice the size of an ordinary monster rushed out.

It has a pipe with a canine, canine teeth, and fleshy wings.

"No, it's Jixian, it's the leader level, it's their combination!"

The old dragon's face changed a lot, and he was about to intercept it, but he saw more and more eyeballs appearing crazy.

"This... what happened, are they dead?"

The more Jiji appeared, the sun was spinning wildly. After a while, it turned into a dreadful dragon spirit-the secret of the 100 dynasties!

The secret law of the Hundred Dynasties circled, although a hole was broken, but under its rotation, a large number of eyeballs that escaped from the seal land were constantly crushed.

"No, it's too wrong, they are desperately needed, and as a result, their numbers will drop rapidly. What happened?"

The old dragon's face changed suddenly.

These jigsaws are a mixture of jigs and jigs, each of which is a supreme level of power.

Under the cover of a group of men, dozens of eyebrows suddenly rushed to a dragon boat.


The entire dragon boat was knocked over. A squint looked up at the sky, and the slender and sharp tube pierced the protective film, and directly penetrated into the dragon man who controlled the dragon boat.

Dragon Ball lost its momentum, dimmed, and paused in the sky.

A large number of dragons around lost the protection of Dragon Ball, and immediately exposed to the attack range of Jade Can.

"No, no, no!" the old dragon hissed, but dozens of eyeballs besieged him, making him inseparable.

The dragon boat is too important for the dragon people. Those Jade Eyes will set foot on the dragon boat and destroy it.

"Can't go on like this!"

Chu Yi gritted his teeth and rushed past.

"Little friend, don't take the risk, you are the Divine Nian, as long as it dissipates, you don't have to damage the Divine Nian here, it will hurt Yuanying."

Shouted the old dragon.

But in front of a dragon who was killed, Chu Yi could not let it go.

He got into the dragon boat and rushed to the control hub.

Not all dragons can control the dragon boat, and they must be approved by Dragon Ball before they can merge with Dragon Ball.

Chu Yi held Dragon Ball directly with both hands.

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying energy rushed into his body. Although the energy was irritable, he did not explode him, but did not enter his small world.

All of a sudden, two bridges were built, and twenty-four small worlds, including the twelve small worlds made by Chu Yi, all built bridges between each other.

His cultivation practice kept improving, and his body exuded a terrifying breath.

At the same time, underneath the small worlds, the golden seawater boiled and kept rising. The last twenty-four small worlds seemed to float on the ocean. With enough energy, Chu Yi couldn't help but shout. With a cry.

He looked into his body, stood on a **** bridge, looked up, and finally saw the sky.

Layers of cyan steps headed upwards. At the forefront was a bottomless black hole. But halfway through, the sky was broken.

It's just that he didn't have time to think about it at this time. With the explosion of bones in the body, Chu Yi only felt that his body had grown a lot.

He is like a dragon boat. Everything in this dragon boat is a part of his body, which can be controlled freely.

"This... he doesn't have the blood of my true dragon family in his body. How did he control the dragon ball? Is it because of the swordsman?"

The old dragon was dumbfounded.

Feeling the terrifying energy inside, Chu Yi thought, and in a flash, the paddle on the dragon boat slipped as if it were his arm.

Hundreds of boat oars were covered with extremely terrifying sword qi. Even in the cultivation of the Tao, the sword did not enter the Supreme, but it has already broken through in energy.


The dragon boat rushed into the eye canthus, like Chu Yi wielding a long sword.

After rushing across, the only eye that was extremely powerful and capable of making the supreme jealous was cut directly.

"Really **** strong!" The fat man opened his mouth.

"Invincible!" Zhu Bajie grinned.

The dragon boat controlled by Chu Yi is more powerful than the dragon boat controlled by the dragon. The sword power is so powerful that it explodes from the dragon boat and easily cuts off a large eye.

There were fragments of dragon corpses on the ship's armor, and Chu Yi's eyes were scarlet.

His fighting power was so strong that he swept the front, so that the large forces of the Jews group had to stop abruptly.

"The battle situation is stabilized. Next, as long as the secret law of the 100 dynasties restarts, it will be able to survive this wave."

"However, this dragon boat is really expensive, and it still consumes Shennian."

Chu Yi murmured, but was also shocked that the dragon boat is equivalent to the top war fairy, the general supreme cannot resist the dragon boat at all.


Suddenly, violent shaking came from the sky behind Chu Yi and others.

The pattern on the top continued to show, and it dipped down sharply.

Chu Yi's expression changed greatly.

"No wonder these eyebrows come out in desperation. They know that outsiders don't know the truth and want to attack the inside. They have to attack the formation from the inside. They cooperate on both sides. Maybe they can really break this formation, even if it's just a small hole. Let a lot of eyeballs escape."

Although there is a time difference between here and the outside world, it can't stop the outside world from entering.

Xuanji and Tianting both believe that the secret law of the 100 dynasties and many real dragon treasures are buried in it, and they will naturally ignore everything.

They started the war for these things.

"No, you have to go out and stop them."

"Xiaoyou, I'll control this dragon boat first, and you go out to stop it." The old dragon man flew onto the dragon boat and took over Chu Yi's position.

"As long as the outside does not attack, then the eye canine inside will not be so crazy."

"Fat, pig bajie, let's go back."

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