My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1206: I am the strongest

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The Bozi attacked three times, and in an instant, there were amazing fluctuations from the coffin, and his face also showed a happy look.

"There are fluctuations in the coffin, and it is definitely the place where the mysterious law of the 100 dynasties was buried. It is no wonder that it should be led out with blood, because it was because it was buried."

Secrets of a hundred dynasties!

A few people heard that they were all fascinated by this. The secrets of this class of immortals definitely have big secrets. They need to rely on these secrets to break through to become the strongest supreme.

"Forcibly blasting away, I always feel that the seal of this coffin is not very stable. There are too many energy fluctuations in it. Maybe together with the energy fluctuations inside, it can burst the coffin."

The filmer smiled.

He raised his hand, and a spur slowly formed in the middle of his palm, and finally grew larger and larger, almost comparable to the dragon boat.

The black shadow spurs, slashing from the air in an instant.


Suddenly, Chu Yi shot.

The flames of the battle on the surface of the body were ringing, and a large number of metal pieces flew, forming a terrifying energy on his left arm, bursting up, and the metal palm directly grasped the attack of the shadow.

Chu Yi's move shocked everyone.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, what are you going to do, do you plan to swallow the secret laws of the 100 dynasties alone?" The filmer sneered.

"Do you really think we can't kill you? Now all four of us are showing up, and there is also a remote war fairy. Even if you are the supreme today, you can't escape, just to open the coffin as soon as possible, so I'm too lazy to talk to you Care."

Puzi smiled and said: "Yan Luo Taoist, if this coffin is opened and there are secret laws of the 100 dynasties, I will still be willing to share one with you. Why not work together?"

Chu Yi shook his head: "There are monsters buried in the coffin and they must not be opened."

"No matter what kind of monster, even the supreme, as long as it appears, it will definitely be beheaded by me and so on." Puzi smiled gently.

Chu Yi flicked the dust on the bomb and said indifferently: "I am here today, no one can open this coffin."

"I will take this coffin."

The dragons in the coffin are guarding this world and are constantly sacrificing bloodshed. Chu Yi will not let their sacrifices be in vain.

"Amitabha, Taoist Yan Luo, is too obsessed."

The Bodhisattva took a step forward, and the body of Buddha light was burning like a flame: "Yan Luoxianzun, you are the king of sin land, and you should be guilty of sin. Purify sin land, you should be purified from your body first, because of your appearance, sin It is really a headache for those criminals in Turkey to be unyielding again."

"Let's invite Yan Luoxianzun to take his hand and go to the Xitian Temple to spend the rest of his life in Buddhism."

"It's fine to face my mysterious wall." The filmer laughed.

"The small temple can't bear the great god, so I'm afraid of your place, and can't keep me." Chu Yi's face was indifferent. He was alone and faced with the four major arrogances. This attitude made everyone feel admired.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, still like this, our fairyland, generation after generation of genius, gradually lost its reputation, only Yan Luo Xianzun, still brilliant, really admire."

"However, it seems that Yan Luo Xianzun is going to be an enemy of both sides. What happened in the end, depending on the situation, Yan Luo Xianzun is going to monopolize this sudden treasure?"

Everyone is not too understanding.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded in the city, which was the sound of an urgent assembly.

"A war is about to start!"

"I'm afraid this is a great treasure, absolutely not allowed to steal away from the realm."

The monks who came here were all very excited.

They came here for the sake of tempering, but before the two sides engaged in battle, the sent out were either unskilled culprits, or people from the wasteland, and it was no turn for them to play.

The Hidden Realm wants to embezzle their territory. These monks who have benefited from this era are naturally reluctant to cultivate fast.

"Strictly wait, be dispatched at any time."

True God Son looked serious, and he also released hundreds of thousands of sinners in the front, acting as cannon fodder.

"The coffin in the dragon boat should not be opened so easily. According to estimates, at least tens of millions of souls' blood is required."

"However, before this, Yan Luo Xianzun was killed first, this person is too obtrusive, or a huge variable."


Hunting in the sky, wind and sand.

Several people in Rukong were a little far away, and were all worried about Chu Yi.

Juggernaut concentrated his expression and broke free from his lonely emotions. He smiled and said: "Yan Luo Xianzun, your talent in swordsmanship is really powerful, but if you are not clueless, we must kill you even if we are under siege."

"Don't forget, and your people, if you insist on this, then your people will die one by one in front of your eyes."

Chu Yi smiled.

The whole world seemed to be very gentle, and the wind with the sand became softer.

"They are heroes, and you are bears. I don't believe that you know nothing about that history, but you still do."

"Yan Luoxian Zun, surrender, or die!" Mo Yu interrupted Chu Yi's words, stepping on the earth, he was confident, the four of them joined hands, absolutely not inferior to the Supreme, there was no need to fear Yan Luoxian Zun and the pig.

Chu Yi grinned: "Actually, you all think something wrong, the strongest is not the emperor, but... me!"

He said, under his feet, the quicksand kept surging, and gradually drifted towards the sky, forming tens of thousands of huge sand swords.

Void Shake!

The huge long sword, covering the sky and the sun, keeps rotating.

"I am invincible to Immortal Venerable!"

When the last word spit out, heaven and earth, in a flash, all filled with sword spirit.

The long-handed sword rose into the sky, and then fell down, tearing the world.

What kind of scene is that, like the end of the world, avoiding inevitable, to split the sun, moon and stars.

The faces of the four people changed suddenly, especially the Juggernaut. The horror in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

"Why did his swordsmanship rise again!"

The moment Chu Yi wielded his sword, he could feel that the opponent's sword way was one step closer to the sword's avenue.

He did not understand why Chu Yi had such a terrible change in just a few minutes.

The long sword fell, and a large area of ​​desert was shaken away, with Chu Yi as the center, and the sword marks spread out in all directions.

The four Juggernauts evaded quickly, but they were still contaminated by the sword qi, used their magical powers, and resisted the sword qi.

"Broken sword."

Suddenly, a brand new sword appeared in Chu Yi's hands. This was the Potian sword that came back after killing the Great Flame Immortal Sovereign.

Po Tianjian was made by Chu Yi in order to ride the Supreme Robbery.

Kaka Kaka!

With the appearance of the Potian Sword, the chains of order on the body of the sword broke apart completely. The Potian Sword poured out the glory, and the swords were thousands of miles, like a galaxy, falling from the nine days.


At that moment, countless people raised their heads in horror and stunned. The sword awn almost spread from the middle of the desert to the city. The shocking terror made everyone fall into the ice cellar.

The sword spirit was bright, and even a bit dark, like a black bull who did not obey discipline, soared into the sky, breaking all the shackles added to his body.

With a sword, the world is eclipsed.

One sword, the sword saint fell.

A sword, killing the arrogance, destroying the prestige, breaking the sky.

Juggernaut was directly chopped into powder, and the undefeated dragon sword turned into a long dragon, quickly fled, and escaped to the bottom of the desert.

The sword light falls slowly, like a meteor, gorgeous and beautiful.

But everyone was frightened, shocked by Chu Yi's sword.

The bodhisattva, ink feathers, and shadows, like wood, stay in place.

Juggernaut has body protection and gas, and has **** armor, which can't stop Yan Luoxianzun's sword.

Chu Yi stood above the dragon boat and looked around.

He is not strong enough to ignore all defenses, but the Juggernaut, walking with him in the sword, is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

His sword energy can be born from the heart of the sword saint, and combining inside and outside can kill everything.

The sword of the sword saint was all assimilated by Chu Yi. Chu Yi wanted to kill him, but at his fingertips.

Because, he is the strongest swordsman!

"Yan Luoxianzun, you know how much sin you have committed!" Bozi's voice was very cold.

"Jiansheng, not only the sword pavilion of the sword pavilion, but also the sword saint of the heavenly court."

"People in the heavenly court, I'm not killed." Chu Yi wrote lightly.

"Today, my Yan Luoxian Zun sits here, killing without amnesty!"

Chu Yi attracted the Demon Sword, slipped from the sky, and cut to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu's body was covered with cold hair, but his eyes showed a crazy look.

"Mysterious body!"

Suddenly, from his arms, a black shadow burst out, and the black image was a steel block, which was buckled on him, but in a blink of an eye, Mo Yu became a tall and terrible giant.

"War armor in the war fairy!" Chu Yi narrowed his eyes.

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