My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1207: Star wheel giant

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

War armor!

This is a kind of fairy weapon developed for war. In fact, the dragon boat of the dragon is similar to a kind of war armor.

However, the Dragon Boat can allow Immortal Venerable to directly break into the Supreme Realm, and the physical body is strengthened to the point of extreme terror, while Mo Yu's war armor in front of him can only increase his strength again in the Realm of Immortal Venerable.

"Mysterious Armor!"

The shadow man grinned, and huge pieces of metal also appeared on his body, surrounding him layer by layer, turning into a giant black metal giant.

The breath of the two people kept expanding, just standing, it made the void vibrate.

This is the horror of the great forces. This level of armor is more terrible than the god-level armor. It was created by the technology of the Chaos era.

All war fairy artifacts are inherited from the Tianjiang family in the chaotic age. This race is now torn apart and has been collected by major forces.

"Good and evil are reversed, right and wrong, can be used to wash away all evil."

The bodhisattva took out a relic and swallowed it into the mouth. The next second, his body mana surged, the golden light of the Buddha stretched for thousands of miles, and the golden light added itself.

In the end, countless golden lights turned into a dazzling oil lamp. Around the oil lamp, the ten thousand Buddha dynasty, the light was the shadow of a big Buddha, and it seemed to ignite the void.

"Buddha lamp!"

"It's also a small war fairy," Bozi explained slightly.

Wu De's face changed: "The Heavenly Artisans, the things they make, can annihilate all the aura and the power of the world. The energy he takes is similar to the energy involved in the Eight Commandments."

"I once saw a passage in an ancient tomb of a strong man, that the spirit is Yang, then the energy used by the Eight Commandments and War Immortal Spirit is yin, which is called turbidity."

"Using war fairy artifacts is equivalent to the combination of yin and yang, and generally a single aura can't be stopped."


"Brother Chu does not have a war fairy in his hand. He can't cope with so many masters using war fairy. Even the artifact will be restrained."

This is still a small single body, like the one placed in the city, that is even more terrifying, even the Supreme will be bombarded by it.

Baihu was stunned, looking at Chu Yi in the air.

"Well, this is good, make you arrogant, kill people in these places, no one can save you." White Fox scolded in his heart, but his claws were constantly rubbing the sand, anxious.

"Idiot guy!" The white fox gritted his teeth.

"Bulling people!" Zhu Bajie's hand raised his gun, and the long lance was heavily pressed toward Mo Yu, but he saw the other side raise his hand, this time blocking the lance.


The desert exploded, and everyone and every pig retreated.

Pig Bajie suddenly lost his color: "Don't die?"

Mo Yu stepped back and stepped heavily on the void, even more terrified.

"My attack power obviously contains other powers. Why is it comparable to him? Does this pig's body still contain war fairy artifacts?"

He did not know that there are four eight precepts in the body of the pig's eight precepts. The eight precepts were originally born of negative energy, but the pig's precepts hide the breath of the eight precepts and prevent others from perceiving.


The shadow man bypassed the pig bajie and attacked Chu Yi. Under the mysterious armor, the horror shadow energy turned into a laser and exploded from his chest.

Chu Yi's eyelids jumped, and the four long swords formed a huge sword shield. However, at the moment of touching the opponent's energy, the sword shield cracked directly.

His body flickered, barely hiding.

The organ fell on the desert, and a huge pit appeared.

"Yan Luo Xianzun!" Bozi's voice was gloomy. He watched the sword saint be killed, the same arrogance of the same age, naturally feeling a little.


As soon as the light ignited, it fell from the oil lamp, and the fire light became more and more shining, and the scope of the spread became larger and larger. In the end, Chu Yi was completely engulfed.

Chu Yi's eyes were cold.

He used some of the swallowing power to withstand some attacks, and then used the basic sword moves to slash the Buddha.

The things he was most worried about happened. These two top forces have extraordinary heritage. In addition to the artifacts, there are more war fairy artifacts. Just now the sword saint was too late to use, this was killed by Chu Yi, and now, Chu Yi is tricky.

Pig Bajie can stop one person, but he still needs to face two people, which is simply impossible.

"Brother Chu, fit!" the fat man shouted.

"Fitness?" Chu Yi's face was green.

"Lying trough, you are so nasty in thinking. The combination I am talking about is the combination of Eucharistic exercises."

The fat man jumped up, "There is a fusion method in my family, which was originally born because of the sun and moon holy body. Once combined, we will be invincible."

"The sun star absorbs aura, and the lunar star essentially absorbs turbid gas."

"You and I fit together is equivalent to the war fairy."

"Beating their grandma!"

While talking, the fat man passed the exercises to Chu Yi.

I saw Chu Yi's face getting greener and greener, and by the end, I was almost somber until it dripped.

"Fat man your uncle, what is this secret!"

The fat man smiled: "You don't understand this. These secret words are specially set. The syllables, pauses, and a wrong one will cause the practice to fail to open."

Everyone was curious and did not know what Chu Yi was saying.

Bozi shook his head: "Dying and struggling!"

The oil lamp in his hand was getting hotter and hotter, and the feathers were falling from the sky. They were all composed of flames. They fell on the desert and immediately stood up, turning into a respectable flame Luohan.

Numerous flame Luohan recite the mantra, combined into a formation, in the center of the formation, it seems to condense a huge golden body Luohan.

Looking at the horrible fluctuations, Chu Yi's heart jumped.

The fat man urged: "Brother Chu, if we don't start again, we're going to get cold. Think about the **** dragon in the coffin. Just a few words, can't you speak?"

Chu Yi had the urge to strangle the fat man for the first time.

He said with difficulty: "Yuetianblade is a bright moon in the sky that illuminates everything in the world."

"He is the wind, the rain, the swimming fish leaping in the pond..."

The fat man squeezed his hands and squeezed: "Don't praise me so much, I will be shy."

Below, Rukong, Baihu and Yaoren are all dumbfounded.

They finally knew why Chu Yi didn't want to speak. This shameful secret word, they didn't want to say it.

They finally saw a guy thicker than Chu Yi.

Wu De's shoulder collapsed and he was furious: "Take our Fangtian to draw the halberd, I will cut this dead fat man."

But the voice just fell, and behind Chu Yi, a round of sun rose slowly.

Above the sun, all kinds of flames boil, turning into the light that swallows the sky.

Behind the fat man, there is a moonflower, laurel growth, jade rabbit pounding medicine, faintly, you can also see a lot of cold spread.

This seems to be two small lunar sun stars.

Two rounds of superstars rose, too conspicuous, making everything seem very small.


In the center of the sun star and lunar star, there is a continuous spread of yang and yin, turning into a giant black and white giant.

The giant was too yin in one hand, the sun was in the other, and the La La La, the chain exploded and fell into the two stars.

"this is……"

"Giant star wheel!"

Mo Yu's expression narrowed, and his face was full of fear.

"The existence in the ancient book finally appeared."

"Hopefully the plan will go smoothly..." He and the hermit looked at each other and nodded secretly.

The Sun and Moon Eucharist finally showed its edge. When Chu Yi and the Fat Man practiced to the fourth picture, they merged again and produced extremely terrifying changes.

"What is this?!" Real God Son stood on the wall and couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

The giant was so brilliant and brilliant that the sun star and lunar star seemed to be his toys.

"All sins will vanish!"

The bodhisattva screamed, the King Kong Luohan captured the sky with one hand, a golden stick appeared, and pressed down from the sky.

The terrible Buddha light, extremely sharp, the long stick rolled up the Taoist scriptures to suppress everything.

Chu Yi and the fat man stand on either side of the giant star wheel.

"Fat man, let me control!"

Chu Yi shouted and felt the energy of horror. He controlled the star wheel giant and flew up.

Then a round of sun stars in his hand, towards the face of the other party, smashed hard.


As if two planets collided, the horrible light directly engulfed the desert, affecting two cities separated by tens of thousands of miles.

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