My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1208: Damaged pattern

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"Er Di Niang, you are too fierce, be careful to destroy Sun Star."

The fat man shouted, very worried.

They didn't merge perfectly for the first time, otherwise, the star wheel giant would be bigger, like a star.

At the end of the chain, Sun Star smashed hard, and the huge King Kong Luohan was hit in the face on the spot. The huge body flew out, and it turned into ashes before landing.

Chu Yi smiled. He was good at attacking, not defending. It was because there was no way to fight back. Now that he has a chance, he naturally has to press the opponent to fight.

"So strong!"

True God Son's complexion changed rapidly. He quickly glanced at the ancient books in his mind above the city wall, and finally finally saw the four words "Star Wheel Giant".

"The giant of the star wheel, which is formed by the fusion of the sun shadow body and the moon shadow body, is comparable to the war fairy artifact!"

"Trouble, do you really want to use the war fairy in the city?"

The real God Son's expression is uncertain.

Fire burst into the eyes of the bodhisattva.

He stared hard at Chu Yi, and the bodhi tree hunted in his pupils.

Originally thought that Chu Yi was weaker than them, and they could not support a few moves at all, but now the strength displayed by the other party has at least reached the level of the six stars of the Immortal Venerable, and now, even the War Fairy Can't help each other.

What makes the Bozi more frightening is that he saw the shadow of the Tianzi on Chu Yi.

The same peerless invincibility!


"In any case, kill them, the Sun and Moon Eucharist must not appear!"

Mo Yu and the shadow man control the mysterious armor, the body is like a tall building, and the mysterious armor has an extremely powerful blessing effect on the control of the attack.


Chu Yi didn't speak much, he raised the lunar star, and the terrible coldness swept through the void, wherever he passed, the space froze.

In front of the lunar star, a terrible black water spreads, and it seems to freeze all human souls.


The mysterious armor of Mo Yu and the Shadowman once again skyrocketed, like a hill, spurred by all kinds of terrifying energies.


In the sky, there were many crackling explosions, and the crazy energy turned into countless storms, and the sand was rolled up and spread out in all directions.

But as soon as those storms were half rolled, they were frozen by an extremely cold energy and froze in place, just like half of the artwork.

The desert shakes, the creatures of the two cities are terrified. This level of war, let alone the Immortal Venerable, even the Supreme comes over, and must be terrified by three points.

"Ouch, my lunar star, Brother Chu is relaxing, you see it is cracked, look at the crack on it."

These two planets are not the result of the condensing of energy, but the origin of the sun shadow body and moon shadow body, so the fat man is so distressed.

"The three of us joined forces!"

Bozi shouted, his teeth grinned, and he could no longer remain calm.

The oil lamp in his hand whipped up against the wind, as if there were tens of thousands of Buddha statues sitting in it.

A ring of buddhas emerged and formed an amazing meteorology. A cloud of heaven came across the heavens and earth, and it seemed to be the dojo of Bozi.

On the other side, the two of the hidden realm are performing magical powers, and the horrible black thunder and shadow energy are transformed into two spears and skyrocketed at an alarming rate.

Light and darkness are intertwined, and the world is discolored. Even if the Supreme is careless, he will be seriously injured.

The void is like a balloon, and it bursts directly, and the layers of space storms raged out, but it was crushed back by the attacks of several people.

One can imagine how terrible this move is.

Chu Yi shouted, and the star-wheel giant was burning with black and white flames. At this time, the facial features suddenly appeared.

The star wheel giant binged at the same time.

The two rounds of stars are almost exploding and smashing past directly, without any skills at all.

The Buddha ring was crashed into the air, broken in the air, the endless scriptures disintegrated, and disappeared into the void.

Bozi was pale and was shocked. His body flew backwards and crashed into a stone mountain. The mountain exploded.

The Bodhisattva vomited blood, and the bodhi tree in his eyes radiated magic, and he began to heal the body immediately.

He was stunned!

How powerful is his own strength, plus the war fairy, even if you encounter the Supreme, you can use a few tricks.

Unexpectedly, such strength was defeated by Yan Luoxianzun.

"How could it be so powerful?"

Countless people are silent. This giant is still a fusion of two immortals. If it is two supremes, how terrifying should be.

"Can't let them go on."

Mo Yu's face was extremely gloomy, and his mysterious armor was cracked, and then he was hit again, I am afraid that he would collapse on the spot.

"The army is dispatched!"

The True God Son stands far away from the city wall. He can’t leave here. He needs someone to guard. After all, they and the hidden world are only oral agreements, not contracts.

You may regret it at any time.

"Yan Luoxianzun, do you really think you are invincible?" The real **** child looked at the wasteland people not far away, with a grinning smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Dragon boat appears, there are more secrets of the hundred dynasties, once I get it, I can even challenge the emperor."

On the other side, the bat hangs upside down from the void.

He urged the secret method, and in an instant, the void was twisted like a terrifying beast.

The monster opened his mouth and could see a scarlet tongue spit out.

Above the tongue, densely covered, it is the hidden demons and culprits.

Tens of thousands of troops attacked at the same time!


Rukong's face changed, and he felt the huge murderous sentiment on both sides.

"It is time to start a war at this time!"

"No! They came for Brother Chu..."

Chu Yi looked around and could clearly see that countless wasteland people rushed over first, and on the other side, there were countless hidden army.

Under this collision, I am afraid that hundreds of thousands of waste soil people will have to die at least half.

After a while, it would die.

Bozi licked the blood at the corner of his mouth and smiled: "Amitabha, Yan Luoxianzun, if you are willing to bow down, I will let your wasteland people go back, otherwise, your people will die because of you."

Chu Yi's pupil shrank sharply.

Those who rushed to the wasteland of the battlefield suddenly shouted one by one.

"Yanhuang is undefeated!"

"Wang, I will die unyielding!"

Chu Yi was stunned, and he saw the almost unarmed Yanhuang Zimin, devoured by a big murderer.

Seeing the old and the young children were directly crushed to death.

The layers of blood were stained with red sky, and the rich blood was hot.

"It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense to do so."

Chu Yi shouted, he felt chills, and the people inside were fighting **** blood, but the True God Son and others, but their own people as chips.

The blood was boiling, and the anger in Chu Yi's body was constantly rising.


The giant of the star wheel fell into the army with a punch, and suddenly blood splattered.

But the blood slowly penetrated into the desert.

The dragon boat was shaking, the coffin was shaking, and bursts of amazing sounds, like a burst of law.

"Yun Luo Xianzun is really cold-blooded. Even so, he is not willing to sacrifice his life."

The True Son is watching from afar.

Suddenly, his pupils condensed, and he saw the **** clouds gathering frantically on the hidden city.

An extremely terrifying wave condenses with a thunderbolt.

"War fairy!"

"Hidden people dare to use them here!"

"In that case, you are welcome!"


True Divine Son urged a pattern, the pattern fluctuated, and caused the next pattern, and passed on like this.

Kaka Kaka!

Above the city, a pair of huge blue eyes suddenly appeared.

Eyes spread slightly, but the amazing energy from inside, even the supreme must be avoided.

It's just that when the eyes were half open, it suddenly seemed that the machine had encountered a malfunction and was stuck directly.

Then, the huge eyes closed again.

"What's the matter?!" Real God Son shuddered in cold sweat, his lips trembling, and quickly checked many patterns.

But there were too many lines, and he would not find any damage at all for a while.

"Impossible, all formation maintenance is to find extremely reliable people. It is absolutely impossible to become a traitor. How could someone still be involved in it."

True God Son's face was extremely pale.

One side does not have war fairy, but the other side does.

Then under one blow, let alone the battlefield ahead, and even the city behind, and even myself, will be wiped out.

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