Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The bat grinned, and under his control, a huge longan turret aimed at the sky, accumulating energy.

The turret was so large that even the Immortal Venerable could not be moved. It required a special formation to transport it. This is a large war machine, enough to destroy and destroy a large number of Supremes.

Around the rocky ground, Chu Yi and other people's faces changed wildly. Although the soul of the single war fairy, it could not cause large-scale damage after all, but these fairy weapons were enough to make most of the star field into ashes.

And if oneself does not have the corresponding means to resist, then the result is self-evident.


The bodhisattva could no longer bear it, and roared angrily: "Who the **** is he, he moved his hands and feet in our formation."

"Brother Mo, do you really want to use war fairy weapons? Not to mention the number of people here, just the rear city, there are many people who can't die, do you want to fight with my fairy world?"

This level of war fairy has a too wide and wide range, and in a blink of an eye, it can freeze the void, and don’t even want to escape.

Chu Yi and others finally changed color, and some people moved on their own side.

"Oh, Bozi, you are wrong in saying this, we are both hostile parties." Mo Yu smiled, "If there is a problem on our side, then you will not hesitate to kill us. ."

"This is war, not childish play."

"You didn't force us to sign a contract, it was a fluke, and you wanted to swallow the secret laws of a hundred dynasties."

"Now, it's just that we have the right to choose."

"I didn't expect that this gun would be able to get rid of Yan Luoxianzun, and it would destroy most of your living strength, and swallow the secret laws of hundreds of dynasties.

The battlefield was chaotic. On the side of Immortal Realm, everyone looked anxious.

Chu Yi is even more so.

Not to mention how many people this gun will kill, blood alone is enough to break the seal of this coffin.

The terrifying energy fluctuations have already appeared on the sky, converging into a huge energy ball. The energy diffused slightly is enough to make everyone's scalp numb. If it is launched, it may be countless man-made falls.

"This is war..." If the sky looked around, no one evaded, and no one was moving forward, even the two sides were not fighting.

Because they understand that under these weapons, there is no choice but death.

All resistance is in vain.

"Rukong, I haven't seen you for a long time..." Ruxianzun stepped into this land and sighed slightly.

Rukong was stunned: "Brother Brother, I didn't expect you to be here. See you today. I'm afraid I will say goodbye."

"Farewell?" Shaking his head, looking at Chu Yi, "Maybe not necessarily, there is also a turning point. Yan Luo Xianzun controls, is the star wheel giant in the ancient books. Such existence is wonderful. It may be able to block the other side. s attack."

"Goodbye, everyone!" Mo Yu waved her hand.

The sky was vast and no clouds were visible, while the muzzle of the Longan Battery, a scarlet energy burst out.

Wan Lai lost her voice, and the whole world fell silent. The beam was very slow, but everyone could not move.

"It's over!"

"I have just become a fairy!"

"No no no! I still have wives and children, I can't die!"

The horrible light enveloped the world, and the city in the fairy world was also dead.

Even the true Son is desperate.

He finally understood that it is no wonder that the other party opened the war fairy artifact without hesitation, just because he knew that his own formation was destroyed without knowing it.

Countless people are desperate, countless people are discouraged, faced with this artillery that can kill the Supreme, they have no idea of ​​resistance.


"I know, it can only be destroyed first, but it's a big deal!"

Fatty and Chu Yi looked at each other, at this moment, they were united in their minds and thoughts.

The fat man was incredibly majestic, and his body froze, rushing towards the sky.

This is a small world. Originally, there would be no sun star or lunar star, but at the moment, the two projections appeared.

Under the illumination of the solar lunar star, the body of the giant star wheel continues to grow, and in the end, it has already towered into the cloud.

"go with!"

Chu Yi and the fat man snorted, raised the sun star and lunar star, and slammed it towards the beam.


It seemed like a huge explosion occurred, but nothing happened.

In a dazzling to extreme light, everything began to dissipate.

"Kaka Kaka!"

The two stars in the hand of the star wheel began to break, and the inch-by-inch cracks continued to spread. At some point, with a slam, even the star wheel was broken.

"Oh, I'm going, I'm distressed to death, my lunar star, it will take me many years to re-refine."

The fat man grinned and landed on the ground, his face hurt.

Chu Yi stood in front of him.

The two of them were not injured, but this time the price incurred was too great in order to block the other's attack.

You know, the two people lost, but this is the origin of the practice.

It is much harder to refine the second pass than the first pass.

Real God Son was stunned and relieved, but immediately, a trace of dread and jealousy flashed in his eyes.

His fists clenched tightly, revealing pale joints.

Bozi also looked at the two with complex eyes.

On the other side, Mo Yu stared blankly, and immediately sighed: "Really blocked, it is indeed a giant star wheel."

"Sun Shadow Body and Moon Shadow Body, once combined, the power is infinite, I have seen it."

After hearing this, Chu Yi's brows were a little uneasy. The energy in his body was huge. The energy of twenty-four small worlds was enough for him to squander. He was astonishing in one step.

"This kind of large-scale war fairy artifact can only be used once in a short time by means of fairy deity."

"The two of you have no power to deter me."

Chu Yi stood above the battlefield, blood beneath it, and too many people in the wasteland died.

Bozi's eyes flickered and suddenly raised his voice: "Yan Luoxianzun, I did not expect that you are a spy in the hidden world, and only you can destroy our formation without knowing it."

"After that, you designed and deliberately let Yan Luoxian Zun block the war fairy magic weapon. In this way, Yan Luoxian Zun's position in our side will be greatly improved, so as to get more news."

"This is your conspiracy."

The fat man broke open and scolded: "Your ancestors are mentally handicapped for eighteen generations. Uncle, we will not hesitate to damage our skills and save your life, but dare to say that we are traitors."

"Why didn't the bomb just hit you scum."

Mo Yu smiled slightly, and below, their army began to advance again.

The scene was chaotic.

He teamed up with the shadow actor and attacked Chu Yi, and at the same time, Bozi began to shoot Chu Yi.


Zhu Bajie came forward to help, Wu De and the demon were not capable enough, and could only save some people from the wasteland.

"Brother Brother, you and I are the same as before, let's kill the enemy together." Ru Kong laughed.

"Rukong, after seeing their strength, do you feel that we have been eliminated?" Su Shenxun suddenly asked, his eyes very calm.

Rukong smiled bitterly: "Maybe this is life, but everything has not reached the end, and now, I have found a new way, maybe the future can still stand on the peak."

"Into the gods, don't think too much." When he and the immortal **** were still Buddhas and gods, they were like brothers, and the two often exchanged feelings together.

"Rukong, you found your way, and I found my way."

"I don't want to be ordinary, I don't want to be forgotten by the world, I want to stand on the pinnacle of the world, I want to be the strongest being."

"Enchanted, you're not right."

"Yeah, I'm here to say goodbye to you." Into God Immortal Zun smiled slightly, suddenly his palm slammed towards the fat man, and in the center of his palm, a spear burst out.

The spear is a holy weapon. In a flash, it pierced the fat man's chest.

"Enchant, stop!"

Rukong shot like crazy, but it was too late.

There is very little energy left in the fat man, plus there is no precaution against entering the fairy deity, the distance is close, and there is almost no resistance.

Turning into Immortal Venerable's wrist, he put away his gun, jumped high, and fell beside Mo Yu.

His voice echoed: "The line was destroyed by me, and I am the traitor. My task is to destroy one of the Sunshade and Moonshadow."

"This is the way I chose... Rukong, don't blame me, I just want to become stronger."

His voice fell, and the formation of the soles of his feet flashed, which was directly transmitted into the city of the hidden world.


Chu Yi turned around in horror, and quickly fell down. He covered the fat man's wound with both hands, and poured it into his life with aura.

But the small world inside the fat man began to collapse at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. His Taoist palace was pierced, Yuan Yuan was completely broken, and only a little silver remained.

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