Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Sudden changes made everyone stunned, that is, even the bodhisattva and the real **** son in the distance changed their faces.

Who could have imagined that the traitor turned out to be the Son of God in Wanshen Township, the one who was least likely to betrayed.

True Divine Son has even planned to train the Immortal Venerable to become his left arm and right arm, so he has always been relieved of his existence, but did not expect it to be so betrayed.

"What benefits did it offer there, even the benefits that my heavenly court can't match?"

Zhenshenzi's face is extremely complicated, and their formation is destroyed. If the fault is not found and repaired within a short period of time, then the other party shoots again, what resistance do they take?

As for the fat man's life and death, it is not in his concern at all.


"Damn, there is a traitor out of Wanshen Town!


When some people in the city were angry with the immortal Venerable King, all of the forts on the city wall exploded into ash in a flash.

"Damn, I let the Immortal Venerable examine the forts. He did all the work on these forts?"

True God Son's face was extremely pale.

"Fat... son!"

Pig Bajie sacrificed his magical powers and wanted to help the fat man save his life, but the vitality in the other party's body was constantly lost.

His eyes were so empty that he couldn't stop the injury even if he was soaked in the chaotic liquid.

The blow into Immortal Venerable is extremely accurate. All the power is condensed on top of it, and it is also accompanied by a Divine Mind attack.

"Wife-in-law...I haven't found a wife-in-law yet..." The fat man murmured, his eyes unable to focus.

"Fat fat man, you are dying, I will steal your tomb, dig out your body, whip the corpse... so you are not allowed to die."

Although Wu De and Fatty only met for a few days, they smelled the same and talked about nothing.

"Every year, burn me a daughter-in-law... just a paper man..."

Chu Yi couldn't laugh or cry: "You're also a good man as a ghost."

His eyes were full of tears, under the eyes of the eclipse of the dragon, the Shenqiao in the fat man broke down and smashed down one by one. The small world had completely cracked, leaving only a glimmer of Daofu.

Suddenly, his hands fell, Daofu completely disintegrated, and there was silence.

"Amitabha!" If the empty-way man had a complex face, he did not understand why his friend chose such a path.

"Are you still the God Son of the year?" Ru Kong murmured, his eyes sad.


"A mission was finally completed."

In the air, Mo Yu showed a delighted smile. The above explained that one of the sun shadow body and the moon shadow body must die, otherwise in the future war, once the two enter the supreme realm, the summoned star wheel giant, Even their top war fairy artifacts will be shattered.

"It turns out that the spy you installed is you." In the hidden city, the bat hangs upside down in the void, looking at the incoming fairy goddess.

The eyes of Immortal Venerable are not sad, he is white, like a white lotus that is not stained. He has just killed someone, but this bat has not found murder in him.

It is definitely a huge pressure to betray one's hometown and one hundred million compatriots. However, there is nothing wrong with entering the Immortal Venerable.

He seemed to have done a normal thing.

"I'm not a spy. If I don't want to, no one can force me. I'm just going my own way." Into the Immortal Venerable looked at the distant desert.

"Why do you die in this world? I just want to be able to stand on top."

The huge bat smiled and said: "Also, the fairy world is too comfortable, and their living environment is much better than ours. They were born with flowers in the greenhouse, and on the side of our hidden world, although dangerous, the space is unstable. , There are more opportunities, and cracks often appear in various secret areas."

The bat despised the goddess in his heart, a person who could betray even his own belief, and they certainly would not reuse it.

But he admired, especially the other person's demeanor, even surprised him a little.

"Look, watch the city disappear, watch us conquer this land, Bone Soul Island, we are hidden."


Above the desert, Mo Yu issued an order, Yan Luoxianzun was not easy to kill, but the fat man was easy to kill, and there will be no sun and moon corpus in the future. At this moment, he is also a lot easier.

Bozi's face changed from time to time: "Mo Yu, are you crazy, do you want to start a full-scale war?"

"What about that?" Mo Yu's face didn't change. "This war will start sooner or later. We are in the realm, and we have prepared several times for this."

"At the same time, the creatures of this universe, why do we want to live in such an unstable hidden world, and why do you have to occupy the fairyland with excellent resources."

"Sorry, it's time to change."

Changsha rose into the sky and surrounded Mo Yu.

"You dare not go to war with us because you are not ready yet."

"In the past, Tianting was not lagging behind from Yanhuang, and it was slowly developing, but my mystery was the same era as Yanhuang."

"Tian Ting, are there the Yan and Huang powerful?"

"Even Yanhuang was destroyed, not to mention Heavenly Court?"

Below, the flames exploded, and countless creatures rushed to fight together. This desert has already bleed into a river.

Suddenly, the look of Bozi changed again. He heard the voice of the real deity and asked him to withdraw immediately.

"You are so cruel!"

"Even our fort was destroyed!"

"I didn't think of it, I really didn't think of it..." Bozi had no care for too much, and he gave birth to golden lotus on his feet and left wildly.

Mo Yu looked down and did not catch up.

"How much can you escape?"

"In this war, all creatures are just cannon fodder."

"Surrender, we surrender!"

On the side of Immortal Realm, many Immortals respected Bozi's departure and surrendered on their knees.

"The weak will surrender!" A man of wasteland was pierced, but he was still standing.


Contrary to those immortal venerable gods, those who waste the land instead take up ordinary weapons and continue to resist.

They keep dying, but keep moving forward.

"Wang, go away!"

Someone shouted, looking at Chu Yi in the distance, with tears in his eyes.

This is their last hope.

In the sky, Mo Yucai laughed: "Sorry, we don't accept surrender, we also need your blood to open the coffin and summon the secret secret of the 100 dynasties."


In the distance, hundreds of artillery fires fell from the sky and fell on the battlefield. In an instant, countless people died.

In Chu Yi's ears, the artillery fire roared. He looked far away, but he saw that the world was already bloody.

In such a war, let alone save hundreds of thousands of people, even a fat man can't save him.

He remembered the words of the old dragon, the war was controlled by fate.

Can he change?

At this moment, Chu Yi was like the elder of that year, standing in the blood rain and watching countless people die.


Suddenly, there was another horrible fluctuation in the distance, and the endless energy began to gather madly. This is the war fairy of the other party. It was turned on again.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, goodbye." Mo Yu smiled slightly at Chu Yi.

"This battle is the first battle for our hidden world to open the fairy world."

"That might disappoint you." Chu Yi sneered. He flew up and took the people around him to the dragon boat.

At this moment, the coffin on the dragon boat has been covered with blood, and the situation inside is probably not much better than the outside.

"Dragon Ball!"

Chu Yi found the Dragon Ball and immediately manipulated the Dragon Ball. The dragon boat turned into a long dragon. Under the eyes of everyone, he jumped into the ground fiercely.

"Tens of millions of creatures died, millions of people died, and fat people died. I will even take advantage of it and let you spit it out."

The cold voice came from the ground.

And at the moment they left, a huge beam of light engulfed the world, landed from the sky, and instantly submerged the desert.

The light is getting bigger and bigger, showing a fan-shaped expansion, and at the end, it has spread to the city of fairy world.

In the city, there are millions of monks. They horrified their heads and looked at this terrifying attack. Even a trace of fear did not rise, and they completely disappeared.

"Can he actually control the dragon boat?"

"Did he still have the blood of a real dragon in his body?"

Mo Yu looked at the scorched black land for thousands of miles, his eyes narrowed.

"Yan Luoxianzun, no matter how you escape, you can't escape back to the fairyland. The whole bone soul island has become our territory. We will find you sooner or later."

Behind him, the overwhelming hidden monks began to move in the direction of the fairy world.

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