My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1314: Xuan Chang

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi was surrounded by a crowd.

Among these powerful creatures, there are people in the fairy world, people in the heavenly courts, and even a small number of mysterious people.

Everyone is rushing up, there are many people anyway, it is impossible to blame one by one, so in this way, it is better to search for the body of the pinnacle of supreme supremacy to see the end.

"Brother Yan Luo, give me an ear. It's so expensive. There are six ears anyway. Can it be cheaper?"

Chu Yi laughed and said: "Dao friends, you can't talk like this. The six ways of Supreme Supreme are in his six ears. His six roulettes are his ears... Look, I'm not today The situation is forced to sell more expensively."

"Yan Luo Daoyou, I need Daofu, whatever the price is."

"Daofu, can you swallow it alone? I want it too."

"Don't be noisy, Daofu is very important, it is better to buy it with crowdfunding."

"Is there any discount for group buying?"

"There are, there are, there are naturally, everyone is too enthusiastic." The more lustful Chu Yi smiled, the more trembling with the nightmare supreme.

"This is the leg!"

"This is a finger..."

"Take it all, after tapping it, you are not responsible for leaving the counter."

But for a moment, the body of the Sixth Law Supreme was divided, and even a little hair was bought for research.

There is no way. Although there are more Supremes in this era, the Peak Supreme is still rare. Compared with the huge number of creatures, the Peak Supreme is too few.

Many talented and powerful creatures can use the advent of the Chaos Age to enter the Supreme, but they can not enter the high-level Supreme, let alone the Peak Supreme.

Everyone was sacked together again, so that the Nightmare Supreme wanted to find a venting object who could not be found.

Chu Yi calmly said: "Sorry, this time the sale ends here, the next time there is a high-level supreme corpse, we must notify you as soon as possible."

"Two, do you need it?" Chu Yi looked at Yuande Supreme and Wudi Supreme and suddenly slapped his head. "Forget, you are the Supreme Supreme."

Everyone was awe-inspiring for a while, what did this mean? Could it be that the sturdy Yan Luo Xianzun had targeted the two of them, and it was really bold.

"Yun Luoxianzun, do it yourself!"

After a while, the Nightmare Supreme took the mysterious man away, and Yuande Supreme took the heavenly man away.

The land of sin has quieted down again. For at least ten years, this land will not be turbulent.

"Great Soul Witch, what are your plans?"

Big Soul Witch slightly arched and said: "We intend to stay here. I just contacted the tribes of the other five sinful lands. Anyway, we have few people, so we might as well live on a continent or have a care."

Chu Yi nodded and said, "You can rest assured that after this incident, if they want to move you, they must move me first. Otherwise, it will be meaningless. As long as I don't die, then you will be fine."

"Moreover, you have a richer yellow blood vein than me. You have a very high talent. I believe that a group of strong people will emerge in a short period of time. By then, self-protection is no problem."

After arranging things here, Chu Yi took the pig bajie and went to the dragon corpse first.

The island is vast, but it has become a forbidden place, no one has come and gone, and in recent years, more and more invading creatures have died.

Chu Yi frowned. He saw some trees, which gradually darkened, as if he was taken away for nutrition.

"It's been too long, even Long Zu, I'm afraid I can't completely suppress this destiny... I don't know how many years I can persist."

Chu Yi was worried that the air here was cloudy, and there were fewer and fewer creatures, filled with a gloomy feeling.

He opened the eclipsed longan and looked down to the ground, but he saw layers of mysterious lines, like a maze.

Unfortunately, with his strength, he still can't see the bottom.

Chu Yi sneaked all the way and found the dragon boat, which floated on a lake, carrying a huge coffin.

Chu Yi contacted the old dragon inside with Shen Nian, and Yuan Ying entered the interior directly.

"The sky is cracking."

Chu Yi looked up, but saw a few cracks in the sky inside the coffin, like broken glass.

"Since this time, the monsters' attacks have become more and more crazy." The old dragon was tall and looked down at Chu Yi. His robe was still stained with blood.

The blood stains had long dried, but they were full of smell.

Behind the old dragon, several strong young dragons dragged a dragon boat. The dragon boat was covered with corpses. They wanted to bury their companions in the Dragon Valley.

Chu Yi followed.

"Long Zu's body can't stand it anymore. It's very dangerous here. You have to be ready to leave at any time. I will invite people to come and break the seal."

Under the dragon corpse, there is a spine of destiny. What a horror this is, except for the brain, this is the most important thing of destiny.

Chu Yi does not know how powerful Destiny is, but at least, every part of Destiny has strength comparable to Immortals. I am afraid that together, they will achieve the peak of Immortals and even surpass Immortals.

He couldn't imagine how terrifying that was.

It's just that God Demon Ancestor and Huang Di can see that they are definitely better than them.

Desolate everywhere, the old dragon looked at the broken world, and his heart was inevitably sad.

Chu Yi comforted: "Senior, you have tried your best. These monsters are difficult to eradicate. As long as there is the big monster below, they are hard to die."

"You Dragons, you have done too much. You don't have to work so hard anymore, then we will hand it over to us."

The old dragon led Chu Yi to the fat tombstone.

The tombstone is brand new and free of dust, and apparently someone cleans it frequently.

"Fat, I brought you something, a fruit. If your mind is strong enough to regenerate Yuanying, then this fruit can help you condense a body."

Chu Yi patted the tombstone, "Brother, come on, come on, I promise, this flesh will be very handsome, don't you have no daughter-in-law, with this flesh, how much is needed."

"Don't...sleep..." Zhu Bajie was slightly sad. "Get up and find a wife."

The fat man's tombstone was motionless and silent.

The old dragon just gave him a hope, but the hope was too slim.

Chu Yi left the fruit and left.


Mystery, dark council.

The dark mist lingered. This time the atmosphere was a little dignified. The Sixth Supreme Master died, and the Yellow Emperor was born, slashing a sword, let them know the pinnacle of power thoroughly.

Even the dark speaker was a little silent.

"Not all is a bad thing, at least we know the forging method of Lingzhu Qi, so that the strength of our mysterious machine will be greatly enhanced, and we no longer have to be afraid of heaven."

Finally, some creatures couldn't help but ask: "Tianlu, it's really unrepairable, can't we really become immortals?"

The Dark Speaker sneered: "Cheng Xian? Could you have forgotten those history and the **** tears in the ancient books?"

"In this age, you can't be immortal. Are you really going to lower your destiny and make my mystery fall?"

"With the fairy turmoil...maybe not necessarily." Someone said.

They are confident and invincible.


Suddenly, darkness surged wildly, forming a pair of huge eyes.

All the creatures were horrified. The demon supreme sitting in the corner raised his eyes and looked into those eyes.

"Xuan Chang..."

"Welcome Xuanchang!"

The first person in Xuanji, an existence beyond the Supreme, appeared here.


No one knows his face, but everyone knows that he is the creator of mystery.

"Don't be paranoid, don't have unrealistic ideas."

The eyes are huge, deep, and deep in the pupils, there is a chaos, even if these peaks are supreme, they feel extremely cold.

"Fate, born of nature, is to punish us. The world is guilty, not fate."

"Fate is the birth of this universe. If we kill fate, it will be against the law."

"In this world, everyone is guilty, guilty, and has a large number of people, so it is destiny."

"Don't forget our purpose, only when most of the creatures in the universe die, this universe will restart and the destiny will disappear."

"Our mystery exists for this reason."

The pupils of Moxian Supreme shrank violently.

The existence of the mystery is to destroy all creatures except the mystery, so that this universe is infinitely close to zero.

What they want to destroy is not destiny, but universe spirits.

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