Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

When Chu Yi returned to the residual soil, the mighty project had already begun.

The entire remnant soil must be reformed, and the people on the remaining five sinful soils are also coming.

At the time of the disaster, the population of the original six major sins was nearly tens of billions, but this time I am afraid that only one or two billions will remain.

This is not much for a huge force, not to mention the blood of the Yan and Huang clan.

Chu Yi returned to the city, ready to take everyone back to earth, and asked about things by the way.

The courtyard was deep. Several people got up and left. Suddenly, the void folded up layer by layer, wrapping the place like a purple gift box.

"A master is here..." Swordworm sucked his mouth and was about to shoot, but saw Chu Yi stopping it.

Xia You's pupils moved slightly, looking at the space in front, clusters of purple petals opened, and at the end, a purple striped vine stretched out.

Someone is standing on it and it's amazing.

"This is ancient wisteria, a chaotic plant creature, and an extremely powerful weapon. In the universe, there was only one rumor that it was in the hands of this woman... this sign, the elder of the dark council!"

The dark flame demon and the white fox exclaimed at the same time, and the whole body was horrified.

Just sent one away, is it another one?

However, they soon discovered something was wrong, the woman just watched calmly, without any murderousness.

Her dress fluttered, her hair was like the most beautiful flowing water, and the beauty was a little unreal.

The exquisite face, a pair of beautiful eyes is deep, just accompanied by many complicated feelings.

Her eyes fell on Xia You, and she couldn't help but envy.

Chu Yi's pupils shrank. Today's little magic fairy has completely different temperament from that time. He has become arrogant and indifferent. There is a hint of rejection in the body.

This is not an ontology, but a doppelganger, but it also allows Chu Yi to see her changes clearly.

He did not understand what happened to the Little Demon Fairy in these years, why it would break through to become the pinnacle supreme in a short time, and why it would be related to the mystery.

"Little Goblin, you..." Chu Yi said, somewhat at a loss. The little demon fairy at that time, but he was stubborn to fight against him.

"I'm just here to tell you, don't oppose Xuanji. With your strength, still take your family back to your hometown and spend the rest of your life." She said coldly, as if talking to a stranger, making Chu Yi very Not used to it.

For a time, the atmosphere was somewhat solidified.

"Lying trough! There is a situation!" At this moment, the sword worm jumped up. When it saw the beauty, it was excited, and the whole body rose purple.

"Boy, you don't look handsome, but you have a woman's fate. Look at this beauty, although it's cold to you, but this hides your inner emotions. Listen to Master Jian, don't counsel, rush up, just do it. "

"Beauty, he doesn't want you, or you can follow me. Look at our two colors, it's such a match."

"Shameless..." Pig Bajie pulled the sword bug back.

"Mr. Chu, I'm optimistic about you, conquering the elders of the Dark Council, and mad at the gang."

"Man, it's normal to have a few daughters-in-law, and it's not your hometown, but here is the fairyland." The dark flame demon smiled wryly.

"Look, Xia doesn't mind."

The atmosphere became weird, and the rigidity just now was broken by these little guys.

"What are you doing in Xuanji? What the **** happened to you these years?"

Chu Yi was concerned and asked, this was the first time he actively asked Xiaomoxian, because in the past, the other party said to him that the matter was small, even if the ancient wisteria opened a few flowers today, he would tell him.

Such a little magic fairy made him feel very strange.

He remembered the scene he saw that year, the little magic fairy was sad and sad, similar to the look now.

He didn't want such scenes to appear, so Chu Yi believed what Xiao Moxian did.

"You should hate me because I cheated your clan." Little Moxian said, she seemed to lock her emotions and looked at Chu Yi indifferently.

"I don't believe it." Chu Yi shook his head.

Little Moxian was stunned. She had only wanted to warn the other party, and after looking at it again, she disappeared immediately.

She thought that Chu Yi would hate her and would deal with her, and then she could give up and turn away.

Then the expected thing did not happen.


At this moment, the whole purple void began to vibrate, and cracks filled.

At this moment, Little Moxian's face changed greatly.

Chu Yi and others have a feeling of being stared at by the beast.

The void split, purple fragments flew, and a figure stepped on the starlight. With his appearance, it seemed that all the light on this heaven and earth condensed on him.

It was a man with a high spirit, very handsome, and a golden robe covered with clouds and stars.

It seems not a piece of clothing, but a universe.

At a glance, Chu Yi had a very weird feeling. The man was very contradictory, but compatible with everything.

But one thing is certain, the person in front of him is absolutely terrifying, no less than those of the pinnacle supreme.

"This is..." The sword bug took off his sunglasses and went to see a man for the first time. He rarely stopped talking.

"Have you seen it?" The white fox looked at the dark flame demon, who shook his head, but was on alert, mobilizing the energy of the whole body.

"Xian'er, why didn't you come here, don't tell me about it, this kind of filthy land will tarnish your identity."

The man spoke and let Chu Yi goose bumps fall to the ground.


Bah, I'm still a fairy.

Xiao Moxian frowned: "Mingzhe Supreme, you and I don't seem to be so familiar, please call me my track number."

Mingzhe walks, with ambilight behind him and the stars flashing: "How unfamiliar, I am your fiancé, but you are my person, I am not going to meet other men without me, this is wrong, even if you are a doppelganger, it will not work. ."

"I originally wanted the deity to come, but this filthy land, I really don't want to come, and I can only let the avatar come."

His voice was very peaceful, but there was a hint of superiority everywhere.

Even if it is just a doppelganger, between breathing, it seems to make this piece of void shake.

"Fiance..." Chu Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at the Mingzhe Supreme.

The latter looked at it squinting, and in an instant, like a star field pressed.

Chu Yi buzzed in his mind, and then his sword flew across, striking through the stars, and finally recovered his clarity.

"Mingzhe Supreme, what are you doing!" Xiao Moxian scolded.

"I didn't do it, I just wanted to take a look. Your vision in those years found that this was the case. You also looked away. But fortunately, you are the right person."

Mingzhe supremely enshrines the gods like jade, slightly mocking.

"Yun Luoxianzun?"

"Yi Jiexian Zun, even if you have a strong background, it is only Xian Zun. You only have ten years to live. It is best to advise you not to cause trouble. It angers some of the existence that you can't afford, even the Yellow Emperor can't save it. you."

Chu Yi looked at Mingzhe Supreme and walked towards the Little Demon Immortal, frowning: "Sorry, you are still far away from her, she is allergic to bitches."


Mingzhe Supreme's footsteps suddenly turned, he suddenly turned his head, in an instant, the stars around him fluttered, this space is like an inflatable balloon, about to burst.

"Mingzhe Supreme, if you make trouble again, my avatar will not go back with you." Xiao Moxian shouted.

The latter's face changed, and he returned to tenderness again.

"Okay, don't worry about the people in the filthy land, Xian'er, let's go, this kind of people, I'm afraid I won't see you in my life."

He walked into the void.

Little Moxian did not look back, but also walked in.

Chu Yi couldn't help shouting, "I still think that the previous goblin is more suitable for you."

The little demon fairy had a slight meal, the dress fluttered, and then left directly.

The courtyard was restored to calm, and everyone looked a little trance.

Suddenly, a stone fell out of the void, but the stone was not the size of a thumb, and it began to disintegrate, and the terrifying energy was about to explode.

"I knew this kid had a trick, close it!"

The sword worm opened its mouth and engulfed the stone in one gulp, and then its stomach continued to swell, exploding inside.

After a while, the swordworm spit black smoke and burp.

"This man looks generous, but in fact he has a small belly, and he is playing with Yin in the back." The sword worm was very angry.

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