My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1316: Fairy pieced together

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!


The dark flame demon shook his body, goose bumps.

"This person is very wrong. I haven't heard anything about Xuanji Supreme, but he feels very bad for me."

Baihu added: "It's weird. In my opinion, it's uncoordinated. Yes, it's the walking posture. It looks okay. However, after studying the painting for many years, I still see a strange and unspeakable contradiction. "

Xia You also nodded, not to mention the relationship between the Little Demon Immortal and the Mingzhe Supreme. The Mingzhe Supreme alone is too weird.

"I also feel this way. The man looked very contradictory. Although it was just a doppelganger, it actually made me creepy."

Unless it is an immortal, otherwise a pinnacle of the supreme supremacy, it is impossible for these powerful people present to be afraid of one by one.

"You don't understand this." The sword worm carried two tentacles with a look of unpredictability.

Chu Yi couldn't stand the chatter of this guy and stepped on his feet.

"If you have something to say, why do you need to move your feet?" The sword worm blows its body back to its original state.

"Actually, it's normal for you to feel horrified, because that guy has a breath of fairy."


"Did he recover the heavenly path and become an immortal?" Everyone was stunned.

"Tianlu is covered by a curse. I have seen this curse. It has a deep technique and it is difficult to solve. With the power of immortals, it cannot be solved."

"That guy is naturally impossible, but I still smelled the breath of immortality on his body."

"I'm guessing that this is similar to Tianzi."

Chu Yi was vague and seemed to understand the words of the sword worm.

The sword worm continued: "The day was made by the court of heaven, and the genes in him were all taken from various powerful people or some talented creatures."

"Tianting wants to create an invincible existence, to impact the realm of immortals."

"Similarly, Xuanji seems to have already started preparations, and it is longer and more direct than the preparation of Heavenly Court."

"Tianting, starts at the cellular level, but it's a mystery. It should start directly from the body of the immortal level."

"You mean, he has fairy cells?" Chu Yi asked.

"I said more directly, that is, he directly transplanted the fairy body."

The sword worm said, "You feel that he walks a little weird because his right leg is not his leg at all, but from an immortal."

Everyone had a meal, and then felt deeply horrified.

It was so terrible that someone would dare to transplant the fairy's legs into his body. There will be a terrible rejection, but the mystery still did.

"Not only his right leg, but also his left eye is somewhat unusual. Although it is only a doppelganger, he can also spy out one or two, which should also be a fairy eye."

"What is Xuanji doing?!" The dark flame demon was shocked, "Is this going to make a fairy!"

The sky road is broken and it is difficult to become an immortal. Simply relying on the body of various immortals to create a pseudo immortal.

"The good or bad of God is a life that is slowly bred from the cellular level. I did not expect mystery and directness."

In this world, there is no shortage of lunatics. Even such a problem can be overcome, and Chu Yi has to admire him.

You know, these rejections are extremely strong, especially the parts of the body of the immortal. I am afraid that most people have long been assimilated, become slaves of the body, or have been exhausted of energy.

From this we can see that even if there is no part of the immortal, this philosophical supreme is also terrifying enough, and it is a monster like itself.

"Even I suspect that, apart from Yuanying, there is nothing like him in his body."

"The other parts, even if they are not immortals, are also the body parts of some supreme creatures." The swordworm said again.

The dark flame demon shivered, he didn't know at all that there was such a number one character in Xuanji.

"Wouldn't it be said that this is a patchwork monster, mother, Chu, you can't let that beautiful woman marry the monster, and the thought of that monster is not even his own brother, I feel really sad... There is a feeling of being green by myself."

Chu Yi rolled his eyes. His palms opened, and a blank sheet of paper unfolded inside. This was given by the little magic fairy in the dark.

On the white paper, there are two words deeply engraved-censure.

"Did she let me go to the land of condemnation?"

"There are secrets?"

In the land of condemnation, there is a family of condemnations. How powerful was this condemnation. There were three immortals sitting in the town, which was a huge force after the age of gods and demons.

One is the great mercy and great compassion relic Buddha Chu Yi has seen.

There are two others, estimated to be buried in today's hell.

He thought about it for a while, he really had to go there, to explore, after all, it is also related to destiny, he must fully understand.

"Chu Jun, don't worry, Xiaomoxian's sister has nothing to do. With her strength, no one has let her go, and she can handle it completely." Xia You comforted.

"Hey...I know, but I'm still not at ease."

"A monster pieced together, even if all his body was replaced by immortals, but as long as Yuan Ying is not immortal, he is also a pseudo immortal and will be killed in the future." Swordworm grinned.

"Bring the beauties home quickly. The principle of Jianye is that beauties cannot be wronged, especially benevolent beauties."

"It's easy to say, it's a fairy, even a hypocrite is enough to kill the Supreme." Dark Flame Demon retorted.

"Your six-eyed kid, you have no ambitions, what a hypocrite, if you think of me at Universiade, you can kill him if you come alone."

"Then why don't you kill?" Baihu asked back.

"I am not a person, I am a worm." Sword worm has no face and no skin.

"Don't listen to him blowing wildly, Universiade is so powerful? I don't believe it is more powerful than the God Demon Dojo, otherwise, how could it disappear." Dark Flame Demon dismissed it.


Chu Yi prevented several people from arguing and said, "I originally planned to go directly back to earth, but now I want to come, or go to a place first."


"Go to see the elder." Chu Yi said.

The dark flame demon was silent, and immediately sighed: "That old immortal, didn't he leave the earth long ago, how to find him."

"What is old and undead, is the elder elder." Chu Yi glanced at him and said, "Although the elder elder took the clan to leave, not familiar with the world, but left me a scented candle, as long as it is lit, you can lead We have passed, but there is only one chance, but I will use it now, maybe I can ask the elders to go out.

Chu Yi secretly said that if there is a fairy sitting behind him, then he will not be afraid of heaven and mystery.

He took out a candle, lit the wick, a burst of smoke cleared, and turned the void.

Endless runes form a vortex that leads to the interior of the void.

"The living fairy is nothing remarkable. I'm not afraid at all. It's just a fairy. I've seen a lot of them before." The sword worm spoke casually on Chu Yi's back.

Everyone cast a despise look.


A muffled noise, a complete void channel, was formed.

"Come on, keep up, don't get too far from me."

In fact, except Xia You, the rest of the creatures are all on Chu Yi's body, like a pendant, which makes people cry and laugh.


Landing at Microsoft is a beach, and behind it is some red oceans, reflecting the glory of the sun star.

In front, the mountains are undulating. There are buildings in the mountains, and rivers after rivers slide down from the mountains. It is spectacular.

"Nice place, it seems that the elders have found a suitable planet."

"However, the cemetery that suppressed the ancestors should not be able to move."

"Clear Elder..." Chu Yi shouted to someone in front.

"Humph!" Qingyou Elder snorted coldly.

Chu Yi did not take it seriously.

"Brother Yushu." Chu Yi smiled, slightly surprised, "Brother Yushu has entered the Supreme?"

Huang Yushu said peacefully: "Chaos has come completely, which is of great benefit to our family. Natural cultivation is fast, but it is Brother Yan Luo. Your cultivation is the speed of progress, and then go up, I am afraid that I will go to the peak of Immortal Venerable, and then soon Shocked the Supreme."

"Yushu, you don't have to be kind to this kid. There is no good thing for him. He just made a big fuss over the sin land. As a result, he came to our land again, and his heart was stunned." Qingyou elder said indifferently.

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