My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1322: Come back home

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The earth cannot be concealed forever. As long as Chu Yi is there, his enemies will surely investigate and sooner or later they will be discovered.

But what Chu Yi did not expect was that it would be so fast.

"I'm afraid it was someone from Heaven's Court who took action, otherwise, it would be dragged on for a few more years."

Although the Yan and Huang tribes have left, the earth today is already very powerful. Unless Wanshen Township drags all the forces over, otherwise a little carelessness may destroy the whole army.

The dozens of chaotic creatures are not so irritating, not to mention, there are also a few Supreme Supremes sitting in town.

However, there is a problem that the earth is used to deal with heaven. At least before the star cannon is made, the creatures on the earth must not be exposed.

"It seems that I really want to go back immediately and get ready."

"Since the guys dare to come, then don't want to go back easily, I really want to see the shocked faces of the guys...hehe..."

Chu Yi learned that even the Qing Emperor and the Yun ancestor were on the earth, and many of his apprentices and even his children were on the earth.

Looking at Chu Yi meant to leave, the quiet elder finally relieved.

"I will arrange people here and send you away."

Chu Yi said with a smile: "Elder Qingyou, why don't you leave with me."

"You stinky boy, don't confuse me. The old man only listens to the elders." The elder Qingyou was startled, fearing that the boy would wear small shoes before leaving.

Chu Yi shook his head and could only helplessly look at the Great Elder. Everyone here respected the Great Elder.

"Elder Elder, you really don't want to take a look. We are making a cannon. If we are lucky, we can kill the pinnacle supreme, as well as the descendants of the sinful land. Will the elders really not visit them?"

"No need to talk." The elder elder was still firm, and the setting sun was sinking, and a warm red awn was sprinkled on him.

He stood there, like an immortal statue, only the years can wear away his corners.

Sword insect pig bajie them, parting one by one with the playmates here, burst into tears.

Chu Yi walked out of a distance and looked back again. The elders in the sunset seemed to melt in the sun.

"Great elder, goodbye." Chu Yi whispered, his expression was very complicated.

The elder, with no expression on his face, turned back to the house.

On this planet, calmness was restored again, but many younger juniors felt that it was not a taste.


The battleship flies and heads in the direction of the earth.

"Chu Jun, how do I feel that you are in a bad mood." Xia You made a cup of tea for Chu Yi, and she was too good at observing.

"Because goodbye." Swordworm jumped out from below and interjected.

Chu Yi pressed the light bulb back and said, "Although the elder elder has become a fairy, he may not have much life."

Xia Youmei was shocked. In her impression, immortals are immortal.

"From his slowly shifting his salary to Yan Tong Dao, he can know that he is planning for the future."

"The elder elder has lived for too long, and the immortal is not an eternal one. Moreover, the elder elder has been seriously injured. His injury has not been fully recovered. This has been tormenting him for a long time."

"If I don't go back in the future, then when I meet with the elder this time, it is really goodbye."

Chu Yi sighed. The elders have their own beliefs and ideas. With the endless years, they are firm every day and cannot be changed by others.

He no longer persuaded the elder elders to go out, just like the elder elders let him ignore the world affairs, and he could not do it.

Both sides may wish to persuade each other, so they can only go their own way.

"That old man is actually quite cute," said the dark flame demon. "He also opened the seventh eye for me."

"Really? Where?" The sword worm jumped up and down around the dark flame demon, "I didn't find it, is it a butthole."


The sword worm was shot again and stuck to the wall.

White Fox immediately drew this picture.

"Quiet... It's good..." Zhu Bajie nodded, because it stole several treasures from the other party, and they were not blamed.

"That supreme thrush also taught me how to draw..." Baihu raised her three tails.

"All are good people, but it's a pity that they are different." The dark flame demon sighed.

"If this group of people comes forward, we will be able to sweep the fairy realm together with the earth and the gods and deities, even if it is heaven, there is no need to fear."

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows. He remembered the words of the elders. The Heavenly Court was tough, but not terrible. What was terrible was fate.

He heard the conversation between Huang Di and Ting Tian, ​​and knew that the brain of Destiny was really in Tian Ting.

In any case, they have to deal with the heavenly court before they can elicit destiny.

Chu Yi had no idea.

"This time, Wanshen Township is headed and united with many powerful people. I am afraid that they will completely occupy the earth, but they are miscalculated. After that, after the chaos broke down on the earth, there are many great powers there, which is really sad for them."

The dark flame demon laughed, wishing that the so-called Heavenly Alliance would come.

"No, at least it can't be completely exposed." Chu Yi shook his head. "Otherwise, it will be targeted by Heaven Court earlier."


"This is the place of origin?" Swordworm jumped up, looking at a blue planet, very confused.

"How do I feel that, unlike what I had imagined, did not resonate with your kendo?"

Chu Yi shook his head, but he didn't care about it, it was estimated that there was a deviation in the swordworm's memory.

Everyone knows that only the place of origin can be born.

There is no doubt about this.

"I'm a little nervous..." Xia You said, her cheeks were red, not like a strong man, but like a shy girl about to see her in-laws.

"Relax, I contacted my parents, they can't wait for you." Chu Yi smiled.

The earth has changed dramatically, and many people's concepts have changed, such as some women and many husbands.

What's more, the most important thing in Chu Yi's side is that Ye Yanyu doesn't mind. Otherwise, if you give him a hundred guts, he will not dare to lead people home.

"What a small planet." White Fox said.

"This is Earth, in fact, there are four realms, but they are all hidden in the void. If they are all unfolded, they are almost the size of a star field."

They didn't want to be fanfare, so they didn't let the earth appear in front of everyone.

The earth is very peaceful. With the emergence of chaotic creatures, the pattern of the entire earth has changed greatly.

Most cities and populations have begun to move into the four major realms.

Huaxia entered the Yanhuang Realm.

Those places are rich in resources, vast in land and sparse in population.

But in the original land, there are still many cities, and those chaotic supremacy also restrain the souls and do not disturb human life.

Qinhua City, the entrance of the Chu family, Ye Yanyu, Tang Wanru and Chu Yi's father, and everyone are waiting.

Until the battleship appeared in front of them, these people put on a smile.

"Come back..."

Pig Bajie jumped around and the first one flew out. Although he was not a native of the earth, he was born here and had long regarded this land as his own home.

Chu Yi looked at the person in front of him and was a little excited in his eyes.

No matter how he is in the outside world, there are his wife, children, parents, relatives and friends here. When he comes back, he will meet here.

"Sister Xia..." Ye Yanyu came, holding Xia You's hand.

"Sister Ye, I..." Xia You was a little uncomfortable.

"No need to say anything, I would like to thank you here. It was really hard for you to block the next move for Brother Yi."

"Finally, I saw a real person. It's really beautiful. You don't have to be polite if you treat this as your own home."

Tang Wanru looks like ruddy, looking up and down Xia You: "It's so good, how come it looks so good, come, come into the house with your mom, it's cold outside."

With that, Xia You was brought in.

"This is Yi'er's father, this is grandpa..."

"Go around, go in, don't be outside."

A group of people surrounded Xia You and left with a crowd, leaving Chu Yi messy in the wind.

"Mom, Yan Yu, I'm still here..." Chu Yi beckoned.

Tang Wanru looked back: "What's your name, this is not your first time, do we still have to say hello, why should we go, yes, it's almost New Year, I have some new year's goods, you give Qinling, Where are our seniors going to give gifts?"

"Dad, you have a good status at home." Chu Feng smiled and gave a thumbs up.

As for Chu Ling, Xia You looked at Xia You for a long time and followed in curiously, ignoring his father’s return.

"It's so sad, let me go to Houshan." Chu Yi wanted to cry without tears.

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