My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1323: Friends come from far away

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"Old stone monkey, got up..." The dark flame demon fart ran over and knocked on the stone, and the stone gradually changed shape, and a stone monkey appeared.

"Your kid is back. Don't disturb me. I'm tired recently." After that, he returned to the state of stone and fell asleep.

"Senior Tianying, what's wrong with him?" Chu Yi looked at Tianying Supreme, Oblivion Supreme and others, who were basking in the sun and playing mahjong.

Seeing Chu Yi coming back, he didn't even bother to lift his head.

"Aren't you making a star cannon recently? We took two stars and let this old guy help. He just finished his work and it is estimated to be quite expensive."

"How is the Star Cannon?" Chu Yi curiously said.

Qing Xiao Supreme stopped the matter in his hand and turned his head to look at Chu Yi: "Although it is more difficult than we thought, but there are many Supreme helpers, especially the Qing Emperor, who has made outstanding achievements in this regard. There is also Yun Yun Supreme from the land of sin."

"It was cut off in the past." Tianying Supreme added.

Chu Yi was silent.

"There are also some of your apprentices who are also very powerful. I really don't know where you found it. Of course, a few will not work. Every day tossing..." Tianying Supreme seems to gritt his teeth.

"Where are they?" Chu Yi asked.

"In Yanhuang Realm, the two stars are too large, and they are simply placed in the void of Yanhuang Realm forging. We have designed the drawings, and there is nothing wrong, so we came out first, where the seal was reinforced, and the in and out trouble."

"Especially you said that the people of Wanshen Township have found it here, and we have made it more concealed. With the four great realms, all have disappeared without revealing a breath."

Tianying Supreme smiled dumbly, "I also let some old guys in the penalty area lie dormant, the guys, when we are bullies, wait for the star cannons to be built, one by one."

In Chu Yi’s mind, everyone had news, but the newly recruited students were not on the earth. Their strength was still weak, and they were still in the universe. Even the heroes were kicked by Chu Yi into the sky. Fierce world experience.

"I haven't read the drawings, but I am relieved when you are there, and it should be fine."

"Unfortunately, the Moon Shadow Body is dead, and we can only wait for the Shadow Moon Body to be born next month."

Tianying Supreme said, "This family is somewhat mysterious and is located above the lunar star. The lunar star is more difficult to enter than the sun star. We have been trying to contact them, but unfortunately they live inside and have never appeared."

"There will be opportunities." Chu Yi nodded.

"But this time, we may not be able to show up all at least, at least I can't show up, and even the Qing Emperor can't show up, otherwise Dingtian Palace will be directly involved."

"You three old guys, you can't show up, after all, some people recognize your practice, it will involve the Yanhuangs and those things."

"The chaotic creatures in the restricted area can appear, anyway, it has been a long time."

"Of course, if it can't resist or there is an accident, it can only appear, but the Star Cannon has not been built and can never be found."


Suddenly, several people looked up at the same time.


"So quickly, the Emperor Huang's sword mans just disappeared, and they appeared, it seems that they can't wait."

Several people smiled evilly.



Yanhuang Realm, in a void, huge two stars slowly flow.

Both stars are dead stars, it is difficult to give birth to life, and halos are constantly intertwined.

The dense caves are covered with the surface of the stars, and there are constant creatures entering and exiting, transforming the interior of the stars.

At this time, Qingdi and others seemed to feel something, looking up slightly.

"The Alliance of Heavenly Court is coming. Presumably Chu kid has returned to the earth."

"The teacher is back?" Xia Houcheng had a meal, and then he was immediately surprised, "Quickly, go out and watch a good show."

"No, I can't help it, I'm going to tease the gang of supremes."

Xia Houcheng patted the dusty hair and plucked his head from a cave.

These caves lead directly to the bottom of the stars.

"Quick out to Ben Shao, don't stop halfway and remove your **** from Ben Shao's face." Ye Tian muttered below.

Xia Houcheng quickly climbed out.

Immediately afterwards, several of Chu Yi's students were drilled out, one by one gray-faced, even the same as flowers.

Some dust inside the stars is not easy to clean, and some will penetrate into the body and cause a negative impact on the body, so it is generally necessary to enter at least the infancy.

One of the middle-aged men came out with a dirty skin and exposed a girl-like face.

Xia Houcheng despised: "Lao Liu, I despise you, you are a man, even wearing a beautiful skin."

Many brothers and sisters are also rolling their eyes. They haven't seen the real body of the dust spirit for a long time. The ghost knows how many skins are put on his body.

According to Ye Tian, ​​even the artifact can't pierce the dusty skin.

"That's a lot of nonsense." Chen Ling smiled, waved a skin sac and threw it over, covering Xia Houcheng's body, and Xia Houcheng became a character beauty.

Xia Houcheng was shy and took off a piece of clothing on his skin: "You, am I beautiful?"

"Shemale, go to die!" Ruhua gave the two people a slap, and finally they didn't become demon, and changed back to their normal appearance.

"Go, go out and see, such a good show, it's a pity not to go."

"Let's watch it here, Master said, if you come and go now and then, it will cause space fluctuations and be perceived by those Supremes." Wang Ying walked over.

"Unfortunately, they can't be allowed to keep me in style. If you let me go out, you can succumb to the soldiers without fighting." Xia Houcheng sighed.

No one should look away, don't want to ignore this idiot.


Over the earth, a huge fleet fell on the sun.

The extremely huge sun shivered a little.

"It really is a low-level plane. It's really weak. These stars will be shattered if they are not careful."

"This one should be the star here. It's so weak. It feels like it can be destroyed by raising your hand." Tian Haishen looked around, not to mention that compared with the sun star, even some small comets in the fairy world are stronger than it. .

The sun was hot, but a group of people fell on it without any discomfort.

The battleships were star-studded, and only a few people came out of it, looking at the earth.

Among them, headed by the Son of True God.

After all, they are the Alliance of Heavenly Court, which seems to have been summoned by the Pantheon, but it is actually headed by Heavenly Court.

True Divine Son and Bodhisattva have entered the ranks of supreme, powerful, although not comparable to Heavenly Son, but also belong to the top.

This time, those pinnacles will not come forward easily, it is up to them to decide.

"A place of origin..." Real God Son sighed, "It may seem weak, but it actually isolates our divine inquiry and does not know what is going on inside."

"If so many of us are strong, if we enter at the same time, we might be rejected at once."

"What does Real God Son mean?" Tianhai God asked.

"Let Yan Luo Xianzun come directly to pick up the car. Presumably we are so moved. If he is in the place of origin, he must have found it."

"The whole place of origin is terrible and weak. I checked the information before I came. Some Zongmen accidentally set up the Xianmen here to collect the disciples. On this star, all the living people are low-level creatures, mainly humans. "" The Real Son said.

"Amitabha." The old abbot laughed. "The place of origin needs purity and concealment. Naturally, many powerful people will not be born."

"This means that only Yan Luoxian respects a strong man here."

"And, he can't escape now."

Zhen Shenzi remembered what happened on Bone Soul Island at the beginning. Juggernaut was cut. It was a strong man of the same age as him, which made him very uncomfortable.

He took a step and spoke slowly, his voice very soft, but it spread to the earth in a strange wave.

"Yun Luoxianzun, old friends are visiting, why not come out and see."

There was no response on earth, but everyone was not in a hurry, smiling one by one. I am afraid that Yan Luo Xianzun didn't know that they had come until just now, and now they are in a panic.

"Haha, there is an old saying in my hometown, some friends come from afar, and they are all cut."

"Are you here to give me a head?"

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