My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1329: The Power of Kendo

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The first person in Kendo will eventually become the supreme!

"It's terrible. In history, all those who pioneered achievements together, once they became supreme, their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. If they achieve the supreme supremacy, they will be invincible. His inner world, Yuan Ying, is estimated to be stronger than us." White Fox envy Endless.

"The demons are broken, the future is expected." The swordworm nodded like an elder.

On the earth, the strong men looked up and felt horrified. It was not long before a new Tao was born.

There is one more heaven and earth, and many Kendo monks, perceiving that the road ahead has been opened, more bright and wide.

"Kendo Supreme!"

"How can I make him a supreme!" Into the Taoist people, Bozi, Lingjue supreme and others, one by one indignant.

Chu Yi has been able to defeat them before he has achieved the supremacy, and now, there is no room for them to fight back in front of Chu Yi.

Heavenly court, the firewood in front of it, was crackling and burning, and a little spark sparked.

The emperor helped out.

Suddenly, Mars splashed like sword awns, and those sword awns fell on the robe of the court, and then slowly flowed back to the firewood like liquid.

"Yen Luoxian Zun, has achieved supreme... now should be called Yan Luo Supreme."

The emperor said, "Why didn't the suzerain let me kill him before?"

"You don't have to come forward, you still need to save your strength. In response to the mysterious future, there may be even bigger things. Our Heavenly Court does not need to expose all strength so quickly."

Tingtian looked at the big cauldron in front of him. There was a fat white fish in the pan, which was steaming, full of umami, not fishy, ​​and had a unique fragrance.

"Not to mention, the Yellow Emperor came forward and cut off the sword. No matter who, he would have to give the Yellow Emperor a face. For ten years, I can afford it."

Tianzi still felt wrong and asked, "But there is a place of origin."

This alone is enough to make the Heaven Court move. After all, how important is the place of origin.

Tingtian used wooden sticks to stir the white fish in the pot, stirring slowly.

"The place of origin is the birthplace of the Yanhuang family. The rise of the Yanhuang family is indeed due to the place of origin."

The emperor is even more puzzled.

"Do you think that the Yanhuang family is really lonely?" Tingtian laughed. "Your eyes saw that some people of that family fled the battlefield, but they didn't know that there was a big elder of the Yanhuang family. The old and immortal monster has been alive, but it is the spiritual pillar of the Yanhuang people, and it has long been a fairy."

The emperor was startled and almost overturned the fish soup Ting Tian gave him.

"The old guy is still there. If there are any good things in the place of origin, it will be long gone. I don’t look at what the old guy doesn’t want. Instead, why should I expose the power of my heavenly court? Let them Fight for yourself." Ting Tian said slowly, not fast.

"Why should I insist on killing Yan Luo... the supreme." Tian Zi asked again.

"If you don't kill him, we will lose our way in the future."

"But if I commit suicide by himself, then the old guy will also come forward, and it will be even more chaotic at that time." Ting Tian finished speaking, no longer speaking.


"What about the supreme achievement, the supreme in this era is not as rare as it was in the past," Tian Haishen was furious.

That speargun engulfed the sky god, and in a flash, the speargun turned into a fish monster.

The face of Tianhaishen emerged.

He dragged his huge body, whipped his tail, and the space was broken all the way.

"Even if it is supreme, I will beheaded."


On him, the silver-white light skyrocketed, and the waves were rolling, as if he could not see the marginal ocean, and he would engulf everything.

The huge waves strangle each other, triggering a storm, and the space becomes extremely sticky.

Suddenly, Chu Yi's body was light, and he used the animal path of samsara, his body changed, very slender, similar to electric eel.

"The son is an adult fish!" the white fox exclaimed.

But I saw that black thunder eel, swimming in the waves, very brisk, a huge thunder pulled the water, and then flicked.

Suddenly, the sky and earth thunder, and sword thunder.

The horrible sword and thunder turned into a dull light, breaking through the other party's aura all the way, and finally chopped the tail of the sky god.

Tian Haishen's spear is on his tail, while Chu Yi becomes a thunder eel, and his long sword is also on his tail.

The collision between the two is the collision of the Tao and the Tao.

Only this time, Sky Poseidon no longer has the advantage, his tail is cut off, and the energy is like blood, which can't stop spraying out.

He was terrified, a kind of sword thunder, invaded his body, so that his body radiated sword light and Rayman.

He was coughing up blood, and those swords were so exciting that they penetrated a small world.

"It's really poisonous to start, is this going to kill?"

The Jade Buddha said coldly, and the Flying Eagle flew down.

Chu Yi snorted: "It's a joke, this is not a spicy, this is a degree."

Lei eel changed again, Chu Yi walked into a cow essence.

A double corner poked, aerodynamic.

After he achieved the highest grade, he was more aware of the animal path of samsara, as if he had become such a creature himself, the so-called sword became a part of the body.

The flying eagle screamed, its feathers were scattered, and it was directly penetrated, strung on the horns.

The face of the Jade Buddha changed greatly.

But Chu Yi didn't give him reaction time. He walked through the world, and every step of the cow's hoof was shaking.

This is not simply brute force, but one of strength.

Just like the thunder eel just now, it was born to be a master of water.

"Small bitch, it's the surname of Chu that Niu Niu is not the same kind, but it is a bull. No wonder he looks at me every day, it seems that he will be farther away from him in the future." Niu exclaimed.

But at this time, the Jade Buddha was attentive. In front of him, jade Buddha statues were born out of thin air, sitting orderly, seeming to form a powerful defensive formation.

But this method was broken quickly, the Jade Buddha was pushed out by the horns, the beads on his body flew around, hit the planets, and exploded instantly.

"What method is this?" On Earth, many supremes were shocked. "It's not a simple change. It seems that there is some kind of mystery. Every time Chu changes, he will merge his own sword way with that kind of soul."

"This guy has great opportunities, and he doesn't know where to get it." Sky Shadow Supreme and others are envious.


Chu Yi turned into a bovine essence, extremely brutal, and his size was not large, but it was too cruel, rampage, no matter what method the Tianhai God and Jade Buddha used, they were all violently broken by a pair of horns.

Tianhai God shook God. At the next moment, Chu Yi appeared in front of him, and the ox hoof was raised high, and with a sudden, he stepped on Tianhai God's chest.

Tian Hai Shen screamed, the entire chest was sunken, the sternum was completely broken, and the blood flow continued.

This is not a simple physical injury. It even shocked the small world inside the body. The bridge shook and broke several pieces, which was seriously injured.


Elder Yuan shouted, he couldn't just watch his junior die.

But it was too late.

Chu Yi's hooves continued to fall, like the stars smashing down, directly kicking the upper body of Tianhaishen.

Then he had a horn of the ox, and the sword awn from bottom to top, showing an arc shape, and crossed the body of the **** of the sea.

At the next moment, Yuanying's body exploded directly.

"Animal, look for death!" Elder Yuan was furious and patted Chu Yi's head towards Chu Yi's head.

Chu Yi grunted and was shot and flew, but he was never injured. It can be seen that this physical body is tough, and the simple strength is more terrible than the Sunshade Eucharist.

Elder Yuan’s palm was slightly bent, and it was a bit sore behind him. You know, he is already a high-level supreme.

Chu Yi regained his human form, and his breath floated slightly. He held the sword light and pierced into the void.

The elder Yuan's complexion changed suddenly.

In the void, a scream was issued, and the last soul of the sky **** hidden by the secret method was also penetrated.

be quiet!

There was no sound around.

Everyone looked at Chu Yi in horror. This man had just entered the Supreme, and even under the siege, he also killed a Liu Yao Supreme.

The broken body of the sky **** floats in the void, and the blood of the Supreme flows continuously, full of spirituality.


With a long sword, Chu Yi's voice was cold, invincible and cold.

Everyone was dull, with a hint of fear.

"You must die!" Elder Yuan's scroll fell off.

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