My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1330: True **** devil buddha

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That scroll fell, and it was full of thunder, and a lot of thunder came out like a condemnation.

Chu Yi did not move, because the Green Vatican Supreme shot, a leaf blocked Chu Yi, and those thunders were quickly absorbed.

"You guys, let's do it. We have spent too much time here."

Elder Yuan shouted, and those high-level supremes all moved.

As soon as they moved, the whole world was quiet, the atmosphere was cohesive and terrible.

"You only have one Supreme Supreme, Supreme Supreme Yan, I see how you can stop it."

The twenty high-level supremes stood in front, behind them were the general supremacy, and then on the back, there were many warships. On top of the warships, one respected artillery fire unfolded.

This is an absolute sweeping force, moving in the direction of the earth.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, you are surrounded." Chu Yi smiled, his expression calm.

"Yan Luo Supreme, I think you are crazy, now, obviously we are surrounding you, and it happens that you have become the Supreme, the body is stronger, and I like it more." The real **** child quipped.

Everyone has a thrill, it is a crushing feeling, and the overall situation of life and death is under their control.

Chu Yi sighed: "I have told you that this is the place of origin, naturally extraordinary, my parents are many generations, and my temper is hot. For the sake of the future of the fairy world, please come back."

"Yan Luo Supreme, do you really think we have no brains?" Yan burst into the Supreme voice, and the sound was very loud.

Chu Yi spread his hands together: "I'm sorry, I really think you have no brain, after all, in my opinion, your head is just an ornament."

"Junior, you have to pay for your words and deeds."

Yan burst Supreme shot directly towards Chu Yi. Before that, Chu Yi was still in the realm of Immortal Venerable. Because of his reputation, he didn't shoot, but now that the other party has reached Supreme, then he has no regard for it.

I am afraid that a punch has erupted and the magma roared, it was a fusion of countless flames.


Suddenly, from the earth, there was also a terrible wave, a huge fist, with a purple light, it seemed that there was Long Yin, roaring.

Everyone had a meal together, and immediately after that, the fists exploded and the void fragments splashed.

The flame-like supreme flame pupil sank, and the huge body took a step back, looking behind Chu Yi.

I saw an equally large figure slowly emerged.

The figure, dressed in golden armor, had two curved black sharp angles on its huge head.

There are a lot of purple dragon scales on the neck, shining brightly.

"Youyang Giant Family!"

The Yanbang Supreme breathed a breath. He naturally knew that this was a race from chaos. The number was scarce. It was related to the dragons and giants. It was a hybrid of the two. However, it was too difficult to bear, so the number was scarce.

"Senior Prison Yang, I haven't seen you for a long time. By the way, my mother asked me to send you new year's goods. When I was in the past, you were sleeping, and I put it directly at your door." Chu Yi smiled.

Prisoner Yang Zun grinned, he didn’t fall asleep, but he didn’t want to see this kid. He was pitted and grudged.

If it were not for the order of Qin Ling, he was too lazy to appear.

This guy died when he died, the scourge of the province.

However, with the emergence of Prison Yang Supreme, the coalition forces stopped all that day.

"Is there a second high-level supreme?" Elder Yuan was a little uneasy, and a bad hunch rose in his heart.

"You guys, please come back. The earth is too small for you to wait for." Prisoner Yang Zhibang said.

"This Daoyou, you laughed. The place of origin belongs to the entire universe, and no one can enjoy it alone." Menghua Supreme laughed softly.

"It also depends on whether you have this strength." Prison Supreme Supreme said toughly.

Menghua Zhizun shouted: "Let's go together, let's see this place, what other demon and ghosts on this earth, what about the ten high-level supreme, who can resist my Heavenly Alliance?"

"You guys, come on!"

Elder Yuan took the lead, he bypassed Prison Sun Supreme and was about to step into the earth. Suddenly, his footsteps stopped, and then he stepped back suddenly.

In a place before him, a large space began to freeze, forming a huge ice flower.

"Kaka Kaka!"

The ice flower bloomed all over the earth, and from there came a woman with pale to transparent skin.

At the same time, in front of Menghua Supreme, an axe appeared and fell suddenly.

Menghua Supreme's face changed suddenly, and Lian Bu moved sideways, but the head of the axe had long eyes and always fell on top of her head.

She gritted her teeth, the endless petals bloomed, propped up the axe, and she was out of attack.

On the other side, the Supreme Master Xiu Ming also suffered an attack.

A hurricane swept through, and a small figure appeared in the hurricane, giggling constantly, blocking his way.

These twenty supremes marched at the same time, but when they were about to enter the earth, they were greatly hindered.

A bit of high-level supreme appeared, ranked around the earth, controlling all kinds of magical powers, breathing terrifyingly.

Real **** is stupid!

Elder Yuan also froze.

The supreme, high-level supreme, at this moment are all creepy.

At this time, Chu Yi's voice sounded: "One, two... eighteen... nineteen..."

"Oh, one more thing."

As soon as his words fell, the void around him fluctuated.

Elder Yuan shoved air-cooled: "No, in this void, at least ten high-level supreme ambush!"

The heavenly coalition army stayed in place, the real Godson's face was originally covered with a greasy smile, but at the moment it was like a dead fish.

Bozi shuddered, even chanting the mantra, and with his ability, it was impossible to defeat a high-level supreme unless he was given tens of thousands of years.

Looking at the terrifying lineup in front of them, they understood Chu Yi's words at this time.

It was not that they surrounded Yan Luo Supreme, but that Yan Luo Supreme surrounded them.

Even if there are many warships behind them, the top war fairy can not kill a high-level supreme, not to mention the number of opponents, far exceeding them.

Chu Yi sighed and said sincerely: "Everyone, I'm right, I told you a long time ago. There are many supremes in my hometown. They are all chaotic creatures. You just don't believe it."

"What is this called?"

"If you don't listen to the handsome guy, you will suffer at a loss." Chu Yi boasted.

A drop of cold sweat slipped from Elder Yuan's forehead. The high-level supreme of such a scale, once collided, it was definitely their side.

Although it will not be annihilated by the whole army, some people will fall.

"True Divine Son, Bozi, you came on behalf of the heavenly court. Have you thought about the countermeasures?" Chu Yi asked with a smirk.

"Amitabha..." Bozi was about to speak, but was interrupted by Chu Yi.

"You shouldn't want to say that you still have the back hand, please invite some of the Supreme Supremes."

Chu Yi smiled weirdly, "I advise you not to do this, in case there is a peak supreme in my place."

Bozi was stunned. He was about to say this, wanting to smother Chu Yi's arrogance, why did he expect to be preempted by the other party.

For a time, everyone fell silent.

If the other party has so many high-level supremes, it is impossible to have another peak or two.

"Otherwise, invite Xian directly, maybe we have it here too." Chu Yi pressed hard.

Everyone sweated on their foreheads, looking at the high-level supremacy standing still, everyone dared not believe Chu Yi's words.

Suddenly, a void broke open, and clouds spread out from the void. Above the clouds, there was a divine light blooming, swaying for nine days, illuminating this low-level plane.

Then, on the other side, a big Buddha appeared.

The Buddha came sitting on the golden lotus, the river turned, and many golden lotus manifested. On each golden lotus, there was a Yuanying, Yuanying sitting cross-legged, hands folded.

Opposite the Great Buddha is a great demon.

The dark mist turned into ugly devil faces, constantly grinning.

Chu Yi's eyes sank, and the devil, Buddha, and **** finally came out.

These three people, too prominent, represent the three supreme forces.

Demon Lord, Great Mi Buddha, Nine Cloud God!

The coercion is not terrifying, but there is a feeling of awe in the heart, even if it is a lot of high-level supreme, it is also hesitant, not to mention those general supremes, all have the urge to bow down.

These three people are not only powerful but also pioneers. They have hundreds of millions of statues and are located in the thirty-six worlds of the heavens.

As soon as the three came out, in a flash, the gods, the devil and the Buddha.

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