Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

There are three gods, demons, and buddhas on the opposite side, and Chu Yi turned into a god-magic buddha alone, and revealed the truth. At least the god-magic is one, perfect, shocking, and speechless.

The people present are smart people, what is perfect, they can naturally see that it is difficult to fake in their eyes.

But because of this, the gods and demons feel shame and anger, and the nine cloud gods can't help but want to slap their mouths.

Make you talkative!

Chu Yi smiled and said: "Nine Cloud God, if you and the demon master are combined, you are truly powerful, or should you try?"

"Monsters confuse people!"

The Nine Cloud God scolded, "God is the god, the devil is the devil. Since ancient times, the gods and demons have stood together. They are like fire and water. Don't be deceived. What **** is the soul of the **** and the devil is the flesh. This is nonsense. Don't think of yourself. If you are a **** and a demon, you can talk nonsense."

Chu Yi counter-attacked: "What is the opposite, aren't you standing together now?"

" doesn't matter if you admit it, you admit it. Anyway, it's no big deal, and it's not cheating. In the future, your **** clan and demon clan together, how happy it should be, no need to praise me, just give me a merit The tablet will do."

The Nine Cloud God almost vomited blood, and the Devil was uncomfortable.

All the time, there is not enough evidence to support the remarks of the gods and demons. This time, they originally came strong, killed Yan Luo, and entered the place of origin, but they were fooled by Chu Yi.

How can the gods and the deities become one? These are two mutually exclusive races, which are inherently contradictory and resentful.

"You are actually not a lover, but one body, and even more intimate than a couple." Chu Yi made up the knife, making a group of people speechless, and it was time to add fuel to the fire.

"I'm making your relationship more intimate." Chu Yi said more and more unscrupulous.

"Enough!" The Nine Cloud God scolded, and a gilt cloud rolled like a fierce beast.

"Amitabha, the trouble comes out of your mouth." The Great Mi Buddha reminded.

Because what Chu Yi said was too horrifying, it would cause extremely terrible consequences.

Chu Yi turned a deaf ear, and continued: "Gee, it seems that you still don't understand what I mean, I can give the Protoss a good suggestion."

"For example, let the Protoss people take the demon's flesh, because you are originally their soul, but there will not be much rejection. That is also your flesh. Occupy the flesh, destroy its soul, and replace it. This is you. The strongest form."

Everyone was silent, the flashes in their eyes flashed, and the Supreme Protoss of the Protoss looked involuntarily towards the Demon Supreme.

The latter was even more vigilant, stepping back quietly.

In a word, make the relationship between the two communities even more tense.

The devil is the flesh, and the **** is the mind. If the protoss really can occupy the demon's flesh, then there is no demon.

The demon, since then, has become the prey of the protoss.

This is an intolerable thing for Mozu.

This is the real word of condemnation. In a word, the enemy's internal chaos will be chaotic first, and the atmosphere on the spot will be strange.

"This kid's eloquence is too strong. At first I was deceived by him." Prison Yang Supreme was afraid.

"It's hard to say anything. If the braggers can practice, this guy will definitely become king." Swordworm said, despised by everyone, because he was more able to talk about it, and broke a group of young generations in the Yanhuang Nationality Zone. Even supreme.

"Fortunately, Senior Jiuyun, finally found his home." Chu Yi congratulated.

Although the two will not turn their backs on the spot, at least, this has buried a time bomb in their hearts. It is difficult to imagine that the Demon Race will one day become the prey of the Protoss.

The eyes of the Great Mi Buddha, all eyes in the pupil: "This demon confuses the people, the two Daoists should not be fooled, and the truth of the speech is still unknown. The gods and deities like this kind of virtual and real things the most."

Chu Yi chuckled, the Great Mi Buddha actually had a good relationship with the Devil Lord, but sometimes, he deliberately appeared to be an enemy in front of outsiders.

"Dai Mi Buddha, do you want to know, the relationship between Buddhism and Dharma?" Chu Yi asked.

"Dirty beast, no matter what you say, Laoguan will not listen."

He was worried that Chu Yi had secrets again.

The Great Mi Buddha pointed out with a finger, and his finger turned into a bigger and bigger, like the pillar of the sky, and the end is infinite, as if it was bigger than the earth.

There are no fingerprints on the fingers of the Great Mi Buddha, and the various rays of light are diffused, all of which are Buddha nature, and should be humanized.

However, in Chu Yi's opinion, this is no different from the Demon Clan's exercises, all of which are put to death, except that one seems to be more peaceful and the other is tragic.

"He's dead, dare to talk to the big guys, even the high-level supreme has no such guts." Some people grinned, and Real God Son and others were relieved.

The Great Mi Buddha shot, unless the same rank exists, otherwise, even if dozens of high-level supremes join hands, it is difficult to block a peak supreme, and he is supreme opponent with the power of endless beings.

It's just that the other side is strangely quiet.

Nine Cloud God's gaze suddenly felt a huge energy fluctuation.

Above the earth, a mountain range was originally like a lying giant, but now it is standing up.

The mountain stretched out its arm, pierced the void, and pushed a palm across.

Big Mi Buddha whispered slightly, he pointed in the palm of the stone.

The mountain shook, and the Buddha's light around the Buddha shivered.

"This..." The Allied Forces of Heavenly Court froze, unable to speak.

They couldn't help but fear that if they waited for others, they really didn't invite these three people out of the mountain, so even if more people come, they might be buried here.

Yan Luoxianzun didn't fear them at all.

"He Daoyou, come out and see!"

The Great Mi Buddha shouted loudly like a thunderous thunder.

Nine Cloud God and Demon Lord are also holding their breath. It seems that this place of origin is really not easy to see.

"Senior of Qinling." Chu Yi is also nervous. The senior of Qinling, he has always heard, but he has never seen the true face of the other party.

The Qinling Mountains shook and the entire mountain range left the ground and rose to the Mountain of Space.

The mountain body changed into a stone boat with flowers and trees on top of it.

The stone boat shrank, but only a few meters above it, stood a middle-aged brunette with natural eyes and a low robe, with an indifferent and non-worldly atmosphere.

"Senior Kaishan."

"Senior is good..."

One respect is enough for the high-level supreme people to shake the fairy world, one by one respectfully and respectfully.

Even the fierce temperament such as the Supreme Prisoner Yang seems to have converged in front of this Supreme, and he dare not make the slightest mistake.


"It's you!"

Nine Cloud God thought for a moment, and suddenly the expression on his face became extremely horrified.

"Nine Cloud Daoyou, do you know?" Big Mi Buddha asked.

Nine Cloud God looked solemnly at Kaishan Supreme and said: "Unsurprisingly, the Taoist is recorded in my ancient book of Wanshen Township, the one who opened the Kunxu Cave."

Kunxu Cave was created by him?

Everyone is awe-inspiring, you know, Kunxu Cave is very special. After all, it is for the destruction of chaos, and it is necessary to ensure that many supreme strongmen can survive. How difficult it is to open up.

"Ashamed and ashamed." Kaishan Supreme Sighed slightly, "Kunxu Cave, this seat is just a split, the following are all perfected by the Lone Emperor's family, not to mention the Kunxu Cave in this seat, there is no use in the end, Instead, he came to the place of origin and escaped a disaster."

"So, these Daoists, all survived from the chaotic age..." Jiuyun God said softly.

Now, they finally understand why there are so many supreme powerhouses on earth, all are chaotic creatures!

"You guys, please come back. The place of origin has already become our home. We don't want to be alarmed too much, and inside, it's not like you imagined, there are many creations."

"Even if there is, I have no intention of you, otherwise, we would have become immortals." Kaishan Supreme's words were calm.

Nine Cloud God shook his head: "Since this is true, Taoists do not have to prevent us from entering to watch, just to investigate, and it will not cause an impact."

Kaishan Supreme looked down and seemed to be looking at Shi Zhou.

"In this case, there is nothing more to say. I am alone, not an opponent of the three of you. Tongtian, come out."

His words fell, and suddenly a vine protruded from the stone boat, fragrant, with scarlet.

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