Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

After seeing Tongtianteng, Nine Cloud God's expression was very unnatural.

"I didn't expect that the life of this plant is still alive, and the vine can support the world. I thought it was broken in Kunxu Cave, but I didn't expect to appear in this place."

Many Supreme Masters do not understand the matter of the solitary emperor, but these peak Supremes are related to the Heavenly Court, and they know more or less.

At that time, a plant that had become a vine, disturbed the stars and killed countless monsters was extremely scary.

Its main body is only one vine, with mottled colors on it, most of which are mainly scarlet and full of metal texture.

The vines, wrapped around Kaishan Supreme's arm, protruded slightly.

Chu Yi and others looked at each other, even he didn't know that there was such a plant life on the earth, and it was not difficult to find out the faces of the Green Vatican Supreme and others, even they were not clear.

One plant can be comparable to the strongest pinnacle supreme.

In the World War I, there was not much information, but it was enough to shock people who knew it.

"I didn't expect that this plant is still alive, and I have already broken it. It's broken." Tianying Supreme was amazed. "It seems that the old vine sprouted and renewed its vitality."

The Oblivion Supreme nodded and said: "I was originally worried that we should come forward, but with it, at least it is not a problem, even if there are fewer enemies."

"It seems that the war is inevitable, only you count at most two peak supreme, and we have three." Nine Cloud God said solemnly.

Chu Yi snatched the words and said: "We have more high-end supremes than you, then it depends on who perseveres for a long time."

"You three joined forces to suppress Kaishan Senior and Tongtianteng, or let's kill your twenty high-level supremacy first, and destroy your heavenly coalition army first."


The war broke out directly.

The Great Buddha held the heaven and earth, and the Buddha statues all over the ground, directly shot, very fierce.

The bright brilliance of Tongtianteng rises into the sky and exudes a vitality of life.

It is just a rattan, but it has the ability to stir the wind and cloud, breaking the heavens and the earth, where the rattan has passed, and a golden Buddha statue that shattered in response.

Tongtianteng got into the void, and the Great Mi Buddha also entered the void.

Kaishan Supreme stood on the stone boat and smiled: "Two, please."

The stone boat fluttered, very beautiful, seemingly small, but in fact it was a Qinling.

The demon lord grinned, called Yunyun to rain, swept the roar of thousands of demons, and stepped into the void.

Nine Cloud God floats like a fairy, his eyes eager to try, full of fighting desire.

"Small bitch, then we're welcome, who is weaker, fight me!" Niuniu shouted facelessly at the Heavenly Alliance.

The sword worm could not help kicking the cow out of the team of worshippers.

"Hold on, the three predecessors of the Great Mi Buddha will certainly be able to suppress the Kaishan Supreme. Once this is the case, we will have a chance of winning."

Many high-level supreme and ordinary supreme have all exploded, and the two sides are fighting. The material space here is too late to recover, all are broken, there is nothing around, and the starlight cannot shine into the void.


Chu Yi evaded the pursuit of a high-level supreme, and then attacked and killed the Bozi.

Bozi was furious: "Sovereign Yan Luo, do you really treat me as a bully? You and I are both supreme, and I am not as good as you?"

He exploded, all the beads exploded, hundreds of bodhi trees were growing, rooted in the void, the golden lights of those bodhi flashed like bombs, and they hit the sky.

In addition, Bozi fist is like a diamond, even with the power of thunder, it seems to be mixed with a little power of thunder origin.

However, the next scene was still shocking.

Behind Chu Yi, the sword river manifested. Three thousand kendos in the river turned into sword spirit, flying like colorful butterflies.

Jian Qi was too fast, and almost all of a sudden, it filled the surroundings.

The countless Buddha lights, all turned into sword lights, were forcibly reversed and killed Bozi.

"You don't deserve to be a Buddha, what is Bodhisattva called, it is better to call melon seeds."

Chu Yi shouted, and the bodhisattva "spent" too much, once put a demon in a city for his own practice, the demon killed millions of creatures, and then he killed the demon, that’s it Improve your strength.

What kind of Buddha, what kind of demon, what kind of god, in the end, is just the ugly face in the cloak of the **** and demon Buddha.

He took a picture with his palm, the sword group fell, and the bodhisattva was shattered, and his head was broken.

It was a shame and a shame, and people dare to be so cruel to him, patting his head like a watermelon.

Bozi almost fell. His face was flushed and he was ashamed because he was overtaken by his opponent who had despised him before.

Since then, they are no longer Chu Yi's opponents, and it is difficult to compare with each other.

On the traces of history, there will be such a paragraph, Yan Luo is supreme, invincible at the same level, and countless defeated enemies.

And he is just part of the "enemy" and may not even mention his real name.


Chu Yi didn't keep his hand, Jianguang was faster than Starlight and kept falling.

The bodhisattva screamed, the body surface was broken, the fairy artifact was dim and dull, and there was no strength to fight back.

In the end, he was killed in Yuanying by Fengshenguan.

A lot of eyes looked at it, a slight meal, Supreme Supreme Yan Luo, in the realm of the Immortal Supreme, can kill the genius at the level of the Bozi, not to mention the Supreme, really invincible, it is enough to be the strongest four under the stars. .

From now on, this is the fifth person.

These five people, detached from today's era, are like immortal larvae in the age of gods and demons, full of infinite possibilities.

Of course, the premise is to restore the sky, otherwise, who can climb into immortality.

"True Son, don't run away!"

Chu Yi slayed toward the Yuanying of the True Son.

The sword river was surging, and various sword qi penetrated the void, besieging from different directions.

The real **** son Hanmao stood upright, and he cast a method, Yuanying turned into a sword, and flew away towards the distance.

Yuan Ying got rid of the flesh and was faster, but unfortunately it was faster than Chu Yi's sword.

Chu Yi's thoughts moved, and in an instant, the time around the real God Son became slower.

As soon as you enter the Supreme, you can slightly control the flow rate of time in a small range.


That sword fell, there were thousands of sword shadows, overlapping and overlapping.


Real God Son was frightened, and he was not willing to die. He never thought that his proud son would be chased to death one day.

Under the stars, the Alliance of Heavenly Court was in an uproar. Although these two men only entered the Supreme, they are powerful and extremely talented. They are the people of Heavenly Court, and they will definitely be able to rank as the Supreme Supreme in the future.

However, it was easily beheaded by Yan Luo Zhizun, which had a great impact on their confidence. If there were three pinnacle supremes sitting in town, I am afraid they would leave after turning around.


"I like this **** scene." The dark flame demon growled, turned into a prototype, and killed the Quartet.

The white fox cooperated side by side, and the picture scrolls unfolded. A supreme-level painter was too important in a large-scale war.

Chu Yi fought to death and stepped into the sun. There were many warships on it, which were controlled by Xianzun, and he fired at him in unison.

Unfortunately, these artillery fires had no effect on Chu Yi.

He ignited Jian Qi and suppressed the invincibility. In a flash, all battleships were destroyed.

With Chu Yi's strength, not to mention these warships, even if some Qi Yao Supreme came, he could not kill him.

The battle is fierce, there are constant explosions of stars, and the entire galaxy is destroyed. If the earth is not special, I am afraid it will not exist for a long time.


A supreme man was injured by Jian Qi, and his blood flow continued.

Chu Yi had no sympathy and beheaded the other party on the spot.

He is like a devil and keeps on advancing. He does not enter the battlefield of the high-level supreme, but he shuttles among the general supreme, no one can stop it.



Soon, some Heavenly Court coalition forces could not stand it and wanted to escape, but this side of the world was already locked, and they were locked by themselves. There were not many high-level supreme or peak supreme shots that could not be broken in a short time. .

The Jade Buddha sweated all over the body. The old host and others were cut off their arms and could not join the battle at all, and they hid in the Jade Buddha's small world, fearing that they would be targeted by Yan Luo.

On this day, the blood flowed into a river, and the blood of the Supreme flowed throughout the galaxy. There were constant stars destroyed, but there were also new stars, which were formed by absorbing the blood of the Supreme and became stronger and full of traces of the road.

"It's too cruel, it's a humanoid killing machine." The Heavenly Union Army, afraid of being killed by Chu Yi, many Supremes began to join forces to defend and no longer attack.

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