My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1334: I want to be immortal

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

In the void, the Nine Cloud God, Demon Lord and Great Mi Buddha are all anxious.

The three of them joined forces to suppress Kaishan Supreme and Tongtianteng, but it was difficult to succeed, so it would take a long time to spend.


Tongtianteng is full of warfare, it can't speak, but the momentum is really universal, the cane shines faster than the Buddha's light, and under a single blow, it interferes with the void, destroys the heavens and destroys the earth, and strangles a statue of Golden Lotus.

At the same time, it had a bifurcation, and a few strains were like whips, whipping towards the three.

The Demon Lord shouted, his muscles burst, and the secret lines turned into huge black armor, blocking the next blow.

The golden light of the Great Mi Buddha was swayed, and the light of the Buddha swayed and shed the starlight.

The Nine Cloud God stepped on the colorful cloud and kept avoiding, and then the **** pattern planted the road, and dropped the heavenly water.

"Get up!"

Kaishan Supreme did not attack, and focused on defense. At this moment, the stone boat was floating in the sea, and various flowers and trees were resisting the attack from the outside world.

Tongtianteng is shuttled in different voids, constantly attacking.

One defense, one attack.

The two sides were glued together, and the Nine Cloud God was secretly anxious, because the outside world would not be so glued.

After all, there are too many high-end supremes occupied by the opponent.

"Sword Lord is here, he has not bowed his head and bowed down, bowed at the foot of Lord Sword." Sword insect Urala did not fight seriously, just shuttled, roared like this, a small tentacle grew under his body, and ran Fast thief.

"Roar! Rise!"

"It's gone, it's all gone..." Zhu Bajie also learned that the sword worm was flying, but it was still shooting, especially in the general supreme group, like a fish.

"Don't run too fast, Niuniu can't keep up."

This starry sky is too noisy, and the blood flowed into the river, but there were still people playing.


Tingtian put down the fish soup in his hand and looked away. Tianzi felt that his master was a little absent-minded.

"Sect Master, what's wrong?"

"It's over..." Tingtian laughed, but frowned again.

"Yun Luo Supreme, dead?" Tianzi asked, in his view, so much power passed, the earth could not resist.

"Allied forces are about to lose."

"Allied forces are going to lose? Isn't it that the Devil Lord, the Great Mi Buddha, and the Nine Cloud God have passed, how can they still lose?"

Ting Tian chuckles, seems to be talking to herself, some is unclear: "It seems that someone has not told me the truth, then there are a number of ancient existences on the earth, I did not expect that the old Kaishan monster was still alive. , And that tiantian vine."

"Let's go away, this matter is temporarily uncontrollable. It's a little complicated. These days, your task is to improve your strength. If you can achieve the ultimate supremacy, you can naturally wish me a hand."

The emperor was terrified. Although Ting Tian didn't make it clear, he also knew that that day the coalition army had lost. It seemed that there was nothing else on earth.

The pot is still burning on the fire, the fish soup inside is getting thicker and thicker, and the snow-white tofu absorbs the soup and becomes more delicious.

"You lied to me." Tingtian opened the stone box and looked at Destiny's brain.

The brain split open, there is one eye, no pupil, only white eyes, talking: "I didn’t lie to you, you didn’t investigate it clearly, when the chaos broke down, I didn’t know there was a group of people who fled to the place of origin , The universe is so big, my body is torn apart, and many places are suppressed, how can it be managed."

"You are greedy and grow biomass, I don't necessarily let you go, and you are the one who wants to kill the swordman."

"In the final analysis, it's all your greed, but you're more cautious than I thought. You didn't let Heaven appear, but let the following little myself take the lead."


Destiny's head issued a strange laugh.

"Well? What's that smell, so fragrant..." The eyes moved, and the fish soup disappeared in the next moment.

Ting Tian sneered: "Without my order, you dare to absorb the energy of the outside world, I will kill you immediately."

"kill me?"

"You don't want to... I absorb the energy of the outside world, and it will still be your energy in the future. Today, I am just a huge energy pool for you. Are you willing to kill me?"

Ting Tian stared at Destiny's brain, very serious: "You are too weird, I don't even know your realm, I have to guard against it. Once you do something that exceeds my bottom line, I will kill you immediately ."

"Don't be so fierce, we are also old friends for many years. You have accumulated such a huge energy for many years, but you can't go any further. Don't you want to know why?"

Ting Tian sneered: "Are you going to tell me? Will you be so kind?"

"I'm not so kind, but I noticed that someone in the mysterious machine has taken another step forward. Compared with him, you are too weak. I don't want to see the mysterious machine continue to grow, which is not conducive to maintaining the balance of the universe."

"Honestly, your qualifications are average. Without my help, you can't become an immortal. It's not the mysterious long, the old monster of the Yanhuang family."

"There are nine fairy rivers in the fairy, which descend from the sky and pour into the sea of ​​supreme hearts."

"Your riverbed is dry, you cannot feed the Supreme Sea, and naturally you cannot advance again."

"Now you are only half a foot into the fairy. I deliberately made you not go further. Now, when the time is up, if you want, I can help you open a fairy river."

"How about, this time, I didn't have any requirements, just to let you compete with Xuanji." Destiny's brain tempted.

"Without me, you can't be a true immortal."

"Enough, you don't have to seduce me anymore!" Ting Tian shouted.

"How can this be called temptation, even if you absorb all my energy, you can only stay at this step, only me can help you become a true fairy."

"And my request is just to let you compete with Xuanji, even if I don't say it, you will do it yourself."

Ting Tian was silent.

After a moment, this small island, covered with soft energy, resembles a flower bone, waiting for the day when it blooms.

"I want to be an immortal..." A low voice came from the island.



On the earth, the Qing Emperor, the Oblivion Supreme, the Supreme Saint Supreme, and others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the few Supreme Supremes fail to enter the earth, it is difficult to discover what they have done.

"This time, I finally hid, but I was afraid to expose the earth to the eyes of the fairy and hidden worlds, so it would be even more dangerous."

"But if they want to attack, they have to weigh a few times, unless Xuanji and Heaven Court directly shoot."


The sky sounded like a drum, and it exploded.


The Nine Cloud God couldn't bear to see the death of many Supreme Masters, broke through the imprisonment, and left with a group of Supreme Masters of All Gods.

"I will come here again."

He turned around and glanced at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi laughed and said: "Senior Jiuyun, don't you say it? If you want to talk to me privately, I will tell you how to seize the demon's physical skills."

"This is understandable. The demon's flesh is originally from your protoss. In my opinion, the demon is the property of your protoss."

Chu Yi shouted, let countless people hear.

The devil's complexion was suddenly gloomy.

This remark is too terrible. It is conceivable that the Protoss will hunt the Demons in the future, which is inevitable.

Regardless of how it is forbidden above, but the gods have hundreds of millions of creatures, how to manage them?

And once a Protoss succeeds, then the next scene can be imagined.

Chu Yi shouted: "It's a **** and demon, don't worry, the spirit of the **** is the fundamental, the flesh is just a ship, and the demon is the big ship that holds the god's soul."

"Since then, it has become a family of gods and demons, and my gods and demons will definitely welcome the joining of Wanshen Township."

Chu Yi said a few words, said that the nine cloud **** and the devil were at the same time very heartless.

I am afraid that for quite a long time, they will have to deal with this problem, and the two races will no longer be able to get together because of their interests.

Because there is already a difference between hunters and prey.

The Great Mi Buddha sighed, and thousands of golden lotuses took the disciples away.

"Well? Old bald donkey, I haven't finished yet. Do you want to know, which volume of the Buddha's top exercises comes from the devil?"

"Old bald donkey, don't run so fast, I lied to you, I don't know." Chu Yi looked at the big disappearing Buddha, and couldn't help but bloom.

Many supremes could not be avoided. After this incident, I was afraid that there would be no one to dare to find Yan Luozhi's trouble.

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