My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1335: Hypocritical two

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Although the Milky Way is broken, it is still quite simple to repair a galaxy in a low-level plane with the abilities of the Supreme People.

In a few days, the sun rises again, and the moon shines again.

In this battle, the supreme blood is flowing, this piece of low-level plane is more and more shining, all kinds of planets and life are gestating, and in the near future, there will not be only one earth with life.

The back hill of the Chu family, the sky is high and the wind is clear, the sky shadow supreme is pulling the dark flame demon, the sword insect and the pig bajie are playing mahjong, and the girl is used as a substitute.

The white fox is painting on the side, and the stone monkey squints in the sun.

Chu Yi sat on the mountain road and looked at the Chu family.

The Oblivion Supreme was absent, and entered the Yanhuang Realm. Chu Yi had not yet seen the star cannon.

However, he has other things to do now.

He took out a silver stone. On the stone, the divine pattern bloomed like a leaf gradually spreading out.

Chu Yi used Shen Nian to urge the stones, all the leaves stretched out, and the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, focusing only on this shiny leaf.

The green leaves floated out of the stone, and from the void, they brought in a figure.

"Yan Luo Zhizun, I didn't expect you to have the courage to lead me out, so I'm not afraid that this seat is in a moment and you will take your head."

On top of the green leaves, stood the Nine Cloud God.

The breath of the Nine Clouds God condensed in a small space and time, he was too close to Chu Yi, a little move, control time and space, Chu Yi was dead.

He secretly left a stone in Chu Yi's hands before, as a lead, but he didn't expect this kid to use it immediately.

"You are really bold..." The surrounding sunlight was dim, and all the radiance appeared on the Nine Cloud God.

This is not an avatar, but an ontology, very powerful.

"Without Tongtianteng and Kaishan old monsters by your side, you will definitely die."

He had a murderous heart, originally thought that Chu Yi would summon him under those two pinnacles, and as a result, the other artist was bold.

There are only a few general supremes here, and it is impossible to help Chu Yi at such a short distance.

Nine Cloud God showed a peaceful smile: "Don't be nervous, I still can't kill you, I want to catch you back, study the voice of gods and demons, and you should tell me how to make the demon become the flesh of my family. ."

He probed towards Chu Yi with a big hand, but at this time, he heard a voice of dissatisfaction sound.

"Jiuyun old monster, why pretend to be a ghost, we have no lights here, we can't see the card anymore."

The voice fell, and the time and space around the Nine Cloud God was imprisoned and shattered.

He was shocked, because only monks of the same level can do this step.

The Nine Cloud God suddenly looked up at the table, and a slightly old man was squinting at him.

"Tianying Supreme!" he said in a sharp voice, and said, "I didn't expect that Tianying Supreme was still alive, and even more unexpectedly, you appeared here!"

Tianying Supreme laughed: "Jiuyun old monster, you are alive, why should I die."

"Then you raised your sword to the sky and thundered, and your body broke down. How could you still be alive."

"It's just a heaven, how can you help me!" Sky Shadow Supreme is so proud, "I'm much stronger than you villains, you dare not mean I don't dare, and I'm still alive and at ease."

"Since you are in size, you are obviously going to lose, and you deliberately pushed the card to it." Swordworm despised.

"Cough..." Tianying Supreme's face was reddish, but he still looked at Jiuyun God.

He and the Nine Cloud God are the strong men of the same era, competing with each other, naturally familiar.

Chu Yi deliberately did not let Kaishan Supreme appear, but let him appear, also for silent shock.

"Jiuyun old monster, it seems that you are as shameless as you were, even a junior wants to calculate, you leave stones, is not just to get help."

The Nine Cloud God immediately recovered his peaceful smile, and he was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect this old guy to be on the earth. In this way, Yan Luozhi could not be killed at all.

"Misunderstanding, this seat is just to test Yan Luozhi's heart."

Chu Yi sneered in his heart, but on the surface it was enthusiastic: "Senior Jiuyun, you should know my sincerity. If Senior Tianying also joined the battle before, although you can't kill you, the supreme and immortal you brought Venerables, I am afraid all will be killed."

The God of Nine Clouds was cold behind him, and even he couldn't bear such a major blow. Once all the gang of supremes died, then Wanshen Township would be weakened for the most part, and then he would be very passive when facing the mysterious invasion.

"Don't be nervous, isn't this not happening." Chu Yi consoled in turn.

"We are all people on a boat, and I won't do it to you."

Nine Cloud God sneered: "Even if you let the three pinnacle supreme besieges me, I can calmly leave."

Chu Yi smiled and said: "So the God of Nine Clouds doesn't need to worry, we should talk about what we should say and talk about slowly."

"White Fox, watch tea."

White Fox farted to make tea, during which he glanced at the Nine Cloud God, and then took out the inferior tea leaves, which was then passed.

Chu Yi glared at the white fox, but did not stop.

"Senior Jiuyun, please, I am really not hostile, nor poisoned in the tea." Chu Yi took a sip first.

Nine Cloud God felt very suffocated. He originally came over to control the trend of the conversation. As a result, Tianying Supreme made it impossible for him to be led by the other party.

"Even if it is poisoned, it is useless to this seat." Nine Cloud God sat down.

"Yan Luo is supreme, this seat is not at odds with the corners. This time I come here, I just want to ask you, **** and demon, really one?"

Chu Yi nodded: "Nature is true, God is the soul of the deity, and the demon is the flesh. Only the primal infant of the Protoss is matched with the flesh of the Demon, which is the strongest state."

The Nine Cloud God hurriedly said: "How can there be a way? How to seize, if it is just ordinary seizure, then the probability is too low, and it is difficult to completely transform and integrate."

"This is not a seizure. Nature and seizure are different. The Demon Race is originally the flesh of the Protoss. Their Yuan infants, speaking of it, dominate the flesh that should belong to you." Chu Yi said.

"It's true to say so, no wonder, I always feel that cultivation of the flesh is a bit weird. It turns out that this isn't my waiting for the flesh." The Nine Cloud God readily accepted this statement.

After all, in his opinion, the demons have become prey, they are hunters, and naturally have the idea of ​​being superior.

Moreover, it is recognized that the demons are strong in flesh, and their flair is so energetic and enviable.

"As for the Fa, I naturally have it here, but if I just give it to you, wouldn't I have no advantage?"

Nine Cloud God frowned: "Yan Luo Supreme, you just talk."

Chu Yi laughed: "Senior Jiuyun, we are all on the same boat, and we are also friends. I naturally will not be too unkind to you. I only want information about the Heavenly Court. Predecessor Jiuyun is more or less all. Know some."

Nine Cloud God's face changed slightly: "You have to deal with Heavenly Court? To be honest, I advise you to dispel this idea. Heavenly Court's strength is extremely terrible. The corner of what I saw is enough to destroy my Pantheon. This time, if not Heavenly Court is behind, do you think you can unite with so many Supremes?"

"I only need information, the rest has nothing to do with Senior Jiuyun."

The Nine Cloud God paused and said, "This seat wants to know, why do you want to help me? You and the devil do not seem to have much hatred."

"This demon master has a narrow mind and has just compromised with heaven. No matter from the character or the information he masters, he is not as good as Senior Jiuyun. What's more, I don't have anything to bribe the demon master, and he doesn't look down on me. "

Nine Cloud God laughed: "Also, but Supreme Master Yan Luo, with a lot of power behind him, keep a low profile for a while, and will become a great weapon in the future."

Chu Yi also complimented: "Polite and polite, Senior Jiuyun will seize the devil's flesh in the future, and may be able to break into a fairy. The younger congratulations here."

The two were enthusiastic and like friends for many years, the Nine Cloud God said goodbye.

Chu Yi's face sank: "This person is not good. If he has a chance in the future, he must be killed first."

In the void, Nine Cloud God's eyes narrowed: "This Supreme Supreme is too dangerous, and I don't know if I have done anything in the mysterious method. I have to study hard."

"If you have a chance, you must kill him."

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