My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1337: Soul Yuan Emperor's eyes

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Deep in the Yanhuang Realm, in the void, the two big stars slowly flow.

"Teacher, have you seen it? I found this star. There are too few stars that can reach the standard, not to mention that the two stars also need to be mutually exclusive and have different attribute energy."

Xia Houcheng approached and invited merit in front of Chu Yi.

Chu Yi grabbed Xia Houcheng's face and pushed it away, preventing the water from splashing on him.

Hefeng smiled and said: "The two stars are very hot and one is extremely cold. The latter is already a dead star. The two are about the same size as the earth. They are bred with life and undead, but We have all been removed."

Chu Yi looked, and the two stars split apart, with hundreds of holes in the surface, and many people in and out.

"We need to transform the structure inside the stars, and then be able to induce energy and let them resonate."

He Feng said, but he saw the Bull Demon carrying some stones and transported to the outside world.

Niu Mowang stopped in front of Chu Yi, and said honestly: "Teacher, there are too many impurities in it, I am responsible for dealing with impurities, old master, they are responsible for refining... In short, it is a huge project. Year cannot be completed."

"Finally, Senior Emperor Qingdi will have inscribed runes."

When Chu Yi got the news, he couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect Baihua Wang to discover such a horrible weapon.

This is basically a star-level war fairy, not to mention the previous peak supreme, even today's devil, nine cloud gods and others, can't bear a shot.

Chu Yi thinks that in forging, he has not reached the level comparable to the Supreme of Immortal Venerable, so he naturally does not interfere.

"Teacher..." Panjing came over with a gray face, showing a row of white teeth.

"Are you going to break through?" Chu Yi observed, seeing that the energy in the other party was surging and a little unstable.

"Huh?" Swordworm stretched out his head, surprised. "Time and space physique, it is really a rare physique, I advise you not to break through for the time being, suppress it again, maybe there will be unexpected gains?"

"How to say?" Chu Yi curious.

Swordworm looks like an elder: "It's a long story. The space-time physique is very special. Generally, only when it comes to the supreme, can it control the space and use a little time. The space-time physique can be controlled by nature, so if he suppresses Long enough, once a breakthrough, I am afraid that these two achievements will be the supremacy directly. At that time, the future is boundless."

"Honestly, instead of expecting you to get rid of the curse in the sky, it is better to look forward to your apprentice becoming immortal."

"That kind of curse is of no use to the space-time physique. They can easily control the place where the sky road appears. So the so-called destiny wants to lower the curse, and it may not necessarily be able to find the sky road inside the space-time person. Even they can still Control the time flow rate in the body."

Chu Yi was horrified, he did not know these things before.

Swordworm Science said: "If it were me, I wouldn't let him practice. I kept suppressing the strength between the congenital. When one day broke out, I directly split the fairy road and became a fairy."

"Now, if it is suppressed for a few more years, it is estimated that it can directly break to the peak of the Supreme."

"So perverted." Chu Yi was startled.

The sword worm shook his head: "This is nothing but a top physique. Strangely, I still have many physiques in my memory, why are there so few in reality."

The sword worm was in deep contemplation again, and he recently suspected that his memory had deviated.

Chu Yi ignored this guy and asked Panjing to be called by Wang Ying again.

"My Master invites you to come." Wang Ying saw Chu Yi without a word or a smile.

Chu Yi put his shoulders on his shoulders and grinned: "I know why you don't laugh, but you also avoided me deliberately, because the Qing Emperor gave me the Dingtian Palace, so I'm the master of the young palace. Guardian, do you want to visit me?"

Wang Ying's face was stiff.

"Forget it, I am broad-minded, but I am a **** and demon leader anyway. Strictly speaking, it is equal to the predecessor of the Qing Emperor, and has already achieved supreme supremacy. Call me senior."

Wang Ying's face was green: "Do you know that you owe a lot?"

"I think there are some rules that Dingtian Temple should learn the deities, such as killing the young palace master, he can inherit his position."

Chu Yi covered his chest: "It's too cruel, too humane, I'm treating you as a friend, but you're going to kill... Forget, you can't beat me now."

Wang Ying gritted his teeth, and if the star cannon was built, he believed that after the vote of the fairy world, the first person who wanted to kill was definitely this guy.

Insect pest!

The two yelled at each other and came to a star.

The Qing Emperor carried his hands on his back. Under his feet, there was a piece of green silk spreading out all over the planet. It seemed to be gestating this planet.

Next to the Qing Emperor, on a stone, an old man was sitting, with some white hair, looking at the void and drinking alone.

Seemingly aware of Chu Yi's coming, he was unconsciously shaking.

The Qing Emperor made a look at Chu Yi, and Chu Yi naturally understood that this person should be the senior Yun Weng who saved his life.

He strode over, took out a pot of good wine, and sat next to Senior Yun Weng.

The latter seemed startled and jumped up: "Patriarch..."

"Senior, I am not a patriarch, but only a junior, and the elders didn't recognize me." Chu Yi looked at each other, but Yun Weng looked bleak.

"Great Elder..." Yun Weng lost his mind for a moment, as if remembering something, and muttered in his mouth, "I am guilty. If it were not for that year, I would have a quick success, and it would not trigger a series of things later, and Patriarch Yan Emperor would not die... …"

"Regardless of the matter of the seniors, the elders did not blame you, just said that they were suffering, the Yellow Emperor did not blame you, and Yan Emperor did not mean that."

Chu Yizheng said, "This is a game. For a game of Yanhuang, even if there is no senior, there will be other people."

Chu Yi looked at this old man. He was too vicissitudes, lonely and self-blaming, endless years, floating in the depths of sin, no one understood.

That incident was too unexpected, and there were many other factors. No one had time to explain, and the person who really knew the truth was already dead.

So Yun Weng always felt that it was his own reasons that led to the Yanhuang annihilation.

"The elder said, if you want to go back, go back." Chu Yi brought the words to him.

"go back?"

Yun Weng took Chu Yi's wine, took a sip, and took another sip, the wine flew into the sky, and tears fell down the gully on his face.

He wandered for too long, never thought about it, and would be able to go back that day.

"When I'm dying, go back again." Yun Weng put down the hip flask, grinning, and finally untied his knot.

In fact, this was not his fault, but he was carried by him alone.

"Great elder, still refuse to go out." Yun Weng asked.

"Different ideas, I am not good to force." Chu Yi shrugged helplessly, he looked at the two big stars, the two are very far apart, there seems to be energy intertwined in the middle, the piece of void sags.


"Senior Yun Weng, this seems wrong."

"If you go on like this, you can't make it."

Yun Weng smiled and said: "You also found out that there is a huge problem."

"The energy of the two stars is induced through the secret method, and then amplified. In the middle is the energy gathering place, which can't be a carrier of energy in the void. It needs another powerful carrier."

"Use some god-level materials."

"We've tried it, it's useless. After all, this energy can penetrate a pinnacle supreme, even if thrown into dozens of artifacts, it can't bear it."

"Have you tried artificial materials?"

"Useless." Yun Weng shook his head. "This energy is too special, and it is extremely corrosive. There is nothing to bear."

"Then..." Chu Yi frowned.

To find, transform, conceive, and engrave the two stars alone, it takes a lot of human and material resources and financial resources, but the most critical step, but did not find the corresponding materials.

"I only thought of a material that might be able to bear it." The Qing Emperor came from a distance.


"Soul Emerald."

Chu Yi froze, thinking for a long time without thinking of this thing.

The Qing Emperor explained: "One of the condemnations of the heavenly condemnation is the eyes of Emperor Soul Yuan."

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