My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1338: There are so many cents in my house

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Heavenly condemnation is very powerful. It is composed of three forces. When these three forces are mixed into one faction, there is heavenly condemnation.

Although it is not comparable to the age of the gods and demons, it is also amazing enough. In a force, there are three strong powers of the fairy level, enough to deter the Quartet.

One, the reverent Buddha of Great Compassion and Great Compassion, has already died, suppressing many fairy-level monsters with his flesh.

The second one is Emperor Soul Yuan, who is proficient in spirits and souls. He has done a lot of research on Yuanying and is now buried in hell.

The third one is a lot more mysterious, even though there are few records in ancient books, I only know that it is named Ji Dao Xian.

Among these three, Ji Dao Xian, rarely came forward, but some people saw that scene, when the war was over, the whole condemned land fell, Ji Dao Xian turned into a tremendous light, and finally disintegrated and died.

Now, it is the corpses of Soul Abyssal Emperor who are suppressing monsters in Hell Realm.

Qing Emperor said: "Emperor Soul Yuan is quite special. His physical body had already died when he was born. Finally, as he grew older, his physical body began to rot. He had to practice his own infant."

"He created his own exercises, walked the universe, and finally the infant gasified. On the body, only the eyes are the entities, and it seems to be related to his exercises."

"It is rumored that the material of his eyes is the first few pieces of ore at the time of the universe's birth, so he can carry his Yuanying and become a fairy king."

"I think about it. For the time being, only the eyes of Soul Abyssal Emperor may be able to carry the launch of the star cannon. After all, the energy of this star cannon is also very special. It not only destroys the flesh, but also destroys all imaginary energy bodies."

Chu Yi pondered: "So, I still have to go to the land of condemnation."

"That place is not easy to mess with." The Qing Emperor shook his head. "Do you know how the land of condemnation, which is now called the **** world, exists?"

"Although he is a part of the fairyland in my fairyland, he is detached from the fairyland, not to mention us, even the heaven does not want to provoke, there are wicked people from the three religions and nine streams, and they are incompatible with my fairyland, It feels like the devil is there, they are all good people."

"In short, it is a very strange place. If you want to enter, you must have the wicked nature. It is a full devil."

Chu Yi frowned: "Self-contained system?"

"Yes, you can understand it, it just happened to appear in the fairy realm, or that he is equivalent to the places like the heavenly realm. The Dizang Wang is there all the year round, wanting to attract people for good, but it has been useless, there The creatures are too evil." Qing Di thought for a moment.

Regarding Hell Realm, Chu Yi has only heard of it, and has never been to it. The people of Immortal World are basically unavoidable.

Moreover, over the years, that place seems to be locked by some kind of aura, and it has become more difficult to enter.

"Senior Emperor Qingdi, then I will go. It shouldn't be too late, otherwise the process will be delayed, and I will go there anyway." Chu Yi said.

"No hurry," said Qing Emperor. "What you did before won at least a lot of time for us, so you don't have to be too anxious. Now, whether it is the hidden world or the fairy world, it is rare to be in a gentle state. ."

"They need time to adapt to the changes brought about by the Lingqi, and even develop more powerful weapons, so this gives us a lot of time."

"Before you go to the land of condemnation, it's best to go to Dingtian Temple first, which is also the disaster you broke out."

"What's the trouble with me?" Chu Yi was puzzled.

The Qing Emperor laughed and scolded: "Did I not give you the position of a young palace master, and I also set up a longevity monument for you. It stands to reason that if you report it within ten years, there will be no problem, but you just, Never appeared once."

"According to the rules, a large number of challengers have appeared. If you do not show up yet, the young palace master will fight out in this challenger."

"Then let them fight well." Chu Yi was not interested in this position.

"Do you really think it's a child's play?" Qing Di grudgingly gritted his teeth.

Dingtian Palace is a holy place for mankind, and was born to protect mankind.

It concerns all humans in the whole fairyland.

The human race is very special and has a large number. It is a big category in the human race, but the number of top strong men is not large, which makes their status very embarrassing.

Dingtian Palace has great responsibilities, and nowadays the young palace master cannot naturally choose at will.

"This time, it is not the Master of the Palace, but the Master of the Palace. I abdicated long ago and gave it to the White Emperor. The White Emperor will also abdicate now and let the next generation of the Yin, if you don’t go, then this position will likely become a star. The child." Qingdi is right.

"Xingchenzi is also about to step into the Supreme, it is not just right." Chu Yi does not matter.

"Xingchenzi is really good, but compared to you, it is still not enough. His reputation and strength are far inferior to you." Qing Di sighed, knowing that he wouldn't be fooled if he didn't come up with some actual temptation.

"What's more, he hasn't broken through to supreme, this is the trouble."

"The whole fairyland, with the advent of the chaotic age, those human fairy venerables have achieved the supreme status. You don’t want to see you kill the Quartet, but the fairy realm is too big. You haven’t even walked through 36 realms. You don’t know how many The master is hiding."

"If those human supremes come, we are naturally not good at intercepting, but there must be some conspirators."

"Maybe it's heaven, maybe it's secretly cultivated by forces like Wanshen Township, or mystery, and mystic power."

"Or, it's destiny..."

"We dare not give a Dingtian Palace to someone who does not know the details."

Qingdi looked at Chu Yi, and Chu Yi looked at him.

In the end, the Qing Emperor's face was blue, and he said angrily: "Asshole boy, I know, to tell you the truth, as long as you become a palace master, you have the opportunity to go to the depths of Dingtian Palace, where there is a great chance, my longevity The trick is from there."

"The emperor Bai Nian's way of thinking is also derived from there."

"Oh? Senior, why didn't you say that early!" Chu Yi grinned, showing a bright smile.

"Seniors, in fact, as juniors, I am obligated. After all, I cannot look at my great cause of human beings and let others go."

"I went this time not for the so-called inheritance, but for the glorious cause of mankind." Chu Yi said shamelessly.

The Qing Emperor shivered with anger: "You... a shameless man... I suspect that you came out of hell."

Chu Yi said cheekily: "Senior, what is the so-called inheritance?"

The Qing Emperor flicked his sleeves and was not angry: "I don't know, it's hard to say, I just know, it's the Universiade."


Chu Yi froze, staying in place.

"Universal Palace?!" He could not help raising his voice.

"Why, you know?" Qing Emperor said with a sincere air, "It's actually strange to say, I didn't call it Dingtian Temple. When I founded it, it was because I found a small damaged palace. A plaque with the Universiade on it."

"I took the Universiade Mansion as the core, and then established the Dingtian Palace around it, but I was afraid to use the Universiade's name if I was afraid of getting into trouble."

"Looking at you, I seem to have changed my name and right."

Chu Yi touched his chin and was anxious. He did not expect that the Dayun Mansion in the mouth of the sword insect really existed, and it was in Dingtian Palace.

"What is the origin of this Universiade?"

Qing Emperor shook his head: "I don't know. I haven't seen through so far, and I can't enter before I became the Supreme. After I became the Supreme, I can only enter once."

"Actually, all the Supremes can enter, but Bai Di and I both think that the contents inside are too amazing. No matter whether it is my eternal longevity tactics or Bai Di’s spiritual thoughts, they are not ordinary things. I’m afraid of attracting jealousy. Only the palace owner is allowed to enter."

"Senior Yun hasn't heard of it?"

Yun Weng shrugged: "It seems that there is no such force in history, but it is so powerful that it should not be completely unknown."

"Universal Palace?!"

When Chu Yi informed the sword worm, the sword worm jumped up, and the whole body was purple.

"That's my home... I finally found my home. Are you really listening?"

"Nonsense, not everyone in Universiade can enter, but I will lead the way if I lead."

"I tell you, there are so many cents in my family."

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