My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1343: Lord of Nine Serenities

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The Black Thunder Supreme of the Geomagnetic Pavilion, the black Phnom Penh Tabard hunted all over the body, and the Black Wood Thunder twisted strangely like a tree winding up.

He walked vigorously, his beard was bald, and he was extraordinary.

Although the White Emperor is powerful, the entire human race is too large, and his majesty is far less than the Qing Emperor who created the Dingtian Palace.

In addition, the strong people of the human race continue to come forward, naturally there is much less fear of him.

"Bai Di, you have abdicated, and the new Changsheng Monument is unclaimed. Even without going through the Presbyterian Church, you can make a random decision. Is it really the whole Dingtian Palace? Is it your family's words?"

Tian Shunhui's Supreme Master Qiao Xin is a middle-aged woman with a charming charm, but only a few wrinkles around her eyes.

"Bai Di, we will not blame you too much on this matter. After all, you are in charge of the entire Dingtian Palace, and naturally have the right to speak, but now this thing is out of trouble, but it has become a problem for my human race. It is not as good as it is now. Directly convened the highest meeting and canceled this time."

"Supplied." Bai Xianzun, who returned to Xianzong, nodded slightly.

The three of them naturally understand that this is the era of mankind, a great era for the rise of mankind, and as the holy place of mankind, Dingtian Palace, is naturally attracting attention. Almost all human luck is gathered here.

Prior to this, the foundation of humans was thousands of times or even tens of thousands of times larger than the Protoss, or even more. The number of strong people, but less pitiful, is far inferior to other ethnic groups.

So now if human beings really want to appear at the top, they might appear in Dingtian Temple.

Everyone wants to let their ethnic group settle in Dingtian Temple.

Bai Di sneered in his heart, he knew the meaning of these three old guys.

"They are all ancient existences. The last era has long been a supreme, but I have always seen that my human race has no development, and it has been almost reclusive. Ignore it, and everything is still resisted by the Qing Emperor and me. It jumped out."

No matter how weak the human race is, the huge foundation determines that the number of supremes will definitely not be only Qingdi and Baidi.

In fact, in the last era, there were several supreme secretly.

The Qing Emperor had long looked for them, but these three people were all interested, but even if they finally saw that the human race stabilized, they only occupied some seats in the Presbyterian Church, and finally let them go.

In this regard, Qingdi and Baidi are also very helpless.

Especially the Qing Emperor. In the era of the gods, demons, and Buddhas, after the Yanhuangs were destroyed, they carried the entire war-torn human race.

At that time, the Black Thunder Supreme's major forces were completely indifferent.

"A group of vampires and clowns jumping beams." Bai Di was disdainful, but he couldn't show it.

"White Emperor, what do you think? It is better to let the three of us fight for the epoch of humanity and the helm of Dingtian Palace. At least you have to be a high-level supreme, otherwise it will not be despised."

Bai Di smiled slightly: "How do I think that you are not here to discuss, but to force the palace."

"However, one thing is wrong. It was not me but the Qing Emperor who made this decision."

"Green Emperor..."

When the three men had a meal, Hei Lei Supreme was surprised: "The Qing Emperor did not appear for tens of thousands of years. When he last appeared, he had informed him that he had little time."

The White Emperor carried his hands on his back and said frankly: "The Qing Emperor is practicing longevity tactics, and everyone knows that. , After reaching this era, he is naturally stronger."

"This is the Qing Emperor's decree, the three will know at a glance."

Black Thunder Supreme three looked at a blue scroll, their faces changing.

After all, the Qing Emperor did not appear for too long, so long that they subconsciously ignored the existence of this person.

In the eyes of many younger generations, the Qing Emperor is similar to a mythical figure, only existing in history.

Even these three men are more than a century younger than the Qing Emperor.

"Qingdi, still alive..." Bai Feng's solemn gaze flickered, somewhat unbelievable.

Only those who are able to live for so long nowadays have extremely special constitutions, such as Yun Weng and others.

Others are chaotic creatures sleeping with special methods.

Or, it is the existence of Cheng Xian.

But the Qing Emperor, who had not slept in the first place, was not a special physique in the second place, had actually lived from the ancient times to the present by virtue of the exercises he created, and it has exceeded three eras.

All three felt that a mountain was pressed above their heads. After all, the Qing Emperor had not seen him for tens of thousands of years, and no one knew his strength.

And the other party's prestige is too high, even if they want to rely on the elders to refute, it is impossible.

Hula la.

Suddenly, the void was surging like a tide, and in the next second, it retreated toward both sides, and a dark river slowly flowed out of the depth of the void.

In the Heihe River, there seemed to be souls surging, struggling, and grieving.

At the end of the Heihe River, there was a man sitting alone in a lone boat, lighting an oil lamp and floating out.

Black Thunder Supreme, Bai Feng Supreme and Qiao Xin Supreme are all creepy, feeling their souls must be sucked into Heihe.

"Hanging for tens of thousands of years, seeing it again, Bai Di's style is undiminished."

The figure was dressed in a black rag, and his face was dull and enveloped by the shadow.

"Lord of Nine Nether, you really lived the second life." Bai Di arched his hand.

"Lord of Nine Serenities." Black Thunder Supreme and others, their teeth were trembling.

"The land of the Nine Nethers has been low-key in recent years because everyone knows that the Nine Nethers mainly died. He and the Qing Emperor were born in the same era. Although they were a few million years late, they lived well enough. long time."

Qiao Xinzhizun's face was horrified, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

"The stronger the person, the lower the chance of wanting to win the house. Even if there is a secret method, the success of the house can be used. After all, the secret method can be used to avoid the heavenly path, imperfection, and impossible to reach the height of the previous life. Life expectancy will be greatly reduced, and the risk is also great."

"Looking at the appearance of the Lord of Nine Nether, it seems to be a natural rebirth."

The advent of a new era, originally thought that the old generation of strong, will gradually disappear, but unexpectedly, some ancient existence, are still alive, even more powerful.

"The Qing Emperor does not die, how can I die... It's all about Jiu Youhe who survived the second life."

The Nine Nether Lord glanced at the black river.

The Nine Nine Rivers are well-known throughout the fairyland, flowing in the Nine Netherlands.

Every year, there are a large number of creatures who die in the river, and there are sinful flowers in the river. It is rumored that they can eliminate their own debts, so as to beg for a good afterlife, so Jiu Youhe has become a lot of creatures Favorite place to commit suicide.

The Lord of the Nine Nethers sits in the Nine Nether Rivers and observes the life and death every day. I did not expect to live the second life.

He walked out slowly, opened the black cloth, and revealed a short hair and pale face, but it was a teenager's face, which looked sick in the sun.

The oil lamp in his hand, burning quietly, echoed with Jiu Youhe.

The Lord of Nine Nine looked at Hei Lei and smiled: "Why, three Dao friends, staring at my Nine Nine River so much, do you want to commit suicide?"

The three of them shuddered. The Lord of the Nine Serenities, with a strange temperament, is recognized. They did not expect that Bai Di would invite this person out this time.

Bai Di smiled with satisfaction: "The three elders, is there anything else?"

"It's all right, as usual, this time, a palace owner will be selected in the Supreme, six avengers will be selected in the Immortal Venerable, and the number of disciples in the Dingtian Palace will be expanded."

"Bai Di, although we have no way to participate, our disciples are not weak at all, and they are all outstanding in the supremacy."

Hei Lei Supreme glanced at the star son beside Bai Di, "Your disciple seems to be one step closer to becoming the Supreme One, which is a pity."

The three left confidently.

The situation of the human ethnic group is rather special. Except for several of their high-level supremacy, the rest of the supreme are all entered not long ago, generally between Yi Yao and Er Yao, so they are confident that their followers will not lose.

"Qingdi, the old guy, throwing such a big force at you, he is happily gone." The Lord of Jiu You laughed.

Bai Di shrugged helplessly.

"The rise of the human race, this palace owner, if it is just the same things as those guys just now, can't hold it."

The Lord of Nine Nether's eyes flashed, "And, one is not good, this Heavenly Palace is about to change."

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