My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1343: Another girl

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Humans are going to rise, geniuses are endless, and even many geniuses born within a hundred years have arrived in the realm of Yuan Ying, which is really an era of terror."

Chu Yi passed by and was amazed.

But after all, this is where the Dingtian Palace is located. It is naturally the best human being gathered.

He changed his face slightly, and as long as no one was interested in detecting it, he could not recognize Yan Luo as the Supreme.

The sword worm said: "Human luck is strong, there are more treasures. Look at these people, some juniors have sub-sacred weapons."

"There are also some immortal statues, all of which have artifacts. This is the precursor to the rise of the entire ethnic group."

"Fight... Robber..." Zhu Bajie said excitedly.

Chu Yi knocked on his head and said, "This is not called robbery. This is called robbery of the rich and poor. They are rich. We are poor. To develop the star cannon, we need to use many resources. We are for the peace and future of the fairyland. With love, a little bit of their wealth."

"Earth Calendar... On March 1st, the son is brazen, and is going to rob..." Baihu said in a note.

Chu Yi was anxious: "Er Niu, you're not right, you don't need to record such trivial things, they won't watch them in the smoke and rain."

"It doesn't matter." White Fox smiled.

"Small bitch, there is no fighting, no matter where the annoying people are, Niu Niu, I haven't lived in a long time...Master..."

Niuniu was still roaring, swearing, and she saw a figure in an instant, but she became quiet and immediately became shy.

Lan Bi walked here. He didn't change for many years, but his breath became deeper. He was also a first-rate genius, even if he didn't enter the Supreme, but it was not far away.

In this era, the benefit of the human race far exceeds that of other races, even the devil and the heavenly race.

Lan Bi saw Chu Yi's appearance, but when she saw Niuniu, she easily recognized her identity.

"Brother Chu, I didn't expect that you would appear here."

"Don't say goodbye at that time, really far away, you and me are completely different." Chu Yi sighed.

Although they haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, there has been an era in between, from the Proterozoic era to the Neo-Paleo era, which has changed a lot, and it's sad.

"Okay, okay."

Lan Bi shook his head and said: "The owner of the house has passed away immortally, and he hasn't reached the new and ancient times, otherwise, my Lan family will not be in chaos."

Many strong men of the year passed away at the end of an era, as if many old men would not survive the cold winter before the advent of spring.

"Great chaos?" Chu Yi and Lan Bi walked into a tea house.

Lan Bi smiled bitterly: "I often retreat, and don't ask too much about the things in the clan. When I go out, I find that there are two more geniuses in the clan."

"They are all my cousins. They were only a bit worse than my talents. They later entered the secret realm, and they have achieved great gains. The two have just achieved supremacy. They are fighting for the position of the patriarch in the clan. It's omnipresent."

Chu Yi suddenly realized that the entire human race, at the top, was naturally the Dingtian Palace. Next, the Geomagnetic Pavilion, Tianshunhui and Guixianzong all had high-level supreme seats.

Next, there is the strength of general supremacy, and the Lan family is among the best.

Nowadays, the monks trapped in the Immortal Venerable and Immortal Realm were not difficult to achieve the Supreme. Therefore, the number of Supremes is increasing, but from the Supreme to the Highest Supreme, it is a big hurdle and is now the top. The dividing line between forces and general forces.

"It's more and more similar to the age of gods and demons..." Chu Yi used to sleepwalk in that era, chaotic supreme in the sky, and all are extremely pure blood lines, so horrible.

"Human beings are getting stronger, but other races should not be too weak." He did not relax his guard.

The so-called **** of pantheon refers to only the town of pantheon, but there are many forces in the Protoss.

"Brother Lan can ask me for help if necessary."

"Looking for you?" Lan Bi smiled strangely. "You are a pest recognized by the universe, and many people can't avoid it."

Chu Yi had a meal, but it was clear that, in the war of the earth, several major forces had deliberately concealed it and did not spread it to the outside world.

They do not yet know that the earth is the place of origin.

"If Brother Chu wants to compete for the position of this heavenly palace, I am afraid that no one is your opponent, but there are some extraordinary origins, you have to be careful. You also know that humans are the most cunning."

"Humans are really cunning!" Suddenly, a voice came, and two groups of people came in.

The first two are similar to Lan Bi's face.

One of them is quite harmonious, the other is full of anger.

Lan Sheng smiled and said: "Lan Bi, why did you not make a decision, you are the eldest brother, naturally you have to choose camp, my Lan family can't be out, it is bound to be targeted."

Lan Ganmeiyu was quirky and grumbled: "Or, cousin wants to achieve supremacy by himself, and then won't win the position?"

Chu Yiming understands that these two are the two new supremes of the Lan family.

Although there are many supremes in this era, they are not so much flooded, so people around have cast their eyes in awe and set aside some distance.

Chu Yi glanced at the two of them.

"Chasing soul beads, bone bone ring, the craftsmanship of this dress seems to be in the age of condemnation, and there is that necklace, which can't be taken without a superb spirit crystal, it seems to have the function of gathering turbid gas."

"It's really rich, it is estimated that it is directly into a small world left by the powerful in the age of condemnation."

Chu Yi suddenly became a bit rich. Although he often killed the Supreme himself, most of his wealth was invested in the construction of the star cannon and the defense system of the entire earth, leaving little to himself.

"Poor, buddy is too poor. I'm sorry for not taking anything."

Lan Sheng also glanced at Chu Yi and saw that the other party had been staring at the treasure on his body. He mocked and said: "Cousin, although you were the first person of the younger generation of the family, but now, it is no longer good, you see Look, you haven’t entered the Supreme, and you have made friends who are not influential, and I am different. The surroundings are all Supreme Friends."

After he finished speaking, if he was not interested, he left.

Lan Qiangao laughed twice: "Cousin, you can use that ticket as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble to yourself."

Lan Bi shrugged.

He was too lazy to take care of housework and didn't want to get involved, but he was also an important member of the family and naturally had the right to vote.

"You also saw that our family, if there is only one supreme, it is fine, but if there are two supremes, it is trouble."

Chu Yi smiled: "If you don't talk about this first, I would think that your two brothers are very rich, don't mind, go to robbery... Bah, borrow some money."

The sword worm jumped on the table and said, "Come on, everyone is a friend, allowing you to join me to worship the Moon God Church. I only have one purpose of the Moon God Church, that is, killing people and robbing money."

At first glance, it is not a good religion.

"Master, go, you read every day, your home is lost, what's the point." Niuniu urged.

"Let's go, wait for the lunar star to rise, worship the moon **** religion, will return to the rivers and lakes, I see a lot of good things, Jianhe, hehe."

A group of people is very excited, but the people in this city, I am afraid that those above the Immortal Venerable will suffer.

At night, the stars are shining, and around the lunar star is covered with a thin layer of mist.


A ground turned into a quagmire, and a figure appeared slowly.

The figure was wearing a mask, short hair and ears, and a star-like eardrop on the right ear.

She looked into the sky, her eyes shining brightly.

"Human holy land, it's ridiculous, I shouldn't be careful where it is human holy land."

She was proud and greeted the moonlight.

"The **** snake still wants to follow me, really think I can't get rid of it?"


Suddenly, at the next moment, there was a severe pain in the back of her head. Then, a strange wave came, and she shouted badly, but Yuan Ying quickly fell silent.

"Mo pretend, pretend to be chopped." Mo Cao heard a joke before losing consciousness.

Chu Yi took a big step and lamented that the sword worm's stealth method was really magical.

He kicked the people on the ground and sighed: "It's just a two-strike at first glance. He didn't sleep in the middle of the night and ran to the street to stand against the moon."

"Son, it seems to be a woman again."

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