My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1345: Too arrogant

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The sun star is huge, covering most of the sky, and the supreme level of the strong can even directly see the sun's outermost flame.

Just as everyone gritted their teeth, a avenue that stretched out from the depth of Dingtian Palace spread out like a rainbow bridge, and reached the city.

"It's about to start!"

"Don't go up first, this first wave of people, certainly the supreme, are all directed at the position of the palace master and the six avengers. We immortal lords used to die."

Tongtian Avenue, just at the gate of the city, many people watched, knowing that this was already a test.

Who can step on, who can reach Dingtian Palace first, who can become the new helm of human holy land.

In the depths of Dingtian Palace, Bai Di's eyes are like a torch, and beside him, he is the dreaded Nine Nether Lord.

The Lord of Nine Nether and Qing Emperor have a very good relationship and were invited to fight.

And a little behind is the three high-level supremes such as the Black Thunder Supreme, and then the Presbyterian Church.

"Hei Lei Daoyou, listening to Master Luo Men, was shocked and gorgeous, and his body was psychic."

"You're welcome, Lan Fei is also good. The nine tunes of Xianzong are also strong opponents."

"But rest assured, no matter who is the master of the palace, I think some rules have to be changed, and I will definitely give you an explanation."

There are words in several words.

Baidi naturally could hear the words, the Presbyterian Church had long been greedy for the secrets in Dingtian Palace.

Unfortunately, he and Qingdi were not open to the Presbyterian Church.

Baidi said nothing.

The Lord of Nine Nethers secretly reminded: "Did the White Emperor and the Qing Emperor really not show up? This time, I am afraid that it will be more troublesome than you think. You must know that this is a holy place for human beings. There are many forces starting to intervene. Everyone came, and I observed it. If it were the three supreme virtues behind you, the people they cultivated could not be comparable to heaven."

Bai Di sighed and said: "I know, in fact, I am also against, but Qing Di said that he has his own arrangements."

"Own arrangements?"

The Lord of Nine Serenities is puzzled, "The whole human race is on the rise, do any super geniuses appear?"

He couldn't figure it out, because there was definitely someone coming from Heavenly Court, so the existence that could contend must have something comparable to Heavenly Court.


At this moment, conflict has broken out there.

At the gate of the city, on the side of the sky, a black shadow flew out. The speed of the black shadow was extremely fast, leaving almost no trace in the air, and only appeared in a layer of void.

However, some people found that a short figure came out by cutting off the void directly.

"The shadow saint, since he wants to walk, then he walks generously, why should he sneak it." The shot Han had a bald face, a fleshy face, and a halberd on his back, and the secret pattern behind him burned like flames.

"White face supreme, did not expect you are not dead, black face is also called white face supreme, really face to face."

The two seemed to know that there was a huge conflict. The gates of the city were turned upside down, and the flames of the sky were everywhere.

But a few moments later, several people wanted to take the opportunity to pass by, and they were all blocked.

"Nearly twenty supreme!"

People marveled at how long it took for humans to come out with so many supremes, and this number is still increasing.

"Sister Luo Men of Geomagnetic Pavilion shot!"

Chu Yi looked over. If he expected it to be good, this person should be a special physique similar to a magnet. All metals in front of him would become extremely strange.

He has long hair and a sharp face, and keeps moving forward.

Fairy Lanfi was even colder, and snowflakes fluttered everywhere she passed.

There are also nine songs, which look like children, but they are walking steadily.

The three joined forces and headed towards Tongtian Avenue. The Supreme People around were shocked and horrified.


"These three teamed up, and in the end they won and lost in their respective teams, who is still their opponent." There was a supreme frown.

"My human race has many geniuses, so I don't believe that no one can stop them."

The avenue is extremely spacious, just a rainbow, without borders, a group of supreme wars farther and farther away.

"Brother Chu, haven't you shot yet?" Lan Bi persuaded.

"No hurry, some people haven't shot yet, this time it won't be so calm."

Chu Yi laughed. Sure enough, a second after his voice fell, a Buddha, rushed into the sky, and finally refracted down.


"People in Xitian Temple!"

That monk, uncovered, appeared like this.

He is very powerful, with cinnabar in his eyebrows, as if embellished with blood.

"How can this be done, people from the Xitian Temple will come to participate." The two brothers Lan Sheng and Lan Bi were also on the avenue, questioning.

"Amitabha, Wu Naiyuan, although he is a child of Xitian Temple, is also a human being. This is a holy place for human beings. Why can't he participate?"

Xinyuan Taoists have their eyes on hunting. Most of the Wanshen Townships are the Protoss, but the Xitian Temple is in fact most of the human beings, but their way is only Buddhism.

This era is also extremely terrifying to the disciples of Xitian Temple.

Like the Buddha in those days, it may only be an alternative Buddha in today's era.


A Zen stick, crushed down, struck Lord Luomen.

The latter looks dignified, with both hands grabbing the sky, and huge magnetic energy forms a shield.

Suddenly, another buddha light chopped from behind.

Lanfei Fairies and Jiuquzi on both sides were about to help, but they saw two Buddhas, appeared from behind, turned into oil lamps, and rammed them.

"More than one!"

"Four people!"

"Xi Tian Dian, sent four people over!"

People are horrified.

"No, not four people, this is Nine Elephants!"

Chu Yi opened the Eclipse Longan. These attacks were all sent out by the Xinyuan Dao people, using secret methods to constantly split and refract.


Chu Yi's figure rushed away, slashing his sword, blocking the blow for Lord Luomen.

He did not use kendo because he had to lead other potential enemies.

"Brother, thanks." Master Luo Men thanked.

The Xitian Temple put too much pressure on everyone. This was originally the existence of the top forces, and now it is under the curtain of heaven, and the disciples who walked out of it are one more powerful than one.

"You are welcome, Xitian Temple is an outsider after all, after all, it is not under the control of my Dingtian Temple."

Chu Yi sincerely said: "The three rest assured, I am not here to fight for the position of the palace master, but to fight for the protector. Some of you will become the palace master, and I should protect you."

Lord Luomen, Jiuquzi and Fairy Fairy were immediately grateful.

"Brother, you have more justice than yesterday's worship of the Moon."

"Okay, you walk with us. The four of us killed in the past and won't let you lose."

"The teacher is fooling others again. Compared with Xitian Temple, Dingtian Palace seems to be more incompatible with the gods and demons." Xia Houcheng touched his chin.

"Amitabha, put down the butcher's knife and stand up to become a buddha." Yuan Xin stood in front of the crowd. He faced nearly thirty supremes alone, calm and calm.

His Buddhism splits, and one figure after another appears, a total of nine people, which is the ultimate of Nine Elephants.

"The same human beings, Dingtian Palace said, regardless of power, then I would like to join in the Wonderland."

A figure appeared, holding a steel fork.

"Heaven of Heaven, also qualified."

"And my sword pavilion..."

On Chu Yi’s side, everyone’s face has changed from time to time. In fact, there are human beings among the major forces. After all, the foundation is too large to be completely eliminated.

But they did not expect that this time, these major forces appeared without any scruples and directly appeared in the strongest posture to compete with them for Dingtian Temple.

This is not just the palace master, they have to occupy the position of the guardian.

Bai Di's complexion changed suddenly, and the Black Thunder Supreme three in the rear could not hold back.

"Too arrogant!" Bai Di shouted.

"No, the Qing Emperor cannot fail to consider such a situation. This is the prosperous age of mankind. He will not make such a rule so easily that all humans in the fairy world can participate unless he has the certainty of winning."

The Lord of Nine Nethers pondered.

"Wait, all the forces of the fairy world..."

Suddenly, the Lord of Nine Nether paused and smiled. "I understand, that guy must be here too."


"Supreme Yan Luo!"

The Lord of Nine Nine smiled and said, "Thousands of years ago, the Qing Emperor and I often talked about Yan Luo kid. At that time, he had not reincarnated."

"Yes, Qingdi and the kid are very familiar. I have only seen one side. If the Qingdi is out of the horse, even if the other party is the **** and demon leader, I am afraid it will come." Bai Di suddenly.

"Xing'er, has anything happened recently?"

Xing Chenzi thought for a while, and suddenly said: "I heard yesterday that many Supreme Immortal Venerables in the city were stunned. When they woke up, they found that they had been stolen."

"It's him..." The Lord of Nine Nether smiled bitterly, "He came to my Nine Netherland, and he walked away with a lot of fine wine, and the Nine Nethers scolded for three days."

The Nine Nether Lord's eyes looked far, and fell on Yi Rong's Chu Yi.

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