Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi seemed to pay attention and grinned at the Lord of Nine Nether in the distance.

He had an intersection with the Lord of Nine Nethers. In fact, when he was in the Land of Nine Nethers, the two had already talked to each other, only that the Lord of Nine Nethers had little life.

"Relying on the Jiu You River, have you survived the second life, the Lord of the Nine Nether is worthy of the Lord of the Nine Nether."

Although this is a brand-new era, even new species are born every day, and new geniuses are constantly appearing, but the old strong men are also constantly transforming.

The collision between the old and the new can give birth to a more brilliant civilization.

"A few powerful forces in your Xitian Temple can't help but deceive people!"


"Brother, you follow me, fight with me, fight together, and take down the monk first." Lord Luo Men's hair fluttered. Suddenly, the root was like a sharp iron needle, bursting into the Yuanxin monk. go with.


The nine figures of Yuanxin monk separated from each other in an instant. Each figure held a stick and rolled from the sky.

Nine sticks fell down, as if the sky were falling apart, and Taishan crushed the top.

Lord Luo Men took out a spear and moved it, forming a huge vortex in the void, entangled all the sticks.

His spear is very special, not tough, but it can trap the enemy. The whole sky seems to be a huge quicksand, which is constantly collapsing.

"This group of rising stars is not bad." Chu Yi looked at it. For him, he is quite older than him and can only be regarded as a junior. After all, his experience is too rich.

Chu Yi took advantage of the situation, and the knife-mang disintegrated in the air, turning into an inch-long snake, escaped into the void, and then appeared from behind the figures of the nine monks.

His knife, like running water, whirled finely, but at the moment of eruption, he was astonished.

Kendo, in this piece of universe, has been extraordinary, he merged many Dao, only completed a complete Kendo.

Therefore, Chu Yi's swordsmanship is not bad.

The monk turned around, and the skin of the nine figures, under the sun star, was like a layer of golden powder. His hands flew to the sky together, shocking the world, and Vajra appeared, crushing the void.

Even with this, Lord Lormon's spear offensive was also cracked.

"Jiangshan has talents, not to mention these top powers. It seems that the New and Ancient Times is even more terrifying than I thought."

Chu Yi looked around and saw that both sides were fighting.

After all, Wanshen Township, Jiange, and Heavenly Man Holy Land were not friendly to Dingtian Temple before.

As soon as the group appeared, the camp was quickly divided into two groups.

"Mother, kill!" The swordworm shrank, calling in Chu Yi's ear.

Pig Bajie and others did not follow, and it was useless after all, but the sword worm was going to Dingtian Temple.

"Brother Luo Men, this monk uses Nine Elephants. The weakness of this practice is not the body, but the breaking of balance. You only need to let one of the avatars consume energy, far exceeding the other avatars." Chu Yi reminded Road.

"Good brother, if I succeeded as the palace master, then you must be rewarded. You are really talented. My human race needs to be like you."

Lord Luomen shot, very lingering, like a river spear, turned into a beast, and galloped away.

Chu Yi looked at Fairy Lanfi again, the other's fairy skirt fluttered, there was a charming and holy coexistence, ambilight, shining a side of the sky.

And her opponent is a human in the holy land of heaven and man, wielding double fists, and constantly transforming into various beasts.

"Fairy Lanfi, your enemy uses the beast boxing technique. This boxing technique is based on simulating a variety of alien beasts. You need to break through and you need to be extremely fast. The moment the opponent transforms the alien beast is the moment of attack. Chu Yi shouted loudly.

"Okay!" Fairy Lanfi was very grateful. "This kind of person is really suitable to be a priest. I am willing to act as a green leaf and let others shine. If I become a palace master in the future, I must Reuse him."

"Jiuquzi, your opponent, his sword, is too weak, and the weaknesses are all over the body. When he uses the thorn, the weakness is in the tiger's mouth, when he uses the collapse, the weakness is in the next plate..."

Chu Yi reminded him one by one that he had fought several times with the top leaders of the top forces, and naturally knew their skills well.

Moreover, there are collections of gods, demon religions and Yanhuangs, which are secrets to the outside world, but for Chu Yi, they have been thoroughly studied.

He stood in the rear, pointing Jiangshan, and seeing where it was suppressed, he said a few words.

What's more, his comments were too in place, and even the Jiange, especially the one in the sword pavilion, didn't even show the sword, was blocked by Chu Yi in one sentence, and his face flushed red.

"Come down and fight, don't slap wow, like a lady." The young Supreme of Jiange was furious.

"Hate... Don't you guys..." Chu Yi shyly said.

The Supreme of Jiange suddenly felt that all the internal organs had turned over, and almost vomited out. One was unstable, and he made a move, and then the move was defeated.

"This young supreme, with a bit of instability, should have just entered the supreme, but his eyesight is extraordinary. He is the best protector, and he has the dedication."

In Dingtian Palace, everyone nodded, very pleased, especially the three black thunders, showing a straight smile.

"Jiangge's major forces, the disciples of my family that they cultivated, are just like that."

"What's this kid, what will we do in the future to become the strongest protector, Baidi, do you say yes?"

Bai Di held his smile, his face dignified, and nodded reluctantly.

When the three of them saw that Bai Di was uncomfortable, they knew that they no longer talked, but when they looked at Chu Yi, they were all very grateful.

"How does the Nine Nether Lord think?" Bai Di asked secretly, his eyes became extremely white, and he looked at Chu Yi as if to see through the other party.

The Lord of Nine Nethers wore a black rag and smiled: "When he was in my Nine Netherlands, I secretly saw that in that era, it was already shocked and gorgeous, but I did not expect that The second generation is even more terrifying and has extraordinary opportunities."

"Emperor Bai does not have to worry, such a person will not be bought by any forces. He is comparable to those of the emperor. The gods and demons can't trap him, even Dingtian Temple can't trap him, he has no heart power, nor Will be incorporated into these struggles."

"Moreover, he is only half a step away and will be able to stand with us. One day, he will stand by us."

"I'm afraid that this day will not last long, maybe you don't have to wait for him to become a high-level supreme." Bai Di murmured.

The battle was fierce on the sky, but Chu Yi's side, with his help, was an overwhelming advantage.

"Daoyou, I really appreciate it."

"Yeah, without you, we don't know what to do." Many people expressed gratitude.

Chu Yi nodded slightly, quite a demeanor.

But suddenly, a woman looked back, the more puzzled she looked at Chu Yi.

"Daoyou, I always think, where have you heard this voice, wrong, you are very similar to the voice of the one who robbed me of the moon worship last night."

Chu Yi looked at him: "I don't understand what worships the **** of the moon, I am a gentleman."

"No, it's really you. I'm naturally sensitive to sound. I can remember any sound and simulate it."

"You yelled to grab last night before I lost consciousness..."

The woman's complexion changed greatly, and the more she thought about it, the more likely she was, and she even spoke in public.

"What are you talking about, I don't know." Chu Yi looked embarrassed.

"Yes, it's him!"

The woman abandoned her opponent and looked straight to Chu Yi.

"You are absolutely right. It is him who worships Moon God."

"Um? You say that, as if his breath is indeed familiar to me." Someone echoed.

All of you were supreme. In the traces of the clues, evidence was quickly found. All of a sudden, everyone's face changed dramatically.

"Evil, return my cartilage sword!"

"Fat trough, this guy is really, no wonder I feel something is wrong, how come suddenly a master, pointing us, if it was the guy last night, definitely have this strength."

Lord Luo Men was stunned, and Fairy Lanfi was stunned. A large group of people were ashamed. Even Xitian Temple and others stopped the fight and looked at Chu Yi angrily.

There is a piece of Immortal Venerable below, and there is even a psychic god, first surprised, then shy.

"I'm a good person, why are you looking at me like this...I'm just... borrowing your things a little bit." Chu Yi said sincerely.

Chu Yi thought that he had pretended to be low-key, but it would be better if he came to point Jiangshan, and he would always be found.

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