My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1347: Public enemy

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Worship the moon gods..." Master Luo Men only felt flushed. He also praised Chu Yi repeatedly. He felt that this person was a good man. He was generous in heart and broad-minded.

He originally wanted to vigorously cultivate Chu Yi, but did not expect that the other party would become a person who worshipped the **** of the moon.

In particular, many men have been stripped of their clothes, and even underwear has been stolen and sold on the street. Although no one dares to buy it, it is definitely a naked insult.

Fairy Lanfi was so angry that her teeth were trembling and her whole body was shaking.

"Dengtu prodigal son!"

This group of people only felt that their eyes were blind, and they would be grateful to a villain. When they saw Chu Yi, they felt that their heads were still in pain.

Although Chu Yi did not **** all their belongings, it was enough to make them feel distressed, especially the Blue Brothers, their eyes spurted anger, because they were robbed of all but their natal weapons.

And just now, they were grateful to Chu Yi.

It's a conscience that has been dogged.

As for the group of sword pavilions, the heavenly people's holy land, the face is even more ugly, because Chu Yi is more fierce against them.

"Sin barrier, return my bodhi son!" Yuanxin Daoren took the lead, the whole body was full of gold, the Vajra's strongest fist crushed the world, and swept across the world.

The monks Yuanxin were all angry, showing how angry and angry the things Chu Yi was doing.

At this time, the golden light was monstrous, the fist wind was like an aurora, and the spread of large and large films, Yuanxin monk's blood was churning, and his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, just like the same angry Buddha.


Chu Yi also used double fists to fight his enemies, but he was a Taoist fist and he defended with the other party.

"Amitabha, money is something outside of the body, why should monks care?"

Monk Yuanxin was furious, especially when he looked at the other party with a hippie smile, he couldn't forgive him.

This riot in the world, the ground swayed, and large cracks spread.

On the other side, Lan Fei fairy also shot, the fairy qi is vertical and horizontal, killing decisively and decisively, every breath is very heavy, it should be refined from the black gold.

Chu Yi struck out with a backhand, and this knife, like the sudden water break, made people feel very contradictory.

"First of all, the invincible fist of Xitian Temple, and then the water-cutting sword of Tianshunhui, this person should not, even these two forces have gone in search of it."

This time, not only them, but even Joe Qin's Supreme, his face was not good-looking.

"I didn't expect that someone secretly learned my secret method, it was really a crime."

Bai Di laughed: "Qiao Xin Zhizun, didn't you just say that this person is worthy of your cultivation? Now it seems that it is cultivated in advance."

Joe Xin's face was red and white.

This is obviously stealing, what kind of training in advance.

Lan Fei's offensive was very fierce, her face flushed, and a few women stepped forward, and she was very irritated.

At the same time, Lord Luomen also shot, he felt that he had been cheated, and he could not bear it.

In an instant, the situation on the field has completely changed. The human race, almost thirty or so supreme, was originally still in opposition, and they were in an intimate relationship, but now they all rushed to Chu Yi and achieved a very tacit cooperation.

"Slipped, we didn't see anything." Xia Houcheng stood at the gate of the city, shrinking his neck, trying to make himself feel no presence.

"Teacher, you can do it yourself."

On the sky, Chu Yi looked at this scene and was very pleased: "You guys, because I am alone, you are so united, it is really a blessing for my human race. I will work hard to create this situation."

"Ah, shameless thing!" Someone scolded, this man's face is so thick that he can't penetrate it at all.

"Mr. Luo Men, you just sympathized with me just now, and you shot me at the blink of an eye." Chu Yihua made a move to Mr. Luo Men and teased.

Lord Luomen really wanted to slap himself.

As long as I knew this, he would definitely shoot the person in front of him.

"Everyone, we take him down first, take things back, and then fight each other." Master Luomen suggested, and everyone immediately agreed.

"Don't do this, I'm scared." Chu Yi exaggerated.

At the same time, he took out several underwear and threw them into the air.

"Lan Sheng Daoyou, this is your underwear. If you don't pick it up, you will be taken away by someone else."

"Master Luomen, there is yours in it..."

"And Ruohua girl's boots."

"Fairy Lanfi, don't stare at me, I will keep your underwear."

"Golden silk..."

Chu Yi went all the way and threw out some people's personal clothes all the way, without any scruples.

The group of people had to stop their hands and take away their belongings, what a shame.

Dingtian Palace, everyone looked dumbfounded. Bai Di and Lord of Nine Nethers froze for a while, and finally recovered.

Bai Di couldn't help crying: "It is certain now that Yan Luo is the supreme. No one dares to do such a thing at such a serious time except him. This is simply the enemy of the universe."

The Lord of Nine Nine sighed with relief: "It seems that when he came to my Nine Nine Nine Land, it was really just a little trouble. Fortunately, it was fortunate."


The two were originally teasing, but their faces changed instantly.

"Have a master!"

"Xuanji or a man in heaven?" Bai Di pondered, because he understood the overall level of the human race.

Although he is on the rise, the Emperor Bai understands in his heart that they are not as powerful as the Heavenly Court and the Mystery of the Heavenly Palace.

Qualifications and resources must be kept up for humanity to truly rise.

There was a sigh in Chu Yi's heart. He naturally felt that someone locked him.

"Rogue, return my jewelry!"

A black whirlwind struck like lightning.

"I dare to knock the sap on my aunt and grandma, and the old lady wants to blow up your little brother."

The black whirlwind exposed the prototype, and Chu Yi was shocked. It turned out to be the woman who wore the greasy mask.

"Girl, you confessed, I don't know you." Chu Yi quickly defended.

"Bah, you are doing the same thing as the red scarf. You are the red scarf. You robbed me, and even left the image of a good person. I went to your mother."

The woman seemed furious and shot decisively. The black whirlwind turned into a short spear, which was gently picked. The whole void seemed like a disrepaired ceiling, and a large piece of lara fell.

Chu Yi was shocked. The woman's power was terrifying, far exceeding that of others. I am afraid that it was not from the mystery or the heavenly court. The chance of being an unexpectedly strong human being was too low and too low.

Chu Yi stretched out his hand, a seed quickly germinated in his palm, extended, spread to the sky, the petals dragged the whole void.

At the same time, the flower swayed pollen and blew away.

Mo Cain sneered, not caring at all, she was made of corpses, not afraid of any poison.

On the contrary, the group of supremes behind her suddenly became stiff one after another, with some mouths crooked, some noses collapsed, and some others were dancing with hands, unable to recover within a short time.

"Forget that this chick is made of corpses."

Chu Yi put away the heartbroken flower, which he walked down from the gods and deities.

Suddenly, his heart jumped, and his body quickly became short, and his body turned into a fish monster, and he walked away in the void.

The next second, where he was, there was an earth-shattering explosion, and the layers of void were exploded, let alone a hundred layers.

A huge black hole appeared on the sky.

In the stunned crowd, a black robe figure appeared slowly.

The figure was still standing with a little black robe.

Anxiously looking at the man in front of her, her mood is extremely complicated. Even if she doesn’t mind anymore, unlike a normal woman, it is impossible to have no idea.

Chu Yi was shocked, this woman was terrible, but he now has more headaches, because they met these two people at the same time.

One of them must be a mysterious person, and the other is a heavenly court.

"Ah, impotence man, this is your true face of Lushan, and it really looks like a kidney-deficiency." Tutu opened his black robe, revealing a silver-haired body, waiting for Chu Yi, looking curious.

In its view, no one can resist the temptation after seeing its owner's appearance.

Chu Yi naturally understood the meaning of the other party, and was mad and vomiting blood. This wonderful rabbit should have taken the braised body directly.

"This sister, this stinky man, let me give it to my sister." Mo Cao glanced at her with peace of mind. The woman's instinct told her that the other party was also a big beauty.

"According to their own ability, take others' heads." There was an extremely cold voice from under the black robe.

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