Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"Both mother-in-law, it's not easy to provoke!" Chu Yi's face changed, knowing that they were all mysterious and heavenly people, how good it was to kill him directly.

It is a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world, and the other party does not do anything harmful to the world. Once again, Chu Yi may not be the killer.

Especially, the black robe is so beautiful that people are born with no hands.

As soon as Anxie's wrist turned, in an instant, the brilliance of the sun star became a blade of light, and a handle with a blade of grass seemed to land from the sky, covering the land.

At the same time, in the void around Chu Yi, there is no time to form a long dragon without end of anger.

"Wow, okay, impotence man, you're done, and made my host angry. Whoever makes you feel irresponsible, runs secretly," Tutu yelled.

"Shut up!" Anxian yelled in anxiety, only feeling black lines all over his face.

"It turns out that my sister has been touched. It's really pitiful. If you are touched by this kind of man, it's my words. I'm afraid you will commit suicide." Mo carefully teased. It seemed that a fox-like face was hidden under the hideous mask.

"Then you can commit suicide, I have touched you, your earlobe is soft." Chu Yi stared at Mo Cain's ear.

After the latter brushed, the ears were all red, and I just felt that my cheeks were getting hotter and hotter, because the other person took off his earrings and would naturally touch this place.

"Deng Tuozi, die!"

The next moment, Mo Cao also broke out, her figure moved, erratic, like ink, leaving a mark in the void.

She swayed her hands, and in the blink of an eye, a black whirlwind passed by, like a grudge, causing the temperature of the world to drop.

When the two men shot, a big explosion occurred in a piece of space, which was extremely tragic. If the Lord of the Nine Serenities sits and locks the energy fluctuations, I am afraid that this city in the back will be finished.

Chu Yi became Yin with one hand and Yang with one hand, and the two qi of Yin and Yang turned into huge black and white palms, which rolled towards the attack of the two.


Explosions continued to sound, flooding the sky. Behind the three people, three pieces of Supreme Sea emerged at the same time, providing energy for themselves, and also creating their own aura to oppress each other.

From the Big Bang to stillness, it's just an instant.

The three people's ways are unfolding and they are constantly colliding to devour each other.

The sky was silent, but sparks and lightning were radiating, and the atmosphere was solidified.

Lord Luomen and others have recovered a lot, and want to break through the aura and teach Chu Yi, but they are shocked to find that they can't get in like others, and some people are still wandering in place.

"this is……"

Jiuquzi's pupils shrank, "The duel between the masters, they are not ordinary supreme, it gives me the feeling that it will not be much worse than the high-end supreme."

"The person who worships the **** of the moon..." Everyone was silent, and there was a cold wind behind him, afraid in his heart.

They saw the gap, which is also supreme, but their understanding of the Tao, their understanding of the Fa, and their use of energy are completely different.

Especially when they saw that Chu Yi could contend with the two masters, they were frightened.

If last night, this person really had a killing intent on them, I am afraid that many people could not survive now.

"My human being, when such a strong man appeared, and they were all quite young, not the veteran supreme."

"I'm afraid, it's a mysterious man and a man in heaven."

Everyone is silent, they are not fools, otherwise, they will not go to this step, and will not be desperate to seize the position of the palace master.

How important this position is in the human era.


A huge blade of light emerged, Chu Yi's body was like cotton wool, and he avoided the air with the blade, and at the same time, he shrank again, avoiding a burst of hurricane attacks.

"Well? Erectile dysfunction, your strength is okay. I'm wrong about Tutu. You alone can conquer many girls." The silver-white rabbit shouted.

Chu Yi's face was covered with black lines, and he really wanted to seal his mouth directly. This rabbit was too much talk.

"Rabbit, you are a mother. My piglet is very interested in you." Chu Yi countered.

"Ah!" Tutu's two ears stood up, and his whole body shivered. "Rogue! You are all hooligans. Tutu is so cute that he did such things to Tutu."

"To shut up!"

Anxieyou can't stand it, can't help but shout.

"Buddy's purity is gone, Bunny wants to jump the river."

The three men were entangled again, the sky was dignified, the sun's glory was blocked, and only the endless aura surrounded.

Below, those Supreme Immortal Veners were stunned.

"The gap is too great. One of the courts cultivated one is mysterious cultivation, and the other is Yan Luo Zhizun. It is also a genius that is difficult to meet in several eras."

Bai Di sighed in his heart, he knew that in the future era, only this kind of genius can cross the universe, and the Supreme cannot intervene at all.

Times are different.

Even the Black Thunder Supreme and others were all silent. Compared with these three, the doormen they cultivated were vulnerable.

"Bai Di, they are..."

Bai Feng asked him, he seemed to want to understand some questions.

"The two people who don't show people in their true colors are the people of heaven and mystery."

"Heaven... Mysterious..."

This time, the Presbyterians were silent.

This is a holy place for human beings, and they cannot exclude each other.

Otherwise, Dingtian Temple is just an ordinary force, not a holy place.

"What about that person?"

Bai Di smiled: "That man? Don't worry, it was arranged by Qingdi's predecessors. If I expected it, the longevity monument should have been established for him, but this guy has been too lazy to come over."

"Qing Emperor..." Everyone was relieved at last. If Qing Emperor shot, it would be foolproof.

You You, the Lord of Nine Nethers, said: "Looking at the heaven and mystery, I understand that these forces, we still have a long way to go to grow up."


Thunder and fire exploded together.

However, to everyone's surprise, the two women who originally attacked Chu Yi actually attacked each other.

Anxie retreated three steps, Mo Cao shook his body.

Chu Yi touched his nose and embarrassedly said: "The two beauties, why bother to kill each other for me."

"Cough..." Mo smiled cautiously, "Daoyou laughed, we are not killing each other, this woman is from heaven, I can't worry let her go in."

"You are from mystery, and it's not good where you go." An Xinyou was cold.

Both of them conceal their appearance and do not show people their true colors.

"Sure enough, they are the people of heaven and mystery." Master Luo Men and even Yuanxin monk and others were shocked.

Although these two forces have appeared frequently in recent years, unlike the mystery before, they still have extremely terrifying shock effects.

Fairy Lanfi has a dignified look: "Although the person worshipping the **** of the moon is extremely abhorrent, fortunately, he appears, otherwise, we are not opponents at all."

The people nodded. They would rather be taken away by Xi Tian Temple than let Tian Tian, ​​especially Xuan Ji, intervene. This is a matter of principle.

"How do I think of him, suddenly become more pleasing to the eye." Some people sighed.

Upon seeing this, Chu Yi quickly smiled and said: "Don't fight, the two fairies. The beauties fight each other. How damaging is it to have a fight with me."

Anxin worried and coldly said: "Although you are hateful, but at least it is still a bottom line. Mysterious people, all murders are as hemp, especially this woman, from corpses to people, how much life you want to devour, right, Mo family should not be careful. "

Mo Cain chuckled: "The peace of mind of Anjia, I have heard about you for a long time. The first beauty in heaven is really shameless."

"Two beautiful women, it's an honor to know your name." Chu Yi interjected and raised a smile, he felt almost the same, these forces have been pulled out, "Re-introduce myself, I am Yan Luo Supreme."

Chu Yi recovered his appearance and sat cross-legged in the sky.

Just a moment, his voice came out, so that the world was completely quiet.



Lord Luomen's eyes widened, and Fairy Fairy and others were incredible.

The monk in Yuanxin’s monk's hands was crushed by him, and his chin fell off.

His heart was broken, and he wanted to scold his mother.

In fact, he has already screamed: "Ya's Supreme Lord Yan, the **** demon leader, came to fight for the holy land of mankind, and also scolded us, the little supreme Xitian Temple and Jiange, you are the leader! God demon!"

"Lao Guan greets your eighteen generations of ancestors!"

This group of people is very wronged, because as the **** and demon leader, Chu Yi is the least qualified to teach them.

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