My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1352: The master behind

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Heaven is peaceful everywhere, as if this is a place isolated from the world.

Together with the long wind, countless waves shining brightly, a huge land nearby, the water here is very strange, the waves are not surging in one direction, but coming from the ground and stacked together.

Tingtian came across the sea, an island, rising from the bottom of the sea, there are three or two houses on the island, not many, a dozen people looked back, there are men and women.


The people stood up, and they were filled with awe. One of the old men came on crutches.

"How is the seal?" Tingtian looked at the sea.

The old man’s eyes seem to be a bit uncomfortable, he squinted hard and sighed: “It’s getting worse and worse. This seal can only be strengthened with the flesh and blood of our family. But in recent years, the monster underground has become more powerful I am afraid that it will not be more than a hundred years. I will settle down and sacrifice another person."

"Sovereign, our family is not afraid of sacrifice, but it is not a way to go on like this. You have also seen that this monster riot has been growing more and more, and our population of the family has been small, so it will not last for long."

"And not all descendants can inherit the blood of his family." The old man looked sad.

He also wore a golden headband on his forehead, shining brightly.

"Elder, I know you, so this time I came here, I also wanted to look at the situation and think of another way."

Ting Tianzheng said, his eyes were very sincere, "You can rest assured that your home is the glory of heaven. The sacrifice made by Anjia to suppress the monster will one day be known to the whole world."

"And, this seat assures you that peace of mind will never happen, even if this monster is born, this seat will not break the inheritance of your family."

"I came here this time to see if I can help you and suppress the monster for a while."

Ting Tian's righteous words have caused tears in the Anjia family.

The old man shook his head quickly: "Sovereign, don't use it, you have seen this monster before, too powerful, the last time the Sect Master was injured."

"The world has said that my heaven is selfish, but I don't know how much effort the suzerain has paid for this monster." The old man in Anjia sighed.

"No problem."

Ting Tian sighed, "You should leave first, and it will fluctuate too much so as not to hurt you."

Seeing Tingtian insist, everyone in Anjia bowed away.

The sea breeze blew, and the seawater gathered from all directions, and they were stacked together to form a small vortex.

"Ji-Ji... Hypocrite, your acting skills are the same as they were then. These people were tricked by you, but they became food for my arm."

The stone box floated out, exposing the brain inside.

"The flesh and blood of An's family is really delicious. Are you tempted to move without seeing my arm?"

"Although it can suppress and solidify the seal, it is also a tonic for me."

"If you really want to suppress, you don't need so many sacrifices to settle down, but you just do it."

Ting Tian turned a deaf ear and instead asked: "Why did you send me to Ding Tian Gong?"

"Don't you know if you try it yourself, not to mention that you have more control than me." There was a trace of sarcasm in the eyes on the brain.

Ting Tian frowned: "You know?"

"Of course I know that "Blade" was originally the man I cultivated at that time. At that time, there were only a few. I placed them on a star in Yonghui Realm. I didn't expect it to be found by you."

"You use the energy you get from me to control them. If I expect it to be good, those exterminations should now be in the Dingtian Palace of humanity."

"Ting Tian, ​​although you are not talented, but you have a lot of means and deep ambitions, even I have to admire you."

"You have discovered the methods to control the annihilation, and you use them to attack Dingtian Temple."

"I wouldn't tell you naturally, what's in Dingtian Palace. If you can find it yourself, it's a fate, hehe." Destiny doesn't seem to care at all.

Ting Tian's pupils shrunk, but he didn't show it, and he was a little chilly behind him.

Even if the destiny of today seems to be powerless, he can kill it with only a little effort, but he still feels terrified.

"Why? Shouldn’t you be happy, how powerful are these powers, once you absorb all my energy, you will be the first person in this universe, and the mysterious elders and the great elders of the Yanhuang family will not be with you. In your eyes."

"I'm guessing, if you came here today, would you like to give it a try? Is it possible to conquer my arm."


Around the court, the seawater boiled and exploded.

"If you say one more word, I will kill you." Tingtian's eyes were full of blood.

"Do you think I am willing, if it were not for me, the entire fairyland and the hidden world would have been occupied by you for a long time, it was not that I suppressed your brain and the universe now?"

"The gang guys, do all the trouble for me, especially the Supreme Master Yan Luo, let the secret of the spirit turbidity leak, and now the universe is getting stronger and stronger, which makes your body more and more restless.

"They are strong, but they are also dying."

"If what I expected is correct, you should be a monster bred by the universe to balance the number of creatures and the number of strong men."

"The stronger the monk, the stronger your power will be, and one after another, everything will be destroyed like this."

"This world needs balance!"

Ting Tianyue said more and more excited, "I will not let you die. Sooner or later, there will be other souls that balance the universe. I will only control your power and let me balance this universe. of."

Destiny's brain laughed harshly: "Tingtian, you and I have been together for so many years. I advise you that your judgments are all wrong. As for the truth, you will never know."

Ting Tian calmed down and sneered: "I don't need you to tell me the truth. What I reasoned out is the truth. You will never tell the truth. I won't even believe it."

"It's a lofty ideal." Destiny smiled.

Ting Tian didn't care anymore, he urged the secret method, and the sea water was boiling and boiling, and at the end, a huge vortex was formed, and he plunged into it.



Dingtian Palace, the battle is fierce.

The protective cover in the sky was finally broken, and countless monsters called Extermination came down like rainstorms.

"Xianzun, don't fight monsters over a hundred feet, psychic, two or three people join together, Yuanying, ten people join together, the rest of them, all avoid."

Baidi's mighty voice reached everyone's mind.

His eyes were shining, and his mind was growing into a forest, growing around him.

He alone blocked three killing monsters hundreds of feet high.

"This is the first battle in the true sense."

Chu Yi drew his sword and rose into the sky. The awn of the sword was like rain, but it just shot from the surface.

A monster attacking An Anxie from the back was cut off by Chu Yi with a sword.


The monster flipped violently, which had exceeded 100 feet and reached the terrible level of 500 feet.

"No need to thank me." An Xinyou just heard Chu Yi teasing when she turned back.

She frowned: "Your life remains, and when I deal with these things, it will naturally kill you."

"Why do you insist on killing me?" Chu Yi was curious.

"Because of you, you broke this balance." An Xinyou's voice was very cold, "You think of genius, even the spiritual practice of releasing turbid energy. If you are not there, everything will be safe. However, you let this era accelerate evolution, but not Knowing that Destiny will also accelerate evolution."

"You keep saying that you are disrespectful to the heavenly court, and you want to punish the heavenly court. Don't think that we don't know the trends of the gods and deities, but have you understood the heavenly court?"

"Without heaven, without my home, this world has long been destroyed."

Chu Yi frowned, just about to ask, and hundreds of tentacles swept around him, and he had to deal with it with all his might.


Pig Bajie ran across the sky, picked up an extermination, and directly torn open.

The white fox paints in the void, and one after another appears.

Sword worms and others walked in the middle of the fire, constantly wandering and fighting.

"It's terrible." Tutu yelled while shooting a killer.

Of course, there are also many human beings who have fallen, blood spilled over the sky.

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