My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1353: Poison killing

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Fighting is fierce and bloody.

Mo Cao is also doing it. The black whirlwind sweeps the world. She is like an elf, flying in the blood rain.

Chu Yi looked at Mr. Luo Men and others, and saw that they were killing the Quartet without danger.

He was relieved.

In any case, the scene he saw on the stone pillars of the lonely royal family did not appear.

You should know that monks of the same level were not opponents of these monsters.

All of this is due to the birth of Lingzhuqi.

In front of the Lord of the Nine Serenities, the monster with a thousand feet is huge, but every shot it takes is extremely flexible, and there are constantly weaker monsters gathering around it, preferring to die rather than let this extinct leader get hurt.

The weapon of the Lord of Nine Nethers is a flying shuttle without a handle, above the slender and sharp flying shuttle, the streamer is shining, and the wraiths in the Nine Nether River are attracted and wrapped up, and the huge resentment turns into substance , Forming an extremely scary vortex.

The shuttle, a stab forward, the void was not broken, but Chu Yi found that there were at least a hundred layers of void, superimposed together in that area, making the space there extremely scary, as if it had been A pressurized balloon will explode at any time.

The annihilation leader landed a tentacle from the sky, and the countless mouths above it were huge, and a scarlet tongue sticking out with a thick liquid, and each tongue was wrapped with a huge axe.

The tentacles were pressed down, and countless meat axes were chopped down towards the flying shuttle of the Nine Serenities Lord.

The tongue spins fast, like an electric motor is added, and then the meat axe also spins wildly, strangling all wraiths into powder.

The Lord of Nine Nether snorted and immediately changed the attack. The oil lamp in his hand shook, and a faint flame fell in the Nine Nine River. In an instant, the entire Nine Nine River boiled.

No matter how terrifying the Jiu You River, whether it is a strong man or an ordinary creature, has cast himself in this river.

The rivers, carrying lights and wraiths, crawled towards the tentacles of the extermination leader.

Those wraiths bite their tentacles frantically, crawling into each other's mouths and pulling out the tongues of the destroying leader.

The annihilating leader hissed, and then, more tentacles landed from the sky. At the same time, its eye made a strange wave, pressing toward the Lord of Nine Nether.

"Sorrowful guy." The Lord of Nine Nigh coughed twice, and the Nine Nine River boiled even more, split apart, and turned into dozens of long dragons.

"The Lord of Nine Serenities is indeed extraordinary. He walked out of his own way. I am afraid that if there is no limitation of Heavenly Road, there is a great chance that he will become a fairy king in the future."

Chu Yi was amazed. He suddenly remembered the tombstones of the Yan and Huang tribes. There was no spirit, and even the elders could not kill some of the highest-level monsters. The gang, if they live to the present, how good they should be.

"Fate can be killed, monsters can be killed." Chu Yi was more determined.

"You are wrong...Fate is an immortal existence." Anxin said frankly and his tone was still cold.

Chu Yi did not argue with her. The two had different understandings and different understandings, as if he and the elders.

Everyone has their own way, there is no need to pull together.

Chu Yi can feel that the other party has a deep-rooted sense of mission.

"It seems that Heavenly Court is really suppressing a fatal body."

Chu Yi came to the battlefield of supreme level, a huge monster, crushing everything, overthrowing the forest, and coming in the direction of Dingtian Temple.

They are surrounded from all around and want to wipe out Dingtian Palace.

Lord Luomen, Fairy Fairy and others led the way, cooperating with Xitian Temple and other forces, and constantly sniping.

The situation here is even more intense, and supreme death has already occurred.

"Bunny is so cute, how can you still eat bunny." Bunny escaped and shouted loudly. Behind him, there were three killers, and black flames spewed, scorching its hair.

Chu Yi is speechless, this rabbit is absolutely extraordinary, comparable to the creatures of the age of the gods and demon, it seems to be similar to the silver moon rabbit.

Master Luo Men and others were terribly shocked. Their inner fears were difficult to suppress. These creatures naturally restrained them. If they were not assisted by the White Emperor, I am afraid that their strength could only play 60 to 70 percent at best.

"Anxian said that I broke the balance between heaven and earth, and only then will these monsters appear, but I don’t believe that what is balance, one dynasty after another, from prosperity to destruction, if destiny really represents heaven, it is better to let All creatures need not be cultivated."

"If destiny is heaven, I will not believe in heaven."

He strode away, fearless in his heart, the sword river rolled, the sword gas was vertical and horizontal, various swords burst out, and shuttled among the monster groups.

The wind blew the clouds, Jian Xiao nine days, one person and one sword, calmed the world.

The fog turned the sword, and the tentacles were broken, and the monsters were pierced by countless swords.

Such a scene is too shocking.

"This kid is better than me." Mo carefully gritted her teeth, she followed the black snake with two heads.

The two-headed black snake bit off a monster and looked back: "The **** demon and the Yanhuang family are not simple. They have cultivated such a monster."

"There is also this thing, too weird, little master. These monsters are recorded in ancient books. Every time they appear, they are in chaos, but I always feel that something is not right. Why do they attack human holy sites."

"After going back this time, we must investigate carefully."

"There are too many of them, and you can't kill them all, Chu boy, you can't do this, you have to get a big one." Swordworm came out panting.

There are too many, hundreds of millions, even if they can match one-on-three, they can't support one-on-one.

The Supreme died a little bit more and the Xianzun Tongshen died more.

Everyone is consuming fast, and it can still hold up at the beginning, but once the time is long, the turbid gas alone will be the first to consume it. Once the turbid gas is gone, the natural strength will drop by half.

"The method of spiritual turbidity is imperfect. The turbidity that Daofu can store is too little compared to the spiritual energy of the twelve worlds."

"No energy consumption."

Chu Yi dragged an elder in Dingtian Temple and asked, "Elder, can that tyrant poison flower lend me a favor?"

"Overlord poisonous flower, without wit, is our elders will control, if the Supreme Master Yan Luo is useful, we can naturally transfer control."

"No need to hand over, just let those elders control Bawangduhua to follow me and follow my orders."

"Niu Niu, keep up!"

"Ah? Me? Don't you, I'm not yet supreme, Niu Niu, I don't want to be a grilled steak."

However, Niuniu was still caught by Chu Yi.

The huge overlord poisonous flower moves in the direction of Chu Yi. Its flowers are open to the sky, constantly spraying poisonous mist. These poisonous mists seem to be spiritual and will not hurt their own people.

"Boy, what are you doing?" Chu Yi's movement also attracted Bai Di's attention.

"Predecessors and juniors have discovered that although these monsters use venom, these venoms were not born from their bodies, which means that they were artificial or ingested from outside."

"There are too many of them, we can't kill them one by one, we can only kill them with the help of their own venom."

"What are you doing?" Bai Di asked while resisting the attack of three hundreds of monsters.

"Using the venom that Bawang Venom and I have configured to mutate and evolve the venom inside those monsters, once they can't control their own venom, the first of those venoms will bite themselves back."

Chu Yi stood above the poisonous flower of Bawang. He opened a bottle of poison and mixed it with the venom of the poisonous flower of Bawang.

"Niu Niu, borrowing from you, you can promote the absorption and mutation of venom."

"Good!" Niuniu said in earnest.

The sky thundered, coming from the void, and the Overlord Poison was still releasing venom, but this time, it was accompanied by the Thunder and spread quickly.

In the past, Overlord Poison did not have much effect on those monsters, it just slowed down their behavior. Now, these monsters instinctively do not have much defense.

Chu Yi stared: "It's not part of Destiny's body, I'm afraid it's just Destiny's men, otherwise, it's impossible to be so clumsy."

Tiangang Lei spread out in a circle. In an instant, those crazy advancing monsters all stopped, and the next moment they twisted wildly, rolled on the ground, and issued a terrible roar.

Their mouths began to rot, their tongues blebbed, and their teeth fell one by one, but after a while, most of them died.

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