Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The way of the masses is the five elements, wind and thunder, weapons... the way of the niche is poison, deduction, painting and calligraphy, etc.

Although the former has far more cultivation souls than the latter, the latter's role on some special occasions is far greater than the former.

Like the painting path of the White Fox, it unfolds a picture scroll, splits the entire battlefield, and can create many dangerous places out of thin air, and even summons the characters in the painting to fight, and a person can be worth thousands of horses.

Chu Yi’s poison is even more terrifying, as long as the right one is used, even the high-level supreme will fall.

With his poison, his attainments are extraordinary.

Who is most afraid of poison in the world is not others, but the users of drugs, especially those who use themselves as medicine jars.

It is even more terrible when the poison in your body is from outside, so people like Chu Yi, who practice this, will never hide the poison in their own body, only put the poison in the items.

Otherwise, once you are injured or used by others, the energy in your body is unstable, and you will be injured by your own poison.

These monsters are just using poison as a weapon, but they must have met Chu Yi, a master who uses poison, unless they are like the overlord poison flower, which is a toxin produced in their own body, otherwise, it is easy to be poisoned by the poison master use.

Maybe after this time, Devourer will be able to evolve and mutate and become immune to this poison, but that must be available.

The effect of the poison spread too fast, almost in a blink of an eye, accompanied by the stimulation of Tiangang Thunder, it spread to most of the battlefield.

Wow la la, in front of everyone's eyes, those monsters fell, and the body organs kept falling off, and then turned gray, like a statue.

"Good!" Bai Di's spirit is shocked. As a result, their pressure is much less. Although there are some monsters that are more than one hundred feet, at least, the sacrifices below the high-level supreme need not be so exaggerated, and those ordinary supreme We can also deal with huge monsters with all our strength.


The white emperor **** was thought to be thunder, and a piece of white, like a fountain, shot straight up.

He can finally use his full strength. He used to use Shennian to increase the strength of everyone, and now he recovers most of it.

The blazing divine thoughts, like a drop of water splashing into the pan, instantly, the whole sky boiled violently, and billions of divine thoughts thundered into the sky.

In front of him, the three giant monsters spit out silk thread, lingering in the void.

The silk is shielded against the mind.

At the same time, dozens of huge tentacles, like pillars, hit Baidi.

Behind the White Emperor appeared a series of basalt idols, suppressing the Quartet, even the space has become as strong as metal.


Countless white thunders exploded, penetrating each other's silk shields, spreading to countless, and the slightly weaker monsters around them were all smashed.

The void is constantly melting, turning into a void liquid, stacked in the void, forming mountains and some special geology.

Three large monsters were directly pierced, and numerous pinhole-shaped wounds appeared on the body, hitting the ground, and smoke and dust.

Chu Yi was pleasantly surprised. The existence of Lingqi was better than he had imagined. At least it would not let the battle situation appear one-sided.

On the other side, the Lord of Nine Serenities and the Defeated Chief have been glued until this moment, the huge monster finally has a meal, and then all kinds of tentacles shivered and shrunk back to the body.

The annihilating leader hissed, and countless surviving monsters were received into the body by their wide mouths, and then turned into a great light and escaped into the void.

The Lord of Nine Nether didn't catch up, because the strength of the opponent was almost the same as him. If he wanted to escape, he couldn't stop the opponent.

Anxin looked at this scene with anxiety, then nodded at the tit, she recalled Tutu, and then quickly left.

At the same time, Mo Cao also escaped with the two-headed black snake, no longer saying a word.

They had originally been here to make trouble, and now that the situation has subsided, it is naturally impossible for others to target them.

The scene was quiet, and everyone looked around. Although they were victorious, the stars were full of eyes.

The number of extinctions is too much, almost all over the whole star. There are more than Dingtian Temple, hundreds of billions of humans, and other creatures on this star.

Monsters don't just come near Dingtian Temple, so you don't have to think about it. With their strength, a short moment is enough to carry out mass slaughter.

The ground is potholes, various forests have been destroyed, even huge mountains have been crushed.

Chu Yi looked around and could even see some volcanoes erupting in the distance, shaking mountains and tsunami continuously.

All kinds of corpses were chaotic, and the forest was on fire, smelling of burning smell.

Bai Di snorted, Shen Nian expanded rapidly, spread all over the world, and suppressed various natural disasters.

Everyone was so heavy-hearted that even Chu Yi was overwhelmed.

Everyone is a strong man, who can detect thousands of miles at a glance, but under their eyes, the corpses are ups and downs, those ordinary humans are even more miserable, most of them have turned into minced meat, and even only a little blood is left.

"It's a terrible monster. This single wave caused a devastating blow." Lan Bi sighed.

"The structure of these monsters is a little strange, I haven't seen them before." The sword worm muttered on the side.

Chu Yi was chilling in his heart. He knew that apart from the destiny itself, the monsters under his hands did not know how many.

A single ethnic group is so terrifying, as if all broke out, it is absolutely devastating.

"These corpses..." Bai Di and the Lord of Nine Nine and others came to a huge monster.

Many people have gathered around.

Chu Yi's palm was attached to the monster's body, there was no temperature, and even the surface of his palm was covered with frost.

"There are also internal organs, but the road at the beginning should be different from ours, but after reaching the Supreme, it is the same."

Bai Di's thoughts were detected.

Everyone looked weird, which shows that these monsters were bred in the same world as them.

Like a fierce beast, it is impossible to have the same internal organs as human beings. If it does not turn into a human form, only when it comes to the supreme will it be the same way.

"Mr. Chu, you have studied poison together, and you should know better than us." The Lord of Nine You looked at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi pondered for a moment, and said, "These monsters, without autonomous spiritual wisdom, are like the great culprits without open wisdom, but the biggest one has spiritual wisdom."

"Their actions are simple, and their behavior patterns are simple. They just follow orders from their superiors."

Bai Di frowned: "Do you mean that these guys were originally created for the sake of war?"

"Yes, and very likely, it's just cannon fodder. If it's a real elite, it should have all the intelligence." Chu Yi replied.

Everyone was stunned, and there was a lingering fear.

"Impossible, why is there such a powerful family, why do we not know?" Bai Feng Supreme shook his head again and again.

Bai Di sighed: "In the chaotic age, there are records of such monsters, and the most recent can also be traced back to the Yanhuang family."

He glanced at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi nodded and said part of the truth: "The Yanhuang family, the final destruction, is indeed related to these monsters, but the murderers behind the scenes, not them."

He didn't finish it because he was afraid of causing anxiety. After all, not everyone can bear the truth.

Some things, even the fairy king will collapse.

"The corpse is recovered and then distributed to the major forces. If the people in the hidden world need it, let them take it for research." Bai Di said.

Chu Yi secretly praised that Bai Di had a big pattern, and obviously knew more.

Those old high-level supreme should know something more or less.

What's more, the Qing Emperor and Heavenly Shadow Supreme among them, among high-level Supreme Supreme, secretly spread about the existence of destiny.

"I seem to have seen them, and they have been classified in ancient books, but very few, if you can integrate the information of the major forces, you should be able to find something." The main road of Jiu You.

"There should be a lot of gods and deities, I will turn around and ask."


Suddenly, Qiao Xin supremely said, "What about Supreme Thunder?"

"Black Thunder Supreme?"

"I didn't see it, and I disappeared from the beginning."

"No, I seem to look at him. When the battle was fierce, I went back in the direction of the mountain. I thought I was going to get some weapons, but why haven't they appeared yet?"

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