Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi entered along the cave and it was dark all around, even the Shennian could not be detected.

He has the perception that he is not walking into a cave, like coming to another world.

The sword worm proudly said: "My Universiade, how could it be simple, it seems that the entrance is in your Dingtian Temple, but in fact, I don't know how many levels of space have been traversed. Once I walk around and get lost here, I am afraid that even the immortal You rescued."

"Go home!" The sword worm was in a good mood, complacent, purple all over, and the hat on his head was flying into the sky.

Chu Yi only felt that it would not be easy.

I don't know how long after that, there was a bright light in front of him. He stepped out of the light, and his surroundings turned into a void desert.

The so-called Void Desert is similar to the desert, except that it is all broken pieces of Void after being crushed.

Void desert, vast and mighty, like transparent silver-white waves, undulating in this area.

It is very dangerous here, and may be swallowed by the Void Desert at any time, but Chu Yi was surprised that there is a vast palace group on the Void Desert.

"This is the back door... I remember that." The sword bug frowned, but it was a little confused on his face.

"Why didn't anyone go out, or was it the wrong time?"

The dilapidated walls are undulating, and these walls are full of various patterns, like gods and beasts, like mysterious patterns, but now, some of the fog has spread out, but it shows its true face.

The sword worm was shocked, and the color of the whole body was changing: "Impossible, how did the Universiade House break, I remember coming here before, and the patterns on the walls alone can suppress everything."

"Sure enough." Chu Yi sighed in his heart. If the Dayun Mansion is really like the description of the sword worm, there can be no movement, it is likely to have been wiped out, floating in the void.

There was silence all around, only the sound of the sword worm echoed.

The back door was cracked, only half of the wooden door was still draped on the wall. Although there was no moss, it was enough to make people sad. This is a place that has been destroyed for a long time.

The only thing that can be destroyed is destiny.

It was silent and quiet, like the bones of a beast.

The green bamboo patterns left on the door are extremely lonely.

"Impossible, my Universiade House is extremely powerful. How could the Lord of the House die, and how could it be destroyed? You must know that the Lord of the House is the Immortal Lord, the invincible existence, the supreme ruler." The sword worm was very excited.

It praises, it admires, it is proud of everything about the Universiade, when it is seen again, everything has become gray.

Chu Yi suddenly felt that the sword worm and the pig bajie were very similar. Perhaps it was the Universiade that year, desperately sent it out, or for other reasons.

"Don't be excited, let's take a look first." Chu Yi hugged the sword bug.

The latter curled up and shivered, and the sunglasses and hat fell off the ground. It protruded its head and looked at this place. There seemed to be vague memories in his mind.

"Impossible. This is where I play. I still remember that at that time, it was very small. Once it was hundreds of meters away, the monster on the wall would manifest and bring me back. There was a monster in it. Me, the nine lions."

The sword worm pointed to a wall, and the picture above was shocking.

A nine-headed lion, mighty and majestic, but no head above his body, nine heads rolled to the ground, and the walls were full of blood.

He looked around, a series of strange animals, all died, and extremely tragic, all kinds of colored blood, impacting Chu Yi's vision.

This wall, originally a painter's painting, was only impacted, and the entire painting was destroyed.

"How can they die, they are just the creatures in the painting, they are very powerful." Sword worms murmured, dejected.

Chu Yi touched its head, and some were not used to this kind of sword bug.

"Senior White Emperor said that after entering, there will naturally be guidance, but I came in through the sword worm, and I don't know where the guidance will lead the Black Thunder Supreme to."

"Let's talk about it first."

Chu Yigang was about to step into the back door. Suddenly, the half rotten back door moved.

It was the green bamboo on the door, which had already withered, but at this moment, the leaves stretched out, and the bamboo also nodded and climbed out from the door to open the back door.

"Small green, are you still alive?" Swordworm was overjoyed, but did not get a response, only to find that the other party did not have any wit, just a torn painting, acting only by instinct.

Chu Yi was horrified, even if the Universiade Palace was destroyed, he still saw the extraordinary here.

The bamboo on this door alone, as well as the painting on the wall of the back door, are shocking enough, far exceeding the level of this era.

Entering again, there is a trail, with hazy mist on both sides of the trail, which can't be seen clearly.

"It should be that the formation is still going on. Except for the roads you can see, don't go to the misty land, otherwise, you don't know where it was sent."

"The mansion is very large. There will be some small teleportation arrays along the path. Let's go to the main hall to see it."

The sword worm lost its way. It didn't believe what was happening before it, because it was illogical at all.

Universiade, invincible exists, but when it is recovered, there is only a ruin.

"Even if you haven't seen the body, it will definitely not be destroyed."

"Yes, the master of the house is so powerful that even in danger, he can take everyone away."

Soon, they came to a flower bed near, there is a formation, but the swordworm only found out after the trial, the other end of the formation was not connected at all.

"It's gone..." It said blankly, with some hope.

"What's gone?" Chu Yi puzzled.

"This is not the Universiade..." The Sword Bug suddenly became active. "Yes, to be precise, this is not the whole Universiade. This is just the back garden of my Universiade, or even just part of it."

"It should be what attack the Universiade encountered, and then part of the back garden fell to this place, so this method cannot be used."

"I'll say it, I always feel something is wrong, but the master of the house should have met a strong enemy, otherwise, the Universiade will not be truncated."

The sword worm comforted himself, but at the same time he was very frustrated.

"Where did they go?"

"Did I accidentally leave the big army during that disaster?"

Chu Yi was surprised, he didn't know about the Universiade, but from his reasoning, I'm afraid he was already fierce, otherwise it would be impossible not to recover this place.

But he did not tell Swordworm his thoughts.

"Huh? This method?" Chu Yi looked at this abandoned teleportation array, and immediately felt that the lines on it were familiar.

"The formation of the Lone Emperor!"

"The formation here is similar to that of the Lone Emperor."

Chu Yi felt that when he saw the large array arranged by the Lone Emperor, it was already terrifying. Even now, I am afraid that no universe master can reach that level in the universe.

The formation of the Lone Emperor's clan is like jumping on several levels out of thin air based on the existing foundation. This is completely abnormal.

But now I want to come, I am afraid that the lone emperor family has also contacted the Universiade, so I learned that method from the Universiade.

"The paintings outside and the formation alone are enough to amaze the world. Why are such forces being destroyed? Fate is more powerful and terrifying than I thought."

Chu Yi had an anxious feeling in his heart. He had a hunch that he must never let the body of destiny close, otherwise, the whole universe would be over.

"There is movement in that direction. I am afraid that the Black Thunder Supreme, he should only be able to move in a small area."

"I think about it. The back garden is the site of Master Ye Sen. There are paintings everywhere. The true and the false are difficult to distinguish. The inheritance you have accepted in Tiangong should come from his paintings."

"His painting will automatically choose the main subject, according to the people who come in, choose the right scroll content to let the other party understand."

Swordworm's memory seems to have recovered a lot.

"Master Ye Sen?" Chu Yi curiously said.

"An extremely perverted old guy, the teacher likes to tease us juniors and is also a human being, but his paintings are too horrible. The paintings of Universiade are all from his hands."

Chu Yi followed the swordworm and soon came to a hall.

In this hall, the stone pillars are crooked and twisted like a dragon, mediating and rising, and in front of a stone pillar, the shady supreme is closing his eyes and contemplating.

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