My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1357: Smashed to death

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In this hall, there are many distorted pillars, and each pillar is covered with dense scrolls.

"Master Ye Sen likes to paint on all kinds of buildings, but in this place, he never let us come over and fooling around, so as not to destroy his paintings."

"The Black Thunder Supreme, should be pulled by the Qi machine, and came to a stone pillar. He realized that it was the Thunder Method. Look at the stone pillar, there is a pattern glowing." Swordworm explained.

Chu Yi raised his head in amazement. In this hall, whether it is on the stone pillars or the high roof, there are a lot of paintings, either simple or complex, and even some are just a stroke, but full of restrained Shen Yun.

Chu Yi couldn't quote animation, but that didn't prevent him from enjoying it. Every painting here is of amazing value.

"Black Thunder Supreme is a high-level Supreme, although according to information, he has just entered the High-level Supreme, but it is also very difficult to deal with, Sword Worm, I am afraid that you and I will join forces to attack."

Suddenly, the Black Thunder Supreme who had been facing Shi Zhu turned around with a teasing smile on his face: "Yan Luo Supreme, it's a pity, if you come early, I might be attacked by you to death, unfortunately You’re only here now, and I’ll understand it long ago."

"This Universiade House is really magical. This hall alone is worth countless. No wonder the master must ask me to come."

"Who do you really take orders from?" Chu Yi asked.

Black Thunder Supreme raised his eyebrows lightly and grinned, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes: "My master is the most powerful being, you are not qualified to know."

"Isn't that Xie Wushuang." Chu Yi snorted.

"You!" Black Thunder Supreme was angry, but he calmed down quickly. His face no longer looked sullen, and there was a kind of cold and cunning.

"Yan Luo Zhizun, you deserve to be a top monk. You are so evil, you are so powerful. You appear, you don’t ask me why I betrayed or why I betrayed. I even dare to appear directly in front of me. There is no fear, no wonder. achievement."

"Since you know my master, you must know that he is beyond the existence of the Supreme. If you follow my master, there will be great benefits."

Chu Yi embraced his arms and smiled, "Hei Lei Supreme, do you know why I didn't ask you so many questions?"

"Because, judging from your expression and answer, you are just a chess piece under Xie Wushuang's hand, and even one of the most useless pieces, he didn't tell you the truth at all."

"I'll tell you why he didn't shoot because he was injured."

"If you take action at this moment, you will probably be attacked by other Immortal King levels, and it will eventually fall."

Chu Yi spread his hands and smiled, "Look, do I know more than you."

"Black Thunder Supreme, you are just one of his chess pieces, what is it that raises you to a high-level Supreme, in the end, you pay for him, but life."

The eyes of the Black Thunder Supreme were full of cold light, and he smiled: "Yan Luo Supreme, I know that you are very powerful, you are the **** and demon master, and the king of sin, naturally know more."

"However, you are careless today and broke in alone. Do you know that the master actually gave me two tasks?"

"One is to explore the Universiade, and the other is to catch you alive."

Chu Yi had a meal: "Catch it alive, don't you kill me?"

"With your skills, it is quite difficult to catch me alive."

Black Thunder Supreme said coldly: "This is, unfortunately, the master gave me this chess piece a lot of means, all of which are fairy family means, just for you to see."

"I am a chess piece, but my master is not thin. Without a master, I cannot live today."


A thunder tomahawk was born, just like the **** thunder reappeared. The black thunder exploded and turned into spherical lightning, which spread out here.

Chu Yi knows how terrible the Black Thunder Supreme is. After all, it is the High Order Supreme, and the purpose of creating the High Order Supreme is not just to rely on foreign objects. The talent of the Black Thunder Supreme itself is enough to crush the million years of genius.

The breath of Black Thunder Supreme is expanding, the black lightning turns into armor, and the battle axe is huge.

It's strange to say that the hall started to expand, and a painting appeared and melted into the void, and it seemed to enter another painting world.

"Heaven bursts!"

As soon as Supreme Thunder came, terrible power erupted. His tomahawk swung down, and countless thunders were fiery, like a scorching sun, and then exploded, forming a thunder wave, spreading in all directions.

Chu Yi was not afraid, his whole body skin exuded a radiant glow, that is the sun shadow holy body.

He was carrying a round of blazing sun, and various flames were scattered on the blazing sun, and the whole body was raised a lot.

He was like a war, with a punch, like a star blowing up.

Bang Bang Bang!

In a twinkling of an eye, the two made countless moves.

Thunder is boiling, flames are erupting, and here there are two huge energies intertwined.


After a dull noise, the two flew out, but Chu Yi suffered a loss, his tiger mouth cracked, and there was blood flowing.

The Black Thunder Supreme took a deep breath: "You can use this kind of cultivation, and I am really amazing in spelling, which makes me look at it. Unfortunately, the life level of the High-level Supreme has sublimated again, and the physical body is extremely powerful. Although the Fa is powerful, it is a little weaker than I am now, mainly because your cultivation is too low."

"The Supreme One step by step, your practice limits your skills. This forging body skill, I am afraid that it will not really manifest its power until the high-level Supreme. It is a pity that after waiting for you to live, Belongs to me."

Black Thunder Supreme is so superficial, but how shocked it is.

He had never believed before that the existence of a first-time supreme supreme could confront the higher-order supreme supremacy, even those of the six supreme supremes could not do so.

In fact, the Supreme is divided into three levels.

One is the ordinary supreme, the other is the high-level supreme, and now the Jiuyao supreme is split from the high-level supreme to become the pinnacle supreme.

"The Supreme Supreme is really amazing, the flesh alone is so terrifying, plus some advanced forging methods..." Chu Yi stared at each other.

Moreover, Supreme Master Black Thunder is right. His Sunshade Eucharist is too influenced by cultivation practices. The higher the cultivation level, the more condensed the Sunshade Eucharist.

In particular, there will be a substantive change only when the Sun Shadow Eucharist completes six patterns.

"You are strong and invincible at the same level, but the high-level supreme is not something you can provoke."

"come on!"

Black Thunder Supreme shot, but not an attack, but took out a black urn.

There was a large piece of golden energy flowing in the urn, which turned into a cloud, and shuttled out. Then, Chu Yi heard the sound of La La La.

He was keenly aware that there was a chain in the golden mist, and he wanted to fix him.

This kind of chain can't even escape the soul.

"There is a fairy breath above it!" Chu Yi was startled, but he calmed down instead.

"I'm still worried that if you catch or kill you, after all, if you run away with all your heart, I won't be able to stop it, but unfortunately, you are using treasures with a fairy scent here." Chu Yi suddenly smiled.

The sword worm protruded his head from behind Chu Yi: "This is Master Ye Sen's site. The perverted old man likes to be alone. At most, he and our juniors play outside for a while. If any soul breaks into this hall, especially It is the existence of the fairy king level, which will cause the painting here."

"I remember, what's the name?"


Suddenly, the ceiling shook and a huge lotus fell.

Black Thunder Supreme stared his eyes wide, but found that he could not move at all. He whined in his throat and watched the huge lotus drop hit his head.

"Oh, think of it, Guanyin sits on the lotus." Swordworm grinned.

"Generally, it's all immortals, so when they encounter traps, they are tortured at most. Our juniors couldn't get in when they wanted to enter."

"Unfortunately, you even entered with a fairy-stained thing."

"I don't know what happened to Master Ye Sen now?" Swordworm said, and fell into memory again.

Chu Yi looked at the huge lotus, a little speechless, but at the same time his heart was shocked.

After all, the Black Thunder Supreme is a high-end Supreme, and Master Ye Sen, only by virtue of a painting that I don’t know how many years ago, killed the other party, which is really sighing.

But soon, Chu Yi was attracted by a painting on a stone pillar.

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