My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1358: Punishment

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"It seems that you have found your painting." Swordworm smiled and walked around in a circle.

The dense paintings here are all paintings, even underground. Chu Yi hasn't noticed it yet. It is only now found that the fine lines on the stone bricks are somewhat similar to ink paintings.

"Master Ye Sen is really amazing. These paintings seem to be unconnected, but countless paintings are grouped together, looking around, like a forest, in a variety of poses, and these paintings are extended to the outside world, which caused the back garden to be violently impacted. Since then, it has not been cracked."

"This old immortal still has some skills..."

Chu Yi listened to the swordworm, but his eyes were fixed on a starry sky map.

The starry sky was bleak. He glanced at it again, but then it became bright again. Then he glanced at it again, and a bright moon emerged.

"The most brilliant painter does not draw the picture in the mind of the painter, but the one the viewer sees."

The same picture is different for different people.

What Chu Yi saw was the ever-changing starry sky.

There are meteors, stars, comets, big explosions, and new stars.

The stars, like the endless swordsmanship, changed like this and appeared in front of Chu Yi.

He stood on a desert and looked up at the starry sky without showing his sword, but his eyes flickered.

The huge starry sky seemed to become his sword figure, and the stars became long swords.

The movement of a star, the change of light and dark, belong to a kind of swordsmanship. Chu Yi is constantly deducing. He is gradually addicted, and his mouth shows a happy smile.

It was as if a child was building blocks, and this star chart became Chu Yi's toy.

"The star image is a swordsmanship, but it is not. It seems to lead me to the extreme of the sword."

"It can be seen from the star chart that this Master Ye Sen should not understand not understand Kendo!"

Chu Yi seemed to understand.

"Yes, he doesn’t understand kendo. This is a sword in the eyes of kendo. It’s messy and has no rules at all. Even the realm of swordsmanship is messy. When I was painting Master Ye Sen, I am afraid what he thought of, Just draw anything."

"But because of this, the sword he showed was spiritual."

Because I don’t understand, I can fly around.

Today's Chu Yi, though taking the correct sword, is fixed by his own thinking.

He even forgot why he took this path.

"That year, when I first took the sword, that mood..."

"I was on kendo for the first time, but at that time, kendo was also messy. I tried again and again, reading different books, even reading swordsmanship."

Chu Yi manipulated the stars, as if he had found the original heart of the year, his eyes shining uncertainly.

"It's coming, it's almost!"

"It's time to merge the seven types."

The fusion of basic sword moves is not a fusion of moves, but a fusion of mood.

The fourteen styles represent fourteen realms, and each move represents the swordsman's heart.


Suddenly, under the desert, an extremely weird sound came out, followed by the quicksand shaking and then melting.

Chu Yi was shocked and looked around quickly, but at the bottom of the desert, a monster about ten meters high appeared.

The monster was flushed all over the body, a kind of dark red solidified by human blood, and the skin was like a liquid dripping from a candle, and then solidified.

Its body, bumps and bumps, bumps and bumps, limbs and neck are extremely slender, feet are similar to duck webs, walking extremely fast in the desert.

At the same time, its internal organs are exposed behind it, and those dirty internal organs are hanging outside the body, constantly contracting, and absorbing the turbid gas efficiently.

"Monster born from destiny!"

Chu Yi's scalp was numb, and his body was creepy. As expected, Chu was killed by fate. It was likely that fate was ambushing a monster here, waiting for future generations to come.

Chu Yi broke his mouth and scolded, and at the same time a little frightened.

He was just about to merge the seventh form, which was almost close, but immediately triggered the destiny, as if it was calculated accurately.

At the same time, the quiet desert seemed to come alive, and countless sand and dust swirled around. Behind Chu Yi, a huge sand column soared into the sky, and he was instantly fixed on it.

The monster roared, and it seemed that there was another eyeball embedded in its scarlet eyes. It was extremely weird, and its sharp mouth opened violently.

Countless sand and dust gathered, compressed, and the vast desert, as if dropped by three or four meters, all condensed into an arrow and shot towards Chu Yi.

Chu Yi's eyes fell, and the stars in the sky fell like a long sword, hovering in front of him, the star sword plate.

It's not a star, it's more like the light shining from a star, constantly wandering into a symbol of kendo.


The air was frozen and quiet first, and then there was a big explosion. A terrible air wave swept all around, and the whole desert seemed to be cut off.

"What about the destiny, can really count everything, really powerful and invincible, and will not be torn apart."

"You have destroyed one era after another, destroyed one force after another, and even ruined the chances of beings even becoming immortals, but what's the use."

"The more you do, the more afraid you are, and the more afraid you are, the weaker you are."

"I control my own life!"

Chu Yi snorted. In his Taoist house, five kinds of flames from the sun star diffused out. Various flame symbols on the body surface began to spread. The hot temperature directly melted the sand column that trapped him.

Then, the five kinds of flame symbols began to condense, violently, pierced his back, and turned into two huge flame sword wings.


The monster was mad, and the hoarse roar shook the desert. In the desert, the quicksand stood up and turned into a desert giant.

"There are many types of Destiny's men. I didn't expect that they could control the sand, a terrible method."

This is not simple manipulation, but gives spirituality, and those desert giants have grumpy emotions in their eyes.

Although it is only temporary, it is scary enough.

Thousands of desert giants grabbed their arms towards Chu Yi, and the space was solidified, and then they collapsed directly.

This space, after all, is the world in the painting, and it is impossible to make the void the same.

There is no sword in Chu Yi's hand. He uses the starlight as the sword. The swordlight suddenly disappears, or completely disappears, or shines, or there is no sword shadow, but there is a sword sound that roars past.

It was as if a novice was practicing sword, unable to control the power, messed up, and no trace was found.

What swordsmanship, what sword moves, what sword realm, in the end, can be integrated into one, reducing complexity.

As the sword worm said, the cultivation base has levels, and the sword moves have high and low levels, but in the later period, they all look vague. There is only a general introduction, especially the existence beyond the level of the fairy king.

The most important thing is the realm.

Under the pressure of Chu Yi's sword, it seemed that the astrolabe was falling down. The countless desert giants turned into dust in a flash.

The sand sea was boiling, stirring, the long dragon disappeared, and the beast whispered.

The figure of the monster began to blend into the sand, and then a sharp spike appeared on the entire desert surface.

"This monster is not good at getting close!"

"Also, its internal organs are exposed. In order to efficiently guarantee the energy in the body, it should only be good at manipulating the sand and playing against me."

Chu Yi changed his sword technique in an instant. All his sword moves were broken away, concealed in the void, and constantly folding the space.

A shield of earth appeared next to the monster to resist the sudden appearance of the sword mansions. At the same time, the monster controlled countless spikes and shot at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi's sword is getting faster and more messy. Once the thought comes, the sword will arrive.

His eyes were shining, and his figure was moving among thousands of attacks.

At this moment, the sword unites with the person, the person unites with the heart, and the heart unites with the god.


Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and the sword shadow appeared in his eyes. A sword awn appeared behind the monster, and the long sword penetrated into the other party's exposed internal organs.


Chu Yi smiled.

"Laughing fart, what's going on?" The picture was broken. Chu Yi returned to the hall, but outside the quiet hall, the sky was scarlet.

There is no light source at all, but red light is scattered in the space.

He and the sword worm quickly went out and saw a bunch of red clouds, condensed and rolled from the sky, and turned into an endless huge palm.

The palms are spread out, and the lines on the palms are like red lightning.

"Fate of heaven!"

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