My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1360: The son of the Devil

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

In the void, Chu Yi breathed, and in the ears, nose, and mouth, there was white practice, and the sound was thunderous.

His supreme heart sea began to expand, with two sun rays inlaid together to illuminate more small worlds.

The brilliance in the body, the sun in the supreme heart, is the reflection of the Taoist House and the monk's way.

The monk's way, the more small worlds it illuminates, the stronger its natural strength.

"Sanyao Supreme, it's barely okay. The last energy was swallowed by the void desert, otherwise, it should be able to go further."

However, Chu Yi is also satisfied. Although some treasures are powerful, they can be improved in the Supreme Realm, but they are far inferior to this thunder.

At least there are no sequelae, and Chu Yi's body is nourished, and there is a thunder between cells, which promotes the rapid absorption of energy.

"Little Master."

"Really young master..."

Suddenly, there were nearly a hundred strange beasts around, whispering one by one, just looking at Chu Yi's eyes, a little closer.

They are just paintings, and they are not mentally complete, but they can recognize the blood of the master of the Universiade.

In the more advanced paintings, the gods and beasts were infused with nine lions and were destroyed long ago. Instead, they survived.

Chu Yi asked for a moment, and found that these strange beasts didn't know what to ask, and they could only let them return to the painting for the time being.

"Little Master... I didn't expect another title."

Chu Yi touched his nose, looking back at this place, suddenly there was a touch of kindness.

Perhaps the bloodline between him and the Dayun Mansion is very thin, which is far less than the richness of him and the Yanhuang family, but after all, his ancestors have also lived here.

"Dayun Mansion, what's the secret?"

"Don't look at me, I have forgotten, too long ago, I was sealed, my memory is incomplete, and I may be taken away without seeing the past." The swordworm swayed his body and returned to normal. colour.

"In short, the Universiade Palace will not perish. You cannot imagine how powerful the House Lord is, it is the sky!"

"What destiny, in the eyes of the House Lord, but the ants."

The sword worm was proud, and everything seemed to be as it thought.

Universiade, there must be something going on before this was born.

But Chu Yi didn't think so.

One person per worm, goodbye to the back garden of Universiade, and left.

Three days later, a new longevity monument was ignited, and the light illuminated a star field for a long time.

When they heard the specific news, people were in an uproar and kept silent for a long time.

However, many people have understood that Yan Luoxianzun represents an era and has grown up without considering his own combat power. The power behind him is enough to be daunting.



In the void, the battleship roared past.

Chu Yi did not stay in Dingtian Palace for a long time, he had more important things to do.

Hell world!

Little Demon Immortal asked him to go to Hell Realm to make the star cannon, and also needed the eyes of Soul Abyssal Emperor, and there was a physical body that suppressed a destiny, and Chu Yi also needed to take a look.

Niu Niu's natural love is swaying, and she hasn't left, but Lan Bi has to return to her family to handle affairs.

A group of people walked through the void and walked toward the hell.


"A change in hell?"

"Isn't that the place of the condemnation..." In a palace, the Mingzhe Supreme God's eyes were misty and colorful, and his whole person should be fairy-like, terrifying, and spread like fairy mist.

"Senior Xuanchang let me go, Emperor Soul Yuan's eyes are coming out."

"If I can get the eyes of Soul Yuan Emperor, even if it is only one, it is enough to greatly increase my strength."

"All Soul Yuan Di's attainments are in his eyes. Soul Yuan Di's body is invisible and colorless, but he can't compare with his eyes."

Mingzhe Supreme showed a bright smile: "It seems that I am only a few steps away from Immortals. The main parts of the body are all replaced into immortals, then other parts can be refined into immortals."

"As for the Supreme Master Yan... Forget it, I and he are no longer on the same level, Xian'er should be able to see the essence."

"Senior Xuan Chang is Xian'er's biological father, and he is also the strong man who has made Xian'er. Xian'er can't resist."

"Although it is no longer possible to become an immortal in this era, what I have to do is to become an alternative immortal. At least, to become the first person under the immortal. After the immortal child, I will be proud of me."


Hell, surrounded by fog, can only faintly see the stars, like a vortex, constantly converging towards the central area.

"The realm of the prefecture is too weird, as if it has experienced some catastrophe. At that time, it gathered a group of wicked people and became a sinister land." Chu Yi frowned. He had a bad hunch that there was a crisis here.

And, along the way, his eyelids were beating, and he always felt strange to happen.

"Huh? Outside this world, it seems ordinary, but it's not in the material space, this **** world is in the void." Swordworm said in surprise, standing on Xia Houcheng's head, looking at the probe.

"Great nephew, do you know what this means?"

"I don't know?" Xia Houcheng shook his head.

"Stupidly dead, if you want to stay in the void for a long time, how much energy will be consumed. The void is the void, strangling all foreign matter, and squeezing out the back row, as if it is the immune system in the human body."

"At this point, even the existence of the fairy king level cannot establish such a huge force in the void, unless there is a treasure, like the devil city, which is split by the devil, the devil may be finally detached. Fairy King Limit."

"Or maybe the heavenly court itself is in the God Demon Dojo."

"In this land of condemnation, it is impossible for anyone to surpass the limit of the fairy king, nor to find any treasures of the void. I am afraid that it is the Soul Yuan Emperor who has studied the void very deeply."

"Small bitch, you said you couldn't break in, wouldn't it be fine?"


The sword worm is speechless.

Everything around seems to be very close, but as the sword worm said, I don't know where in the void **** is.

"The comers stop!"

When Chu Yi was close to a star, he saw a faceless guard who came in a bone dragon.

The guard was also a skeleton, with ghost fire floating in his eyes, and the armor was brand new.

"All outsiders must first stay in a star to ensure that you will not cause harm to the **** world and can enter."

"Hazard?" Chu Yi wondered.

"There are many demons in Hell Realm, all of them are fierce generations, or their descendants. The genes in their bodies are ominous, but the outside world has always been in power, eyeing this force and wanting to let them out."

"I am a skeleton knight under the king of Dizang, responsible for attracting people from outside."

"Can Senior King Zizang ever enter the Supreme?" Chu Yi asked. It was a legend. The Tibetan King was not one person, but a vein. There was only one person in this generation, stationed here.

"The King of Dizang entered the supreme long ago, and it is unfathomable. Hell Realm is thousands of years faster than your Immortal and Hidden Realms and entered the chaotic age."

"It turned out to be so." Chu Yi said sincerely and took out a soul crystal and dedicated it to the other party. "Thank you for the explanation, this is a little respect."

The ghost fire in the eyes of the skeleton knight eased a lot, and there was a smile in his voice: "This is my duty, and looking at you, it seems that it is not an ordinary monk."

"However, I still persuade you, you look like a good person, pure heart, in the **** world, a good person is the least likely to survive."

"I believe that I do not harm people, and people do not harm me." Chu Yi sincerely said.

Skeleton Knight only thought the young man in front of him was too naive, but he didn't persuade him much.

"In fact, the **** world does not exclude outsiders. Many monks come every year. After all, there are the most abundant special minerals in the universe."

"I will take you to Daming Star first. This is your first stop. All outsiders must stay there before deciding whether to go deeper."

"Dam Star is under the jurisdiction of the King of Tibet, but there are many Zongmen forces, and some strong Hell Realms have branches built there."

"Over the years, the King of Tibet is under great pressure, and the wicked forces are getting more and more horrible. If they break through the imprisonment and return to the fairyland, it will be a great disaster."

The skeleton laughed, and its fleshy jaw creaked.

"Actually, what is even more terrible is the indigenous people. After discovering this world, they already existed. We call them-sons of demons!"

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