Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Indigenous people in the **** world have always been a legend, they seem to be a huge race, high above.

However, there are very few descriptions of them.

"Delicious?" Zhu Bajie blinked.

"It's not eating, it's indigenous, it's not sweet potatoes." Skeleton Knight laughed, only thought that this man and a pig looked so simple, I'm afraid in the **** world, it is easy to be killed.

On the contrary, this insect, cow and this young man who is a hanger is a little agitated.

"Your soul crystal is of great use to me, and I will take you on a journey. If you feel uncomfortable, you can leave as soon as possible."

"But recently, a lot of people from the fairy world have come."

The Skeleton Knight soared in the bone dragon, followed by Chu Yi, chattering and chatting, without the horror that appeared on the surface.

He was still drinking. Although the wine only leaked through his body, the Skeleton Knight still enjoyed it.

The Skeleton Knight was created by the King of Tibet, so that his Yuanying can temporarily stay in the skeleton, but he can only live for hundreds of years at most, but he is not very concerned.

"You will pass through a Gobi while you wait, this Gobi is very important to you, it is to judge the evil degree of a creature."

"In the **** world, the more evil people, the more respected you will be. If you fall in the Gobi, that area will be carved on your face according to the degree of your evil. The more and more complex the mark, the more evil."

"So after entering, after seeing those tattooed creatures with faces, they must leave as soon as possible."

Skeleton Knight looked at Chu Yi, who had wanted to let this person leave.

He has seen too many creatures, and just by looking at each other’s eyes, he can judge the degree of the other’s good and evil. Many people pretend to be evil people, many people pretend to be saints, but Chu Yi’s eyes are transparent and there is an atmosphere in his body. , Justice awe-inspiring.

Here, the evil people will be respected, and the most evil places, together with similar food, will not be a problem.

"Senior, I really came here for something, so you don't have to persuade me to leave." Chu Yi thanked.

The Skeleton Knight sighed and shook his head: "Your kindness, this kindness, is a good thing in the outside world, but here, it is likely to lead to the disaster of extinction and be targeted."

"Come down."

Skeleton Knight led Chu Yi and others and fell on a Gobi.

The Gobi is barren, and there are mysterious energies fluctuating. Those energies emerged from the ground and finally wandered in the air.

"Ah, my face is so hot, it seems that something is growing!" Xia Houcheng quickly took out the mirror and found that there were several black lines around his brow centered on his forehead.

Those lines are crooked, as if they were the backs of some poisonous spiders.

"Vicious and fierce!" The ghost fire in the skull knight's brow flashed, it was his Yuanying.

"Here, according to the complexity and area of ​​the texture, there are roughly nine levels of classification."

"You belong to the fourth level of evil, fierce and evil, boy, you don't seem to be a good stubble." The Skeleton Knight was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

"What about me?" White Fox pointed his head.

"It's the same, it's extremely fierce," the Skeleton Knight answered.

"Hey..." Baihu sighed in disappointment.

"Oops, Niu Niu has also changed!" Niu Ni shouted, and saw his original white velvet head, a ray of purple lines interweave, covering most of his face.

"The fifth floor, fierce and evil!"

"Can reach this level, already belong to a relatively small number." Skeleton Knight said.

"Small bitch, Niu Niu really fits to be a wicked person, this should be Niu Niu's paradise." Niu Niu smiled evilly, waving his hoofs.

The Skeleton Knight was also a little surprised. The creatures he had introduced before had fierce faces and no evil, but most of them were only the third and fourth layers. I didn't expect that a cow surpassed most people.

Chu Yi feels very novel. This place is completely different from the outside world.


Suddenly, the swordworm also changed. Its face was almost covered with mysterious lines, and the lines were bloody.

"Seventh floor, sinful sky!"

The Skeleton Knight was startled, only to feel cold all over, although he had no sensory organs.

However, to reach this level, the entire **** world is full of villains, the executioners who slaughter billions of souls.

"Ahahaha, great nephew, seeing it, Ye Jian is the wicked. What kind of devil's son, but it's all the rest of Jianye I play with." Sword insect laughed haha, think this is supreme glory.

Xia Houcheng and the White Fox were extremely frustrated.


Pig Bajie also has a movement, one after another golden red lines, like flowers, continue to spread and grow.

The skeleton rider's skeleton creaked.

Because in front of him, the stupid little pig was covered with lines, like a greasy monster, cast with blood.

On the Gobi, the wind and sand suddenly stopped.

"The ninth nothing without evil!" The skeleton knight was a little trembling. He had never seen such an existence, as if born innately for evil.

This subverted his thinking and cognition.

The sword worm had a meal, and then immediately dissatisfied: "Cheating, you must be cheating, yes, you have the evil law of the eight precepts!"

"Houhou... stronger than you... called Ye." Zhu Bajie proudly said.

The skeleton knight was air-conditioned, and some were trembling, fearing that he had offended the pigs before.

This Gobi is so magical that it externalizes human nature, marking identity and status, and it is impossible to make mistakes.

And it also means how cunning and fierce the pig Bajie is.

He wanted to cry without tears. He was still persuading, but now he can't wait to leave.

"Chu Xiaoyou, some of you friends have some mischief. I advise you to part ways with them as soon as possible." The Skeleton Knight patted Chu Yi's shoulder, and felt that this person and the sword worm were incompatible with each other, just like a flower. The lotus fell into the mud.

"Senior, why should you part ways with them?" Chu Yi turned and grinned.

The Skeleton Knight froze for a moment, and then his ribs were broken.

"you you you!"

"What's wrong with me?" Chu Yi touched his face.

White Fox quickly took out the mirror.

"Son, your face, body, and hands are all lines, as if they were all zigzag faces, grinning, like ghosts, yes, you have a single horn on your forehead. "

Chu Yi touched it, tough, with many runes wrapped around it, leaning towards dark red.

"Good shape." He looked at his hands again, and on the back of his hands, those tattoos seemed to be demonic hands, covering them.

He grinned and smiled at the Skeleton Knight: "Senior, what level do I belong to?"


The Skeleton Knight reacted, and at a glance, he was almost distracted.

He was stunned!

At this level, he had never seen it. In his eyes, Chu Yi was already a demon.

"What a good **** person, what a pure person, that innocent look is simply deceiving!" Skeleton Knight trance, body sway.

Suddenly he took out the soul crystal sent by Chu Yi: "Xiaoyou, please take this soul crystal back, I beg you, don't remember to hate me, I am just a guide."

If there were eyes, the skeleton knight had already cried.

He wanted to take back all the words just now, and now it seems that Chu Yi is White Lotus, he is simply a pool of sludge, and his friends are the real White Lotus.

This man is definitely a devil and can laugh and kill.

"Senior, I'm not a bad person, you don't have to be so afraid." Chu Yi said quickly.

The Skeleton Knight was so staggered that he fell directly to the ground, and his bones were mostly broken.

Chu Yi quickly put it back together.

"Hey, I lost to your boy." The sword worm was full of resentment.

"The son is a great villain."

"The teacher is the teacher, pity that I didn't even reach half of the teacher."

Chu Yi touched his face, he muttered in his heart, he is really a good person.

"Senior Skeleton, please take us into the city." Chu Yi smiled.

Skeleton Knight had stiff bones all over his body and nodded mechanically.

"No, I must sue the lord, there is a big devil, and he brought a group of wicked guys."

"Hope not to make too much noise."

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