My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1362: Hit the name

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Above the sky, the scarlet clouds looked like waves, and as the long wind blew, it sometimes rolled up and sometimes fell.

And under the converging situation, it is a majestic palace.

The tone of the main palace of the city is dim, and every building is covered with dense lines, like a fierce in the wilderness.

"Father... There was restlessness in the depths of Heavenly Condemnation. There are some strong men of supreme rank who are said to have seen several rounds of black moon shining on the sky."

A young man with a clean complexion stood by holding a token.

In front of the youth, it was a skinny old man with silver and white hair standing neatly and neatly, and a sharp cold light was reflected in those old eyes.

This is a human being, and it is also the king of this generation.

"The black moon is empty, are there any movements among the indigenous people?" The king of Tibet said hoarsely, his back slightly bent, his hands back, one of his fingers was broken, and the wound was covered with inscriptions.

Sun Sichen nodded: "Those humanoid natives are worshipping many black moons, but every night at night, there is a sea of ​​gods appearing, drowning the black moon."

"It's Soul Yuan Emperor."

The dzang king frowned, "Emperor Yuan self-denial to suppress the monster, endless years, that monster has not been strangled, it is really horrible."

"Sichen, you have to remember that our ancestor was a disciple of the Soul Yuan Emperor. Before he died, he handed over this place to us to manage it. It was to help suppress it. Don't let that monster come out."

"Yes." Sun Sichen respectfully, full of righteousness between the eyebrows.

Dazang Wang looked at the city and his eyes flickered: "There are more and more people in the city, no matter if they are foreign monks, or those evil sects, they are all here, and several old guys have come. ."

"How do they know?" Sun Sichen frowned.

"All of them are supreme-level strong men. There is a vitality in the air. We want to avoid it and want to hide it. It is impossible."

"Emperor Yuanyuan, as the existence beyond the Supreme, once there are fluctuations, it will produce a gas engine."

"No one knows that there is a fairy buried here, but they are still here."

"Although I have achieved the pinnacle of supremacy, I am afraid that these monks cannot be suppressed, and I can only let them go and send them to the land of condemnation."

"Since they want to go, then go." Sun Sichen smiled, "It happened that there was a vision outbreak, and the indigenous people are a bit irritable, let them suppress."

The geozoo said happily: "That's what I mean. Our veins can no longer be suppressed. It's too difficult. It's too endless. I have a hunch that **** will soon be destroyed sooner or later."

"You go to gather those people, Xianzun is not needed below, at least Xianzun, you have reached the peak of Xianzun, I will not interfere in this matter."

"Yes, father."


Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie did not reveal the prototype, but hid in the skin sac, otherwise, it was too easy, but their skin sacs were all their own appearance, but only a few lines were painted, so as not to appear out of place.

They walked along the way and saw many monks, most of them existed in the form of human races, one by one.

Suddenly, the Skeleton Knight paused and seemed to receive some news. He said to Chu Yi: "Chu... Senior, the master of the young palace hosted a banquet, and invited many monks above the level of immortals to go to the palace."

"Then go."

The Skeleton Knight wants to cry without tears, and always feels that he is leading a demon to the city's main palace, and his heart is uneasy.

"I heard that in this world, the material is rich, most of them are in the city's main palace, just robbery..." Swordworm excited.

Niuniu opened her eyes wide: "Do you want to rob the city's main palace? It's really exciting. I want to join."

The skeleton knight was tight.

"Don't mess up, the king of the earth monastery, it is admirable to pay countless efforts for this world." Chu Yi persuaded.

Somehow, when Chu Yi finished speaking, the bones of the Skeleton Knight's body were all loose and even more tense.

The mansion of the King of Tibet is too large, like a city.

Skeleton Knight led Chu Yi to a lake.

The lake is crystal clear, like jade, and the plume of black gas lingers up, not gloomy, but delicate, full of energy fluctuations.

On the lake, there are dragon carps jumping from time to time, fat and huge, and the mouth of Zhu Bajie looks straight.

There are already many monks around here, at least one third of them are supreme.

"Old Mang, you fierce fellow, even came!"

"You wicked executioner."

"In the new year, I wish you all the best."

"Together with joy, I hope you can also be a shameless person."

Everyone greeted, but Chu Yi listened very strangely. These words were offensive to the outside world, but here, they became polite and blessed.

"Where do these lines come from?" Chu Yi asked.

The Skeleton Knight shook his head: "I don't know, but there are rumors that it is a man who has become enlightened and buried in our world. His blood flows and solidifies that piece of Gobi."

"The senior fairy king can see good and evil, and there is no great saint under the sky, so everyone who passes the Gobi has more or less lines on it."

"But it is said that the more lines there are, to a certain extent, the closer it is to the character of the predecessor of the fairy king, so naturally, there is this trend."

Chu Yi suddenly realized that it was isolated from the outside world and was kept under the influence of the outside world.

"I wish you were heartbroken."

"Wish you a bad day."

The sword worm and Xia Houcheng were kind to each other, and then there was a strange smile.


Suddenly, a burst of applause broke out in the distance, and then a **** head rushed towards the sky.

"Well, it's a master of Tu Renzong!"

The **** smell is permeable and will not disperse for a long time.

Chu Yi walked in and learned about it, only to know that this was a gambling fight.

Some monks have their own slaves. In normal days, they fight like crickets on the earth, but it is more bloody.

These things are very common here.

"This is no ordinary gambling, but also depends on the master's instructions." Skeleton Knight laughed, "You see that the slaves they sent are only Yuanying or even lower, and the strength is similar. At this time, the master will be highlighted. Strength."

On the ring, blood was stained, and from time to time slaves died.

Chu Yi didn't want to cause trouble, but suddenly, his eyes flicked, his face stunned.

"Lin Feiyan, why is this guy here, and he was caught as a slave?" Chu Yi was stunned, this is his student.

The last contact was ten years ago, wasn't it still in Qingfeng territory, how did I get here.

"Brother Lin..." Xia Houcheng was also surprised.

Lin Feiyan at this time was controlled by a fat man wearing a ring, and the fat man sat behind.

"I'm going, why is Lao Tzu so miserable, isn't it just stealing something, he is caught by this big fat man." Lin Feiyan was crying without tears.

He has reached the peak of Yuanying, and he does not know how many times he is more powerful than the previous life. However, in such places where Immortal Venerable Supreme haunts, he dare not even run away.

He will be on the court soon, and the people opposite the slaughter house are extremely terrifying.

Suddenly, he frowned and heard Chu Yi's voice.

"Teacher!" Lin Feiyan shouted in the direction of Chu Yi.

So, everyone's eyes fell on Chu Yi.

Chu Yi glared at him fiercely, originally wanted to be low-key, but now he had to come forward.

"Supreme Yan Luo!"

"God! This is Supreme Yan Luo!"

"How did he appear here?"

There was no shortage of monks in the fairyland among the crowd, and one by one was suddenly stunned.

The powerful men of Hell Realm originally saw that Chu Yi had only lines on his forehead, and did not care, but when so many people from the Immortal World shouted, they stared at him.

"Supreme Yan Luo?"

"Dare to call Yan Luo!"

Many local monks looked tight, and each one showed a frightened expression.

"There are so few lines on his forehead. It's ridiculous to dare to match this track number."

"The true Yan Luo Supreme is the leader of our **** world, and the master of the Yan Luo Sect is the Yan Luo Supreme."

Chu Yi naturally heard their conversation and couldn't help but stunned.

Did he collide with another Supreme?

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