Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi inquired about it, only to know that this **** world also has a supreme Yan Luo, and is a demon, from the chaos that came to **** world thousands of years ago, it is rising all the way.

"Destroy the Supreme." Chu Yi ignored it, and he bent towards the big fat man in front.

The top of the top is covered with lines, chubby, but the lines of others are extremely fierce, and he seems to be stretched out by the meat, which looks a little funny and funny.

"Yan Luo Daoyou..." The top extinguisher stood up, his belly round like a puffy balloon, and shot out at once.

The extinct supreme supreme, is a supreme supreme six, and is the exalted sect master.

Sect Master Dingding's mood is not very good today. He and Tu Renzong's demon supreme are old rivals, but today, they have lost several rounds in the other hand.

Now, the only slave he brought is Lin Feiyan, but now it seems that Lin Feiyan knows Supreme Yan Luo in front of him.

Extinguishing the Supreme Supreme will not innocently offend a Supreme.

"Destroy the Supreme, this kid is my student, I don't know how he offended you, can you let him go?" Chu Yi laughed, for their Supreme, this is not a big deal.

"Since it is a supreme child, it is also a fate. It was offended before, but Supreme Master Yan Luo, you still need to be careful about your apprentices in the future, and you can't steal things to the Supreme Head." Extinguishing Supreme has not been entangled too much.

"Destroy the Supreme, you are really a good person." Chu Yi complimented.

"Good man?" Zhiding Zhizun's face changed suddenly, "Daoyou, you can't say this at will, I'm not a good man, I'm a wicked man."

Chu Yi rolled his eyes, but he forgot that the customs here are different from the outside world.

"Brother Lin, you are so pitiful that you have fallen to this point." Xia Houcheng cancelled.

Lin Feiyan glared: "I haven't learned anything from my brother, but my skills haven't reached home."

"Still fight?"

Suddenly, across the ring, a roar of roar came, and I saw a three- or four-meter-tall tiger head half-orc, glaring at Lin Feiyan.

Behind him, a rather gloomy man smiled and said: "Destroy the Supreme, you are really easygoing, and a Supreme from the outside world can take away your slaves at will. You are really a good person."

"But yes, all your slaves have been lost to me. In this way, you will lose to a black mine."

"Hahaha, it's really pitiful for you to destroy the top sect. Recently, it seems that you have been robbed of many mines. If you continue this way, you will be destroyed yourself." The eyes of the devil supreme are like dead eyes, and the voice is very disgusting.

"Unexpectedly, this seat has had such bad luck recently." Miaoding Supreme looked at his enemy's family, and his teeth were all broken. It is such a proud person to be able to open a school here.

"Yan Luo Daoyou, you don't need to bother, take your disciples and leave, but I advise you not to use this track number here, there is an equally abominable guy, this track number, and has reached a high level of supremacy "" Meiding Supreme sighed.

"Destroy Supreme, how many games do you have to win?" Chu Yi suddenly asked.

"As long as anyone wins three games first, the level is Yuan Yuan."

"Then let me come."

"You?" The Supreme Supreme is dumb.

"I'll direct, Feiyan, don't come down, stay on the ring."

"Teacher, what are you doing, don't take me for an experiment." Lin Feiyan wept, but he stayed on the ring.

He was trembling in heart, although he knew that his teacher was very strong, but after all, it was not Chu Yi who shot it himself.

Here is the existence of Immortal Venerable Supreme, he looked nervous just now.

"Hahaha, extinguish the Supreme Supreme, it seems that you are really stupid, and even let a fake Yan Luo Supreme come to fight."

"And you, Supreme Master Yan Luo? It's up to you, too, to get the name?"

"Hunting tiger, don't keep your hand, just kill this kid."

The tiger-headed people on the stage heard that the whole body was soaring.

"This demon supreme is about to lose." Around the monks of the fairy world murmured.


"Are you kidding me, the Devil Supreme, throughout the Tu Renzong, is the level of a famous teacher. His eyesight is extraordinary. Although he is less powerful than fellow practitioners, he can teach the disciples of this place, all are geniuses." Hell The monk of the world retorted.

The monks in the fairy world all looked strange.

In their eyes, that Yan Luozong's Yan Luo supreme is nothing, even if the chaos here comes millennium ahead of time, it is not as scary as this Kendo founder.

"Yan Luo Daoyou, you really want to let your apprentice go up. You must know that once you are in the ring, there is life and death, and there is no victory or defeat." Extinguished Supreme exhorted.

"Haha, rest assured, this kid's life is tough." Chu Yi's eyes flashed.

Although I didn't want to cause big troubles when I first came here, I couldn't make people look down on, otherwise my life would be worse.

What's more...This Devil Supreme feels very bad to him.

"Yan Luo kid, you are ready to collect your corpse for your apprentice." The demon supreme grinned.

There are too many lines on his face, dense and dense, like a spider web.

"As soon as you look at the face of Daoyou, you know that you are a good person and you won't kill people at will." Chu Yi smiled.

"Dare you scold me!" The Devil Supreme yelled, "Hunt the tiger, go, kill this kid."

The tiger-headed man roared, his body swelled, and turned into a golden tiger more than ten meters directly.

He trampled on the void, speed and power, soaring wildly in an instant.

"Half Orcs?"

At a glance, Chu Yi could see the opponent's state, tricks, and direction of attack.

"Fly Flame, use Shadow Flurry."

Lin Feiyan's body suddenly dimmed and melted into his shadow, and then a long shadow whip flew out of the ground like a jellyfish's tentacle.

"Shadow flurry? Really ordinary, hunting tigers, trample on war!"

It is said that the struggle between the slaves is actually the battle between Chu Yi and the Devil Supreme.

"No worries, his weakness is obvious, just in the eyes, with a broken face." Chu Yi shouted.

Countless shadows swirled in the air, turning into twisted weapons.

Hunting tiger's huge body, a eyeball was dug out, and then a sharp shadow penetrated his brain, blood splashed.

"Amitabha, Feiyan, you are too ruthless, so you can't bear to be a teacher."

Chu Yi sighed.

Lin Feiyan couldn't laugh or cry, and all the people around the fairy world were also stunned.

When did you have no patience?

"Good, come again!"

"Sword Slave!" Ghost Demon Supreme coldly said.

A wolf-headed man with a sword box came out.

"It's the sword slave. I know this guy. It's the most powerful slave in the hands of the demon supreme. The infantile slave. His swordsmanship is extraordinary."

"The sword slaves are out. I'm afraid they will sweep."

"Sword?" Many people in the fairy world have strange faces and can only hold their smiles.

They came here, they were ridiculed by people in the **** world, and now they are naturally too lazy to talk.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "Fei Yan, although you are not using Kendo, but since the other party is using a sword, you should also use a sword. As a student, you must know how to say it."

"You see him walking, you should use the fast sword, you see his eyes, the sword realm has reached the point where my heart is like a sword."

"He used a left-handed sword, but a short sword was hidden in the sleeve on the right."

"From the sound of the sword box, it should be eighteen swords, and the sword array used will be the eighteen sword cloud array, the method of cracking..."

Chu Yi just glanced at it, and the sword slave stood still, his limbs stiff, and he dared not move.

"Okay, I said so much, you can do it yourself."

"Ghost Demon Supreme, can start."

Ghost Demon's face is extremely gloomy, his sword slave's weaknesses are all exposed, even the sword moves are exposed, how can this be compared?

"I'll lose this game, sword slave, come back."

Chu Yi frowned: "Don't you say that above this ring, there is only life and death, and there is no victory or defeat?"


As soon as Chu Yi's words fell, the sword slave's body exploded.

"You dare to kill my servant!" Devil Supreme said coldly.

Everyone was stunned. Unexpectedly, this surnamed Chu was so fierce that he killed without saying a word.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "Amitabha, I am kind-hearted, how can you scorn good people."

The Skeleton Knight was on the side, only feeling sweaty.

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