My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1364: Soul Pearl

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"This Yan Luo Daoyou, really..." Meiding Zhizun felt that the lines on Chu Yi's face were sorry for his character.

You know, this pattern does not mean the degree of evil, but also various complicated factors, such as cunning, such as treacherous.

The monks with more lines are not more cruel, but more able to survive in this place.

"You shot for no reason, kill my servant, this seat will kill you today!"

Chu Yi frowned and complained: "Why are you like this? I am kind to help you. Your servant is of extraordinary strength. Once you grow up, I am afraid that you will be out of your control. In the end, you will suffer. I am for you. For the sake of thinking, good people don't report well."

Ghost Demon Supreme made a strange noise in his throat, and laughed twice: "Good man?"

"Since you are a good person, you are the one who likes to bully the best people. Take action. Your practice is not as good as this one. This seat will let you do three tricks."

"Forget it, it's boring, let some of my old friends see it, and say that I am bullying people in hell, I have changed my mind and will not do things that hurt the world." Chu Yi glanced at a group of people in Xianjie.

The monks were all weird.

"Hehe..." The devil supreme man grinned, "You and I fight, no matter whether you win or lose, it is counted as my loss, and I will compensate three mines."

Chu Yi's eyes flickered.

The extinct Supreme Master quickly said: "It is absolutely impossible, Yan Luo Daoyou, this demon yin person's ability is powerful, and there are high-level supreme behind him, even the Yan Luo King here is his friend."

Chu Yi was undecided.

At this moment, a faint voice sounded: "Yan Luo Zhizun, when did you become so timid, and dared to shoot me at that time."

"Miss Mu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Over the years, I have been thinking about it. I usually kill and kill too many people on weekdays. I'm tired.

"Oh, by the way, Fan Xin, I will ask you for Dharma in the future." Chu Yi looked at them.

A beautiful Mu emperor, a mortal heart, the two stood together, very holy.

It's just that the lines on their faces should be covered up and never exposed.


In the fairyland, many monks vomit blood, and you still learn the Dharma, begging you not to spoil this one.

But everyone was also shocked. They didn't expect both of them to come here.

The strongest generation is not casual to talk about it. The earliest group of people saw them and they were still psychic. Not long ago, it was the Immortal Venerable. Now bye bye, they have achieved supreme.

Fan Xin smiled and said: "I learned not the true Dharma, but the dharma of murder."

His eyes were scarlet, but he was calm again.

"It seems that where there is something, there is Supreme Yan Luo, Immortal Realm and Hidden Realm. You are in a mess, and now you will come to Hell Realm?"

A white light emerged, and two figures came out.

Chu Yi's eyes were surprised, and it turned out to be emperor and peace of mind.

An Xinyou still didn't reveal the prototype, but instead was Tutu, waving at Chu Yi and others.

Although the **** world is isolated from the outside world, it is not without any news. Most people have heard the legend of the emperor.

Tianzi's face was slightly cold: "Yan Luo Supreme, don't be here, lose our fairyland face."

Chu Yi touched his head and smiled: "I have said that, I have been paying attention to the Buddha recently, why are you forcing me to shoot?"

However, in his heart awe-inspiring, **** world, there must be something big happening, otherwise the mystery and the people of heaven cannot come forward.

"Tianzi, the first time I saw you was in someone else's mouth. At that time, my Dao heart almost collapsed."

"The second time I saw you, I was able to see you."

"Goodbye to you this time, you are already behind me."

"So, you don't have to speak to me in a high tone."

"Oh?" Tianzi was extremely cold. His eyes and expression were very uncoordinated, but extremely terrifying.

"Yan Luo Zhizun, don't think that your cultivation behavior is the same as mine, so you are qualified to challenge this seat."

Chu Yi did not let me: "I didn't want to challenge you unless you want to challenge me. After all, you are not worthy to challenge me."

"Don't make trouble!" Suddenly, the side of the side was worried and the voice was serious, "Yan Luo Supreme, if you want to live, leave here."

"Dear An'an, how can you talk to me like this? Fortunately, on that day, we were in the wilderness and the mountains, we were alone and widowed, and we did something indescribable. You still see blood... Now I want to come, I'm so sorry. Yi flesh and blood.

Anxin was flushed with anxiety, and he didn't expect the other person to be so shameless.

It's just that there is nothing wrong with the other party's description. What is wrong is just the tone and expression. It is too easy to make people think.

"Don't talk nonsense, beware I cut your tongue."

"You are reluctant." Chu Yi teased.

"Everyone, I don't care about the things in your fairy world, but Supreme Master Yan, now angered this seat, this seat only wants to teach him."

The Devil Supreme came out.

"It seems that Supreme Master Yan Luo, you are quite well-known in the fairyland, but one thing to tell you, this is the **** world, there are our rules, if you don't follow the rules, you can only die."

"There are many people who want to kill me, and finally I am the only one standing here." Chu Yi was not polite.

Ghost Demon Supreme turned around and turned into a smoke, and the ghost claws came out of the smoke.


However, his ending can be said to be quite tragic.

Chu Yi slaps in the past, seemingly slow, but using the power of Kendo.

That ghost claw, even with smoke, was photographed for three years, and then messed up.

The dense palm wind, like a sword light, burst out.

The demon supreme retreat and retreat, his heart was shocked, his body hit a hill, and in an instant, the hill split into powder.

The devil supreme is dazed, sitting in the same place.

He was slapped by a man from the fairy world?

The eyes of several people of Mu Huang were stunned. They naturally knew the battle of the earth. They originally thought that Chu Yi was strong enough at that time. Unexpectedly, how long has passed since the other party's strength has improved.

Extinguishing the Supreme Sect smacked his mouth in horror, his eyes were horrified. He did not expect that this Yan Luo Zhizun was equally fierce, and slapped his old opponent like a fly.

Everyone was speechless, and just said that he was unwilling to shoot, and the result was to humiliate his opponent.

"Don't be restless, you still drink tea and drink here, and wait a few days before you can reach the depths." Just then, Sun Sichen appeared. After understanding the situation, he eased the atmosphere here.

He is the future Dizang king, so everyone gave him this face.

"When I go to the Devil's Land, I will definitely kill it." The Devil Supreme said fiercely.

"Tianzi, Emperor Mu, Miss An, Brother Fan Xin, and Brother Yan Luo, please also come with me, and my father invites you."

"It's working." Tianzi twitched his lips, and didn't seem to be used to smiling.

Tutu jumped off Anxian's shoulders suddenly, looking for pig bajie and sword worm.

"I'll go as soon as you go, you are here, just cause trouble." Chu Yi asked, anyway, there were sword bugs, it would be impossible to cause trouble.

"Teacher, I think there is something for you." Lin Feiyan pulled Chu Yi.

"One day, I also extinguished the Dingzong mining, and suddenly the vision fell, the black flame burned the sky, and a bead fell, beside me."

Lin Feiyan took out a purple-black bead, similar to marbles, with restrained energy.

"This is..." Chu Yi's pupils shrank sharply. "It seems to be very similar to the eyes of Emperor Soul Yuan described by Qing Emperor."

What the Star Cannon needs is not all the eyes of Soul Yuan Emperor.

According to the description, the inside of the eyeball of Emperor Soul Yuan is constructed of many soul beads, and Chu Yi only needs to bring back one.

He didn't expect that Soul Pearl was so easily obtained, but naturally he thought of a more terrifying situation.

"Emperor Soul Yuan's eyes, there should be no cracks, it will break up, and it can't suppress the destiny!" Chu Yi was terrified.

He could not help swallowing saliva. This is the big crisis. Once a destiny body is out of trouble, then the rest of the body can also be easily rescued. Once the destiny fits together, no one in this universe is his opponent.

Chu Yi remained silent, put away the soul beads, and followed Sun Sichen into it.

He had a hunch that what the Tibetan King said this time must have something to do with the Soul Yuan Emperor, and even the arrival of the emperor and others were also for this matter.

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