Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The roads in Fuzhong are winding and the group of people are moving forward. This combination is very weird, making Chu Yi feel a little uncomfortable.

At least if they are not here, they will definitely fight. No matter which side, they have conflicts with each other, especially Chu Yi, who has already felt the killing intention of these people.

An Xinyou deliberately slowed down two steps, and side by side with Chu Yi, she took off her cloak, and in an instant, as if there was a starry sky, the coldness between the eyebrows was brighter than the bright moon in the sky.

Chu Yi felt that he was a good man, but his breath was still a little bit short.

Looking back, Emperor Mu was also stunned: "There are women, so beautiful that I can't even feel jealous."

"Amitabha, the color is empty, and the emptyness is like nothing." Fan Xin whispered, keeping the spirit platform clear.

The emperor frowned, and he was a little uneasy to walk with Chu Yi.

As for Sun Sichen, I only felt that there was a light behind him. With the reminder of the emperor, I dare not look back.

This is a face that cannot be resisted even by the Supreme.

If it were not for Chu Yi’s steadfastness, he would have been thinking about it.

Chu Yi sniffed deeply, and felt a faint fragrance into the body.

"What are you smelling?" An Anxie said coldly.

"Did you smell fart... Don't be nervous, fairies are human too, naturally fart." Chu Yi teased.

Anxinyou couldn't help but clenched her fists, seeing the other person's eyes looked at her, and it was even more chilling.

Chu Yi touched his nose and said, "Why are you looking for me?"

Reassuring and worried, her face was ruddy, her beautiful eyes glanced at Chu Yi, and secretly said: "I hope you and Heavenly Court, and Heavenly Son, will turn into goddesses."


Chu Yi sneered, "The Lord of Heaven Court betrayed the Yan and Huang clan and secretly killed me. It is impossible to make peace."

"You don’t understand too much about Heavenly Court, but I don’t force you, but God, you don’t have to fight with him. Although he entered the land of sin, he didn’t kill your compatriots after all, just destroyed some cities, Just force your ancestors to shoot."

Chu Yi was a little surprised. Looking at the back of Tianzi, the guy was arrogant and rigorous. Even the walking range of his hands and the distance of each step were exactly the same.

"Why are you talking for the emperor like this? Do you secretly promise him?"

Anxin worried rolled his eyes, but this one, like a variety of styles, is like spring coming, making Chu Yi blushing.

"You think too much, the emperor is interesting to me, but I have explained to him that I just see him as a brother, and he has no intention."

"Just, the emperor is very pitiful."

"He is the genes of many powerful people, born in combination, without father and mother."

"He was injected into the womb that gave birth to his mother, and after birth, his mother was tried by the heavenly judges, and he didn't even have any thoughts."

"The senior officials of Heaven Court believe that the Son of Heaven is the most perfect. The birth of heaven and earth is the Son of Heaven. There can be no flaws, even if he was born by other women, that woman cannot live in this world."

In the words of peace of mind, there was a touch of softness.

"Tianzi has been given too high hopes since he was a supreme teacher. Even bigger, he has been taught by the suzerain, and he has even been thrown into the abyss and beasts fighting."

"He has no playmates, no childhood, grew up in various trainings, and because of the fusion of genes, he often makes him desperate. This situation will not improve until he achieves Xianzun."

"No one dared to play with him in heaven. He is too smart, too lonely, and has a high status. Besides my home, because of the special glory, I was able to stay with him when I was a kid."

"It turned out to be the case." Chu Yi touched his nose. "Growing up in such an environment, there is no abnormality, just a strange personality and stubbornness, it is really difficult for him."

"However, we are already hostile. This is a fact that cannot be changed. Just like me and you, once the heaven is alive, you will kill me mercilessly." Chu Yi was not confused.

"So I persuade you not to fight against the heavenly court. The power of the heavenly court is more terrifying than you think."

Anxie shook his head worriedly, "Forget it, you won't shake what I say, but the reason I mention the Son is because you are essentially the same kind of person."

Chu Yi shivered and quickly shook his head: "Don't, I'm not him, Gao Pan can't afford it."

"That's the end of the story, I hope you can think about it, maybe next, we are in hell, and we must fight together."

"The heaven, not the heaven you see, we are all striving for peace in this universe."

Chu Yi smiled helplessly: "I feel relieved, I ask you, heaven, is it the heaven you see?"

"Did you understand Tingtian, or did the Yan and Huang people understand?"

An Xinyou suddenly stopped, looking at Chu Yi's back.

Her heart shivered at once.

Because she heard a rumor, the reason why the Lord of the Court created the Tianzi is to regard the Tianzi as the most perfect physical body for her future.


Chu Yi quickly saw the legendary generation of the Tibetan king.

Dizang King is kind and beautiful, as if incompatible with this **** world.

Everyone greeted.

The emperor didn't take the seat and said directly, "King Dizang, we don't have to be polite, just talk about things."

"Okay." The King of Tibet did not drag the mud, and said, "This time, I am afraid that the heaven and the mystery have sensed the fluctuation of my hell."

"Yes, Master has said that there is a weird energy in Hell Realm, as if it is a huge demon, which makes Master uneasy and makes me wait for a look." Mu Huang nodded.

"It's that monster."

The Emperor Mu Huang is Xuan Chang, and there are some secrets that are not secrets for them.

"The seal is loose?" Fan Xin said solemnly.

Jizo King said: "It's not as simple as loosening. The black moon has appeared not long ago. That monster is the best at manipulating the black moon. Its breath has been able to escape, and those natives still worship the monster. In this way, the monster Will become more powerful."

"King Dizang, the situation is probably worse than what you saw."

Chu Yi took out the soul beads, "Emperor Soul Yuan's eyes have begun to disintegrate."



At this moment, even the emperor changed color.

"The monster in the heavenly court was suppressed by my family, but it consumes a lot of energy every year, which guarantees safety, and the **** world obviously does not have such rich energy, and there is no fairy king level to sit in. I am afraid here, it will be The first one is broken." Anxin was worried and short of breath.

"No wonder the suzerain let me come over. The blood of my family has a natural deterrent to these monsters."

"The mysterious monster has also been a little restless recently. It seems that it is affected by this place and wants to get out of it." Mu Huang took a breath.

"In any case, it can't be used to break the seal, otherwise it will be out of control."

Dizang Wang Zhengse said: "So this time, I deliberately put a lot of monks in to help eliminate some of the devil's children."

"And for the few present, your tasks are more onerous."

Dizang took out a scroll.

"This is a seal formation method, but it was passed to me by the Soul Abyssal Emperor. Once the seal becomes loose, it can be used to make up, at least to delay the time."

"If you want to use the formation, you must go deep, and it will be very dangerous for several of you to go."

"No need to say anything, my heaven, it was for this." Tianzi said immediately, his face unchanged.

"Mysterious machines also help each other." Mu Huang and Fan Xin said.

Everyone looked at Chu Yi again.

"Why do you look at me, you as a cosmic giant, as it should be, I am just a mortal, or just walk around casually."

If Chu Yi wants to act, it is impossible to be with this group of guys.

"Supreme Yan Luo..." King Zizhao shouted to Chu Yi, "Do you know the secret of the lines on your body?"

"That was left by the Soul Yuan Emperor. The more secret patterns, the more the Soul Yuan Emperor, and the Soul Yuan Emperor is also evil. At that time, he wanted to find a suitable successor."

"If you go, you might get the inheritance of Soul Yuan Emperor." The king of Tibet looked to Chu Yi, as if he had seen through the skin of the other party.

Chu Yi's righteousness grabbed the seal scroll in the hands of the emperor directly and said, "The King of Tibet is laughing. Do I look like the kind of person who went for inheritance? I represent Yanhuang, Dingtian Temple, God and Demon. "

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