My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1366: King Yan Luo

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I don't know why, An Xinyou heard this, her face turned red, and she always felt that people in the fairy world were ashamed outside, as if she was embarrassed.

Sun Sichen looked weird and looked at Yan Luo Zhizun. He had heard the legend of the other party. In the case that almost all the Dao were opened up, the person in front of him suddenly developed a Kendo, and completed the Kendo alone.

Although it is in the void, the scene of Kendo is not passed on, but it does not hinder the status of Supreme Master Yan Luo in his heart.

Even if it is not an old guy, at least it should be mature like Tianzi and others.

Where did I think that such a cheeky person.

"Cough..." Fan Xin coughed awkwardly.

Tian Zi frowned and said seriously: "Yan Luo Zhizun, if you don't have the courage to go, you really don't need to come over, lest you drag your feet."

"Your family has a great cause, and I can only represent three small forces. Is it impossible to achieve a peaceful struggle for the entire universe?"

Chu Yi was heartbroken, "Tian Zi, you Sheng Xue in white, but came to see me with a pair of dirty eyes, hey..."

Tian Zi narrowed his eyes and ignored Chu Yi.

Dizang Wang smiled and said: "This time, things are more urgent. I will follow you to avoid accidents."

"Sichen, after I leave, I will hand it over to you."

Sun Sichen shivered: "Father!"

Dizang Wang said slowly: "Although you haven't achieved the Supreme, but you're almost there. I shouldn't be back when I leave. Fortunately, you have been quite capable in these years. I am also relieved to give it to you."

Chu Yi sighed and said, "The seal formation in that scroll has a fatal flaw. Will the king of Zang make up for that shortcoming with his body?"

The king of the earth monk said freely: "Anyway, I don't have much life. At most, I will live for another thousand years. After a thousand years, I will go to the depths of the condemnation and burial there, like the ancestors of the past. It’s just a matter of time, but now, my death is more valuable and I should be happy."

Everyone respected.

An Xinyou was quite sad: "I settled down in my family, and I was buried in seals from generation to generation.

"Yes, unlike some people." Mu Huang glanced at Chu Yi, but this time when she met, her attitude has changed a lot. After all, at least in cultivation, Chu Yi has been on an equal footing with them.

Facing Mu Huang's disdainful eyes, Chu Yi's face was automatically cancelled, indifferent.

The old Dizang Wang wore a brown robe and showed no breath.

There were tears flashing in Sun Sichen's eyes, but they did not fall. He knelt down on his knees and knocked three loudly.

The king of Dizang did not avoid it. He knew that this time he would say goodbye.

He is old and has a son. If this monster is not destroyed, his descendants will still be buried deep in the land of condemnation.

There is a sadness, but it is also a kind of magnificence.

Chu Yi sighed, thinking of Yan Huang, too, generation after generation, buried in the destiny.

Nowadays, there is also the world of Tianting Anjie and the veins of the king of hell.

They all struggled for these, and they did not give up day and night.

This is glory, but also shackles.

His eyes were hazy, and he remembered too much, and he unknowingly shed tears.

Anxie was very surprised and looked at him in horror.

"Why do you look at me with this kind of look? I'm touching the scene and thinking about life and getting a little."

Chu Yi did not shy away.

"I'm not a hard-hearted man, and I don't have to hide my emotions. I'm a person, not a stone. When I'm touched, I shed tears, when I'm happy, I laugh, and when I'm angry, I'm irritable."

"But you are the Supreme Master Yan Luo, the strong, and the heart is firm." Mu Huang still felt weird, because the strong, especially the Supreme Sovereign, even the closest person left, it is difficult to shake their state of mind.

"Why the strong cannot have emotions, what does it mean to be alive, even if it is a fairy, it is just a stone."

"Everything has a spirit, isn't this spirit an emotion?"

"Spirit, it is spirituality, it is wisdom, and emotion is the most surviving thing." Tianzi said coldly.

"But there are no perfect creatures in nature, so monks have emotions, and cultivation is the process of restraining their various emotions, such as inertia, such as anger."

"Tianzi is right." Fan Xin smiled, "Every generation of overlords, self-restraint and rituals are extremely regulated. After all, words and deeds are right."

"Those high-level supreme, peak supreme, especially the existence of the fairy king level, have their own codes of conduct."

"If the heart does not move, then the God does not move. If the God does not move, the Tao does not move. The Tao does not move, like a rock.

Chu Yi's eyes widened and he looked at Mu Huang: "Do you think so too?"

Mu Huangyan nodded his head, cherry red lips lightly opened: "It is true, this point, Supreme Master Yan Luo may be wrong, the creatures have feelings, it is true, but to learn to exercise restraint, my Master, is such a person."

"Master has said that when a person exposes his emotions, it is equivalent to giving the enemy weakness. Once the emotions fluctuate during the battle, they may be invaded by illusion."

"How about you?"

"I think so." Anxian nodded.

The same is true for the King of Tibet.

"Yan Luo Zhizun, although you and I are different, one day, we will certainly fight, but I advise you, the more you are exposed to me, the faster you will die in the future." Tianzi said coldly.

Chu Yi choked up silently, looked up at the sky, and shouted: "Tiansha, what kind of people are these, I will be crazy if I stay with you, no, I want to bring my people."

The cold light flashed in the eyes of Tianzi: "Yan Luo Supreme, you know, the moment you just looked up, I was able to cut off your head."

Chu Yi: "..."

"It's terrible, I want to stay away from your group of monsters."

Chu Yi hastily escaped.

He didn't want to live the taste of a fairy, he was just a person, at most a stronger person.

He has parents, siblings, wives, friends...

They laughed together, cried together, and cheated together. He didn't need to live as a stone statue, nor did he need to restrain his emotions. Otherwise, his sword would lose its spirituality.


Chu Yi came out and informed Swordworm and others of his actions.

He was a little tangled. Sword worms, white foxes and pig bajie have all achieved supremacy. There is no problem in entering, but Xiahou’s achievements are more dangerous, especially Lin Feiyan. This guy will not be a peaceful master. Without entering, the supreme men sneeze, I'm afraid they can shoot this guy to death.

The only advantage is that there are many dodge tricks.

Among the few disciples newly recruited by Chu Yi, the rest of them have already entered the psychic spirit, but instead Lin Feiyan, trapped in the body of deprivation, has encountered difficulties during the infant period.

Chu Yi wanted to take him by his side and help him break through.

"Walking with the emperor and others, and the pinnacle of supremacy!?" Lin Feiyan was overjoyed and hugged Xia Houcheng's shoulders. "Go, of course, go, teacher. You don't have to control me. Brother Xia Houcheng covers me."

"When I go back this time, I have the bragging capital. The younger sister laughs every day at me for not trying to be aggressive. I want to envy her."

"Second nephew, you can rest assured that there is a sword master, and no one can hurt you."

"Sword Lord, you really are my uncle."

One person and one insect embraced and wept.

Chu Yi suddenly didn't want to take them on the road.

"Son..." The white fox called out and looked in one direction.

But I saw there, a few more figures beside the Devil Supreme.

One of them was looking at himself with enthusiasm.

"Son, that is the Supreme Master Yan Luo here, but they usually call him King Yan Luo."

King Yan Luo was tall, with naked upper body and dense lines, like a ghost, spreading from his forehead to his abdomen.

He lightly looked at Chu Yi with disdain.

"Yan Luo Supreme——" King Yan Luo snorted, like a thunderous thunder, this is already the ranks of high-level supreme, naturally extraordinary.

"King Yan Luo?" Chu Yi raised his eyebrows.

Yan Luo Wang walked long and fast, stepped in front of Chu Yi, his eyes narrowed.

"Who allows you to use this track number?"

"I don't care what you have achieved in the outside world, but here is the **** world. Chaos came a thousand years earlier than the outside world. In my eyes, you are just a clown."

"I won't do it here, but once you leave Dam Star, this seat will take back your track number."

Yan Luo Wang roared with laughter, "You know what this means, meaning that you will die!"

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