My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1367: Psychic method

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

King Yan Luo did not do anything here, after all, the king of Tibet was famous and respected.

It is not so much that the King of Tibet is trapping them in the world of hell. It is better to say that the King of Tibet is guarding them, otherwise some monks' enemies outside will be ransacked.

King Yan Luo was far away, gloomy eyes.

"Brother Devil, don't worry, wait until the undead star, and then settle accounts with him, where we have gone several times, each time strangling a large number of devil's sons, we have ambushed our men."

"I'm not in a hurry, but I hope this guy will live a little longer. In this way, it is enough for us to play."

The demon supreme shook his head and immediately dignified. "It's just that this trip is not easy. I heard that the moon on the undead star and several stars in the back have exploded in the dark moon tide. This time things are a bit loud. Have already taken the lead."

Yan Luozhi snorted: "It is rumored that there is a fairy corpse buried in the depths of this **** world, and I don't know the true or false, but there must be treasures born, and the Supreme Supremes have their own opportunities, and we can't miss it.

"Hurry up and get ready to gather people."

Soon, the teleportation team opened, and a large number of people disappeared in the main palace.

Emperor Tianzi and others also appeared, and the Tibetan king Yi Rong, breathing like a fairy, followed behind several people.

On this way, he will not shoot, to continue the energy, fully prepare for the seal.

The three parties meet, but the scene is quite weird.

Because these three parties have hatreds for each other, and even a hostility that is difficult to put down. In the future, they will definitely fight for life and death, but now they have to join forces. It is really weird.

The atmosphere solidified, the emperor was not good at speaking, his hands were on his back, and his eyes had no focus.

Fan Xin and Mu Huang seemed to be secretly speaking.

Anxian seldom speaks, wearing a thin veil, looks extremely cold, and has a temperament that refuses to be thousands of miles away.

"Beauty, we meet again, do you want to talk about the ideal, look at the sunset, run under the moonlight, enjoy the sea breeze..." Swordworm saw anxiety, ran over with a brush, wearing sunglasses, Smoking a cigar, a rogue and gentleman look.


"The owner is Tutu, you slug." Tutu glared at the hind leg, flicked on the sword worm's face, kicked it off.

"Shishi kills, not humiliating, I want braised rabbit head tonight."

"It should be able to grow in size, so that the rabbit's head is enough." Lin Feiyan licked his mouth.

He also does not shy away from how many supreme there are, and then exchanges with Xia Houcheng's experience of theft, there are many strong ones, which can be looted.

The two whispered smiles while transmitting sounds.

"The city is rogue." Tianzi shook his head, only to feel out of place with this group of people.

"Small bitch, what do you say, don't think it's a great emperor, this girl is still a lao!" Niu Niu's hooves fluttered, making gestures to the emperor, "If it's useful to keep you, I really want to kick you Head."


"Okay, don't be like this, we have to be hospitable." Chu Yi came out to the round, "You, this action, you have fewer people, we have more people, so listen to us."

"Rogue." Anxin worried secretly said.

Tutu immediately said: "Chu rogue, my master said you are rogue."

An Xinyou stared at Tutu.

"I have no opinion. There is always a leader here. I have always been fighting alone. I have no experience in how to deal with the team. Brother Yan Luo should have no problem." Fan Xin said.

"I have no opinion." Mu Huang shrugged.

The white fox jumped out: "The young man is very experienced in dealing with this kind of thing. He has many women in his hometown..."

"Woo... Master, why don't you let me finish."

Chu Yi covered White Fox's mouth.

"Come on... Senior Dizang, you still need guidance on the way."

"I am only responsible for guiding the old man, and I will leave the rest to you." Dizang Wang smiled.

Several people came to the entrance of the formation method: "This is not a direct formation method, but a road of void, which contains a sea of ​​void, which requires us to cross by boat. It takes about a day."

"In the Void Ocean, there is a vicious vicious infestation, and naturally there are endless treasures. It is estimated that some people will stay in the Void Ocean for a few days."

"After the void ocean, it is the undead star, and has reached the land of condemnation, and then go down, passing the sky weeping star, burning Mars, is the place to suppress the devil."

"The land of condemnation seems to be in a layer of void, but in fact, they are all in a different void, one star is fragmented somewhere on the first layer of the void, and the other one may be somewhere on the dozens of layers of the void, Therefore, we can only rely on a special teleportation array, otherwise the Supreme will be lost."

Everyone got on the boat, the hull was sturdy and huge, and the surrounding area was full of artillery.

A group of people wandered in the void ocean. The waves here are not the condensation of water, but the void matter smashed into liquid.

There are no scenes around, or even reference materials, not to mention ordinary people, even if Lianyuan infants stay here alone, they will collapse.

Pig Bajie and others whispered and looked around, and even wanted to get off the boat, terrified by the Tibetan king to stop.

The king of Dizang couldn't help laughing, just as worried as having a group of bear children.

"Don't mess up, the ocean of the void is very weird. There is no special hull to carry it. When a wave comes over, you don't know which layer to hit you in the void."

Chu Yi asked: "They all say that there are three invincible celestial beings in the condemned clan. Can the Tibetan king know the whereabouts of the celestial being?"

"I don't know, the other two, I don't even know, but Ji Dao Xian, seems to have been buried in the depths of Heavenly Condemnation, but has never found a specific place.

"Yan Luo Daoyou, you only ask Ji Dao Xian, do you know, you know the location of the Great Compassion and Great Religious Buddha?"

When the king of Dizang asked, Tianzi and others immediately looked over.

Chu Yi did not conceal: "He was buried in my hometown, and the reliquary Buddha repressed nine monsters and locked them in the coffin."


Tianzi and others suddenly felt scalp numb, and they couldn't help but say anything.

They are the first to know.

Chu Yizheng said: "Although these monsters are immortals, their strength should be different."

"Even if the strength is weak, it is the level of the fairy king..."

The sage king sighed, only to feel that the future world was bleak.


Suddenly, in front of the crowd, the ocean wave flipped over, and a huge wave exploded into the sky.

When the waves receded, a rock-like Ganoderma lucidum appeared as long as 100 meters above sea level.

"Rock Ganoderma!"

"Good luck... so many evil spirits come together, really lucky." Dizang Wang smiled.

This group of people is out of the horse, I am afraid that if you just bow your head, you can find a lot of elixir.

"Rock Ganoderma lucidum can be used for medicine and can also prolong its lifespan. Its greatest value lies in this. I have a group of friends and relatives that are just right for you. I will be welcome." Chu Yi laughed.

A few people ignored it, and such treasures were not uncommon for them.

Chu Yi began to beat the rock Ganoderma lucidum with a trick. The outer layer of rock was protected, and the real Ganoderma was inside.

Pig Bajie sword worms and others enjoyed themselves.

The emperor was puzzled and frowned, why are some people happy like this?

The glory circulates, the medicine smells tangy, and the Ganoderma lucidum blooms in jade.

"Everyone, this Ganoderma is divided by half of us. If you were not under our care, how would you get it." Suddenly a pirate ship appeared, and each pirate wore a hideous mask.

Chu Yi smiled and said, "We just found the elixir, and you appeared. It seems that you have followed us for a long time."

"Let me think about it, I am here, it seems that there is also a hatred."

"Slaughter man."

"It seems that there are some people who are here to be pirates."

"What do you dare to dare to question me about the human slaughter? There is a command on it to make you disappear into this ocean."

"Lao Tzu is a thief, this king of the void ocean!"

The chief of the island took off his mask, and his face was marked with lines and scars.


He urged the hull, and suddenly a huge long leg was born at the bottom of the ship, and he walked on the empty sea.

Around the hull, the oars turned into countless arms, which was extremely weird.

"A psychic method."

Chu Yi was stunned that the pirate ship seemed to be alive, even holding a sword and chopping down towards their ship.

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