My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1368: Show your magical powers

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The empty ocean is chaotic, and the violent sea breeze blows through the space. The sea water here reverses, and every wave is enough to make a Yuanying fall.

"The psychic method, long left behind, did not expect to appear here, it is really interesting." Fan Xin smiled.

The group of people opposite is very extraordinary, it seems to be a Jiangyang thief, but it is extremely meticulous and powerful.

However, this group of people is more difficult to provoke.

When sitting cross-legged, he patted the ground with one hand, and the whole person shot into the air.

The pirate ship was holding a huge long sword. This sword fell, and the weight alone was enough to crush a supreme.

Chu Yi didn't shoot, he was watching, and was very interested. If these people go all out, what a grand occasion should be.

Wherever the heart sits, his eyes open, his clothes hunted and banged, and there was a thunder and thunder between the sleeves.

In the **** eyes, a blood Buddha emerged.

Fan Xin stared proudly, looking at the sky, the sword was bigger than the ship behind him, as if the sky had broken off and fell straight down.

Fanxin's fingers were together, fingers flexed, and in a flash, blood was like a knife, chopping the sky straight.

The huge giant sword suddenly disintegrated, as if the sand dune encountered a gust of wind, so it was annihilated and silent.

At the same time, behind Fanxin's heart, a huge three-headed, six-armed **** giant slowly rose.

The giant had a weapon on every arm, and every head had a different shape.

They are humanoid, beastial, and Buddha.

The three-headed, six-armed giant attacked the pirate ship and stepped on the void ocean, with crackling noises.

Countless space debris explosions are not harsh, but they have a sense of destruction.

"Blood Refining Giant!" Chu Yi horrified and sighed, "The blood refining method left behind is from the age of the gods and demons. I didn't expect it to be in the hands of Brother Fan Xin."

"Fan Xin is the descendant of the blood-refining Taoist," Mu Huang explained. "That vein has been passed down indistinctly, but this method has not appeared until Fan Xin was born, and the blood line and the ancestors were close. This only awakened."

Blood refining Taoists have been recorded in history. This is a person who appeared in the gods' field in the age of gods and demons. He used blood gas to refine everything, and finally became a fairy.

The robbery king stared at Fan Xin and was shocked.


"I have reached the high-level supreme, he is still ordinary supreme, but it feels threatening to me."

The thief licked his lips, and he gave the order. After a while, the sea was boiling, and huge waves splashed and rolled, and then a pirate ship floated out of the waves.

Those pirate ships are smaller than the first one, but they are able to walk with their hands and feet, standing on the ocean with the hull as the body.

"Hehe... It's fun." Mu Huanglian stepped a little, and the whole figure floated like petals.

Under the slender jade, every time a step was taken, a flower petal appeared, and when it was near a pirate ship, those petals were in a sea of ​​flowers, directly engulfing and burying the pirate ship.

An Xinyou also went out, carrying a long sword, like a female **** of war.

Tianzi glanced at Chu Yi, and he took his hand up. Every step of the way, the sea was shaken, waiting for his last step, came to a pirate ship.

The other party's artillery fire came together, and the light penetrated the space.

But he just lifted his foot and fell gently, and the vast cracks of the void continued to spread.

The void where the pirate ship is located is completely torn apart, like a scroll, torn by someone.

"Zhenkongbu!" King Zizhang sighed with admiration. "It's worthy of the emperor. Even these steps have been learned.

The means of the four people are also demonstrations and they are competing with each other.

Chu Yi cut out and said: "The genes on his legs are probably taken from Zhenkong Beast, otherwise, how can humans learn this unique inheritance."

Chu Yi dismissed it and despised it very much.

A special existence like Tianzi does not need to be learned at all. When age is reached and cultivation is completed, many peerless disciplines will be completed by themselves, imprinted in his body.

"Brothers, we can't lose to them." Swordworm shouted.

"Great nephew and second nephew, you go to open the fort, and the rest rush out with Lord Ben Jian."

The sword worms were domineering, shouting at the thief: "The robbery all grabbed the head of Lao Tzu. I am really impatient. I don't know if we worship the Moon God Church. Do you like this kind of thing best? Kill one first."

"Where are the little bugs." Tu Renzong's robbery swept the sword worms, swiping his axe down, and the sword worms were split in half.

But the next second, his pupils contracted.

But saw the body of the swordworm, like a liquid, and healed slowly.

Swordworm opened his mouth and sucked in a breath. In an instant, the sea was boiling, and countless void waves were swallowed by it, shocking everyone.

"Swallow the void into the belly?"

"This bug..."

Tianzi, Muhuang, Fanxin and others looked at them in horror, his scalp tingling.

This is the void, not the material space. Someone is so bold.

"I bother!"

The sword worm yelled in the direction of the king of robbers, and countless void energies became swords, just like a mudslide, pouring down.

The King of Thieves was air-conditioned. He dared not have any indifference. The dark clouds surrounded him, and huge masks of human faces appeared as shields.

The dense blows, such as rainstorms, thunder, and swords in the void, are like floods.


"I fight!"

White Fox drew a flying crane and let Pig Bajie ride.

The latter was happily, trotters constantly shot, and the power was endless. When the small figure collided with the huge hull, the hull disintegrated.

Pig Bajie is very violent and direct, but it is also the most shocking. Under his blow, there is always a hull that will explode.

The Lone Emperor's family is infinitely powerful, and there are already five precepts on the pig Bajie. These strange runes have a great impact on it, especially the law of anger, which makes it burn a **** flame. Every blow is shocked. Heaven and earth.

The emperor frowned, and the soles of his feet were fast. Every step, he moved across a pirate ship, just like a god, and fell like a demon.

Several people are showing their power as the void ocean is boiling.

"It's terrifying, these people staying together, I'm afraid that even the Supreme Master will be terrified."

The king of Tibet turned his head when he heard the sound, but he saw that Chu Yi did not know where to take out a recliner. He just lay on it, and there was a white fox beside him preparing drinks for him.

He glared: "Aren't you going? Tianzi and others want to suppress your majesty."

Chu Yi took a sip of fruit juice and said, "This is like nothing. Generally, the boss is pointing, do the younger brothers go to fight?"

Dizang King completely obeyed Chu Yi.

Under this world, those who dare to deal with these masters may not be the second person.

The roar of the void, finally the thief was killed by the emperor and Fanxin together, the supreme blood stained the sky, many ships disintegrated, floating on the void ocean, but soon, a big wave came, they swallowed them, I don’t know where to rush .

The emperor fell to the ground, but saw Chu Yi ejected from the recliner, swiftly passed him, rushed to the sea, and collected one of the hulls.

"Money, it's all money."

"Lying trough, I said you are too wasteful. Why didn't you take away the body, it was all washed away."

Chu Yi was distressed, and several people in the pigs also searched for loot on the ocean.

A few people only thought that this group of people was inexplicable, but only some supplies.

Chu Yi turned around and scolded: "You know what, every one is born rich or expensive, and there is no shortage of resources from small to large. We monks, who have no power and no power, can only rely on ourselves to obtain resources."

"It's really smelly of Zhumen wine, the road has frozen bones."

When Chu Yi saw these people disdainful, he knew he could not make sense.

When he was an ordinary person in the last life, he lived a bitter life. At the most tragic time, he ate a piece of bread with his sister for three days.

Later, when he came to the fairy world, it was not the chaotic age, and there were not many resources in the sect, often fighting for an ordinary spirit mine.

What's more, now, you still need to build a star cannon, but Chu Yi will not say it, and you can't always say that you have to shoot through heaven.

The next second Tianzi must desperately follow him.

"Very commonman," Tianzi commented, then turned and left.

Chu Yi looked at An Xinyou: "This guy's character is so weird, it's really hard for you."

"Hehe." Anxin worried sneered.

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