My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1370: Hongmen Banquet

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

An undead star, a desolate place, where there is little life to survive, a gray mist surrounding the equator.

The sky does not see the sun and the moon, and nature is bleak.

"It's an undead star, but the breath of death here is more solemn." Mu Huang frowned, and she walked all the way, blooming all the way, but the petals were completely withered for a few minutes in the mud.

Dizang explained: "From here onwards, the devil's son's territory is similar to the human form, except that the skin is dark and the cheeks are sunken. It should be the monster's hand, which has been hovering around the seal, eating away the seal, I The second time I want to destroy, but because of the large number, I can only delay the time."

"However, the son of the devil is still good, but this time the seal leaks gave them the opportunity, so that the monster inside is getting stronger and stronger." King Zizang was quite worried.

"It's here!" Chu Yi looked around, and on the barren plain, a city appeared suddenly.

The city was full of runes, without any beauty, and was built entirely for war.

Near the city, there was a long caravan slowly advancing, the black camels were tall and mighty, shaking the bells, and the sound of ding jingle sounded like a sacrifice from ancient times.

"There are still caravans here. The swaying sound of the camel bell is the last thing the devil's son likes to hear.


Suddenly, a huge shadow fell from the sky. Above the shadow, a young man was practicing.

The big fierce, but the big wind goose, is a fierce beast. The young man stood on his back to practice, with the fist as the fist and the headwind as the palm, but he went off the plate but remained motionless.

The speed of the wind geese is extremely fast, and the wind is blowing loudly, showing how strong the young man's foundation is, and being able to practice in such an environment is enough to see his hard work.

"This son is Meng Feng. He is the son of the Tu Tu Zong Tu Sheng. The Tu Tu saint is like me. After thousands of years, after the arrival of chaos, he achieved the supreme supremacy, and then came to stay here and said he wanted to guard this territory."

"However, only the saints of the slaughter house can enter and leave this star at will. The rest of the people can only pass the formation I set up on the Dam Star, and each entry and exit must be registered."

"His son is also pitiful. In the womb, a fierce beast slammed out of his mouth. His mother died, and he survived happily since childhood. He has worked hard and talented, although he has not yet entered the supreme. , But it's a bit more powerful than my kid."

The king of Dizang suddenly stopped, glanced at a few people around him, and decided to shut up, because in front of these people, no one dared to claim to be a genius. There are fairy kings to help them break through the shackles and force them into immortals.


Suddenly, the big wind goose dropped at a rapid speed and fell directly into the caravan.

The crowd scattered, terrified.

But Meng Feng grinned and took off his mask, revealing his face full of secret lines, and then flexed his fingers. Numerous energy threads trapped the caravans that were about to escape, and all were thrown into the mouth of the big wind goose.

Dozens of people roared, and Meng Feng urged the big wind goose to leave.

"It's really pitiful..."

Chu Yi seemed slightly ironic.

Dizang Wang smiled awkwardly: "I haven't seen him for years, and I don't know how his temperament has changed greatly."

Several talents of Chu Yi had just approached the city gate, and King Yan Luo came out.

On both sides of him, there is a row of soldiers, extremely powerful, all powerful monks, dressed in black armor, exuding fierceness.

King Yan Luo's face was no longer grim, but a faint smile.

"Emperor and others are coming, they are the top powers of all major forces, Tu Shengren ordered me to wait to lead the way."

"You are Yan Luozong, Tu Shengren is Tu Renzong, how did he let you come?" Chu Yi asked directly.

"The two cases are good friends. The saints of Tu Tu are just nobody. I came to help, Yan Luo Zhizun. We had misunderstood before. You and I have the same track number, but fate. You should not be hostile. I was careful before. ."

"Yan Luo Supreme, I will not compensate you." The Devil Supreme also came out from the side, with a shameful face, except that the greasy face did not seem to sincerely apologize in any way.

Chu Yi sneered in his heart, but his face was complimented again and again: "Dare and dare, here are the two territories, how can the two compensate me, it is Meng Lang before me."

"It's okay, everyone is a monk. It's the pillar of this world. It's just a trivial matter. No matter how much hatred we had before, there is no trace of resentment between us from this moment on." The demon supreme waved his hand, hehe Laughed.

"Really?" Chu Yi was overjoyed.

"Naturally is true."

Chu Yi let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "That's great. I didn't feel sorry for it. On the way I came, I met a group of pirates. After killing it, I found out that it was the slaughtered man. There is guilt, but since the devil supreme said a write-off, that's fine."

"Haha, it really is a hero of the **** world."

Ghost Demon's face turned red, and he turned into purple again, and it was extremely dark in the end.

The king of robbers was his brother of worship. When he heard that he broke into the world of **** and entered the slaughter house together, he didn't expect to be killed by this kid.

He also said that he had written off a sum of money just now, and now he hopes that this person will be slashed.

"Why? The Devil Supreme looks malicious to me. Since that's the case, we still can't enter this city, just leave." Chu Yi took a few steps back.

Ghost Demon Supreme said, almost biting his teeth: "Naturally not, please don't misunderstand the Supreme Master Yan Luo, the king is cruel and evil, we also want to clean the portal, Yan Luo Supreme is to eliminate the harm for the day."

"That means, he died well?" Chu Yi asked.

"Yes, good death!" The Devil Supreme is almost stiff all over, his eyes are scarlet. If it wasn't for King Yan Luo's secret voice, he had already gone.

The sword worm almost laughed out loud behind him, and even the cold Heavenly Son felt that Chu Yi was so abominable that it was such a whole person.

"All of you, please come in. The saints have banquets for you."

King Yan Luo tried to raise his mouth and make himself look more hospitable.

"Since that is the case, then we are better to respect than to obey."

In the Mansion of the Slayer, various stone statues stand, like eagle falcons, dragons, and some humanoid figures. They are immobile, but their eyes are turning and monitoring everything around them.

In the mansion, there are green mountains and blue waters, the blue waves are rippling, the building has also been renovated, and the gold and green are brilliant, full of the feeling of prosperity and prosperity.

There is a lake in front, surrounded by the beauty of the human race. The red dress adds body, reveals most of the chest, and leans sideways, carrying a lantern, illuminating the lake.

In the lake water, there are many fishes of all colors, constantly swimming.

In the middle of the lake, there is a pavilion, the pavilion is extremely luxurious, all made of precious ore and wood.

"It's a bit of a taste of Shenlou, but unfortunately it doesn't have that level, the image is not like God." Chu Yi commented.

Then he immediately heard everyone: "Everyone, you have to be careful, there is an ambush here, and it is still directed at us."


Whether it was the King of Dizang or the couple of emperors, they were all startled.

"How is it possible that they have reason to ambush you, but there is no reason to kill us?" Mu Huang shook his head.

Chu Yi sneered: "I can be sure there is an ambush and they can be sure that they are not to deal with me. The main goal is probably the predecessor of Dizang Wang."

"Senior, you were found."

"To deal with me? Why?" Dizang Wang frowned.

"As you said before, the saint saint is the pinnacle of supreme supremacy. This reason is enough for him to deal with you."

Chu Yi said slowly, "not to mention, I tried at the gate of the city before, the ghost demon supreme was so irritated by me, but as soon as I said to leave, he immediately softened his attitude, and the king of the Yanlu was not able to People who greet with smiles."

"And I have paid special attention to the other party. King Yan Luo's eyes often glanced at Senior Tibetan King."

"I'm afraid that many forces have joined forces to eradicate the king of the earth monarch."

"Maybe, this time the seal is damaged, but also their relationship, which is a terrible means."

After Chu Yi finished speaking, he saw everyone looking at him in horror.

"It's you who should be terrible." Fan Xin said the truth, they hadn't found it yet, but Chu Yi kept everything clear.

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