Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

A few people are quiet, but they are secretly transmitting.

The king of Dizang couldn't believe it: "The supreme monks in the **** world know how terrifying the devil's son is. Since these times, the devil's son has caused more damage to them, and they can't cooperate with the devil's son."

"If I said, I noticed the breath of those monsters on the demon supreme body?" Chu Yi put his hands behind his head, and Youya wandered.

"Senior Dizang Wang, have you ever thought that even if chaos is coming, it can still be very difficult to become a high-level supreme, and it is even more difficult to achieve the pinnacle supreme, but the Tu Renzong has grown too fast in the past millennium Zi Zi came out with a pinnacle supreme and two high-level supreme."

"Moreover, King Yan's talent is no more evil, but it has also risen in this millennium."

"And Yan Luozong, but there is another high-level supreme."

Chaos is here, only a thousand years have passed. There are many achievements of supreme supremacy, no problem, but there are so many achievements of high-level supremacy, then there is a problem.

Even in the immortal world, which is countless times larger than the **** world, the number of high-level supremes is only driven by a steady rise.

Like Wanshen Township, how many people are there such powerful forces, and help from heaven?

"Furthermore, why did the saints of the year ask themselves to come here?"

"The conditions here are bad and attacked by the devil's son from time to time, but after he came, the frequency of the demon's son's attack was greatly reduced. Even if there were, it seemed that the casualties were very small. I don't believe that a pinnacle supreme can take the big picture alone. "

"Also, just wait and see who is there. I bet there must be more than six high-ranking supremes."

"Everyone, please." Ghost Demon Supreme smiled, but his heart was ruthless, and when he watched Chu Yi walk into the attic, he couldn't help but feel angry and almost shot.

King Yan Luo smiled indifferently, carrying his hands on his back, and the quite compliant attitude just now disappeared.

The tower is lofty and wide above, and many dancers dance gently, and the music is like natural sounds, which is incompatible with the atmosphere of this planet.

The supremes have reduced their coercion, turned into human figures, and reduced their size, like ordinary princes and nobles, here to relax.

"Eight high-ranking supreme!" The king of Tibet followed everyone, and his body was shocked, his eyes burst into cold light.

The emperor also paused slightly, his eyes unchanged, but the breath inside his body was already surging wildly.

"Eight high-level supremes, plus a pinnacle supreme, such a lineup is enough to make us seriously injured." An Xianyou palms could not help but clenched.

"Severely injured?"

"You think too much. Since they did it, they must have 100% certainty."

Chu Yi sneered, "If it were me, I would ambush the devil's son in the dark. Only in this way can I have complete assurance."

"Don't look for it anymore. Since you are preparing in advance, I'm afraid you won't be able to find the location of the devil's son in a while."

Anxie worry about the change of several people's hearts.

"Then what to do? This is the **** world, it is impossible to notify Master." Mu Huangdao.

"Cold salad!"


Chu Yi smiled: "I mean, the matter has come to this point, no matter how much worry is in vain, it is better to sit down, I think the cold dishes here are not bad, should eat, drink."

At this time, when I saw a few people coming, many sages, including Tu Sheng, stood up.

There are only a few lines on Tu Shengren's face. Not only is it not grim, but also has some beauty, it is obviously that he can be hidden.

Middle-aged, with a large robe, the smile was gentle, and there was no sign of it.

"Several Daoists came from outside to help us demons and demons. It was really hard work." Tu Shengren didn't seem to have any shelf.

Nobody like Tianzi can speak, and with their identity and status, no compliments are needed at all.

Chu Yi also said in courtesy: "Senior is polite, but I don't think the senior will definitely wait for the junior to wait for the feast, I am afraid that he has recognized the senior Zizang."

Tu Shengren was stunned and laughed silently: "Everyone said that Supreme Master Yan Luo was only a wicked person. I didn't expect the old man to be careful when he was discovered."

"King Dizang, you old man, do you have to wait for me to invite you out? I tried to please you, but I spent a lot of time."

Dizang King came out of the crowd, his appearance changed, and he resumed his former life.

"The King of Dizang!" all the Supreme People present respectfully said.

Dizang's face remained the same, but his heart grew colder, and he never thought that this group of people gathered here not to deal with the devil's son, but to deal with him.

"You are not here for pleasure. You don't need to greet me as an old man. Go to the front line."

Tu Shengren said with a smile: "There are already a lot of Supreme Immortals on the front line, and I have sent people to watch and advance in the groping, and there will be no problem in one and a half.

"It is our gang of supremes, but it has not been seen for hundreds or even thousands of years. It just took this opportunity to make a lot of noise."

"You guys, take a seat."

Tu Shengren said that soon a fairy would serve fruits.

"Supreme Yanluo, sit next to me, you and I are destined." King Yanluo invited.

Chu Yi's face was black, and this insidious guy made it clear that he wanted to wait for difficulties, the first one aimed at himself.

"King Yan Luo is polite." Chu Yi was seated in a frank manner, beside King Yan Luo, he was still sitting on the supremacy of ghosts and demons.

Zhu Bajie crawled on Chu Yi's shoulders with all boredom.

The white fox found a position close to Chu Yi and huddled up with Niuniu.

At this moment, the sword worm quietly came back from the void and got behind the white fox and Niu Niu. No one found it just left.

"There is a good show."

"Done?" Chu Yi Chuanyin asked.

"Sword Lord shot, there is nothing to do." Swordworm burst into a smile.

A few of the emperors were sitting in danger, but they did not dare to detect the Divine Thought. After all, there are many masters here.

Xia Houcheng and Lin Feiyan ate and drank heartlessly, and they didn't care about them anyway.

Chu Yi looked around, and then his eyes fell on King Yan Luo. He smiled and said, "King Yan Luo, why did you choose the name of Yan Luo?"

King Yan Luo explained: "I am a wicked man, and I think I am a Yan Luo, and I am a slaughterer. I have a lot of arrogance. Yan Luo is supreme, so why are you?"

Chu Yi ate a piece of pastry and vaguely said: "I am a good person and have been kind since childhood. My mother said that this would be a loss, just like taking a name, what you want to take, so I took a Yanlu."

"Cough..." Xia Houcheng spouted a sip of tea.

Chu Yi didn't care.

The devil supreme said: "Supreme Yan Luo, do you think, how does my master in **** world compare with the master in immortal world?"

"Unbearable." Chu Yi smiled.

As soon as this remark came out, the supreme people around were sneering.

"Yan Luo Supreme said this, it would be too arrogant."

Chu Yi slowly said: "I'm sorry, I did say the wrong thing just now, how can you compare you with the fairy world, you are just a small world, just compare my gods and deities with you..."

"Still vulnerable!"


A dark man with a dark body rose to the scene, with a stubby horn on top of his head.

"Yan Luo supreme, too much, the gods and demons are just a force, and there was no news in the early years."

"Your news is outdated." Chu Yi smiled. "The **** and demon religion has risen, and I am the leader of the **** and demon religion."

"Dare to ask what to call."

The strong man didn't believe it, and said in a cold voice: "All evil is supreme, and it's only a few years since I entered the supremacy."

"Supreme Evil, you are practicing, it seems to be swordsmanship, then you will call me Grandpa."

"Yan Luo supreme!" Some people scolded, this is too insulting.

Chu Yi spread his palms in his palms, and he did not go fast: "If you practice kendo, you know who created the kendo and who completed the kendo.

In his palm, a short sword condensed the light of chaos and slowly appeared.

Ghost Demon Supreme's face changed a lot, and King Yan Luo crushed the cup in his hand. The Evil Supreme Supreme's chest fluctuated violently, terrified, and sweat dripped on his forehead.

Chu Yi lifted Erlang's legs: "Everything is supreme, I will create Kendo for you, and complete the Kendo for you, then you will have the opportunity to achieve Supremacy, and it is not an exaggeration to call Grandpa Master."

Everyone was speechless, and no one thought that this person was actually the founder of such a group. Such characters can already set up temples and gods in various places for the sword repairers to worship.

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