My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1372: Practice sword

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Many supreme faces are very unsightly, their news is not well informed, and even isolated from the outside world, just like the heavens.

In addition to floating in the void, when Chu Yi's Kendo became great, he did not project at all, only knowing that someone completed Kendo.

The number of sword repairs is too much in this universe, and even far exceeds the sword repairs, and Chu Yi developed and completed the sword way, which undoubtedly benefited countless creatures.

Even if his cultivation base has not reached the peak supreme, its status, in Jian Xiu's heart, absolutely matches the top.

The Evil Sovereign was so embarrassed that he wanted to choke, but when he thought of his identity, he felt very embarrassed.

Yuqingyuli, this is his benefactor.

"Unexpectedly, it was surprising that Yan Luo Zhizun completed Kendo." King Yan Luo took the topic, his eyes flashing, and somehow, after knowing the identity of the other party, the killing intention in his heart was even heavier.

A finisher of Kendo is too horrible to absolutely allow the other party to achieve a high-level supremacy, otherwise, I am afraid that no one is his opponent.

Ghost Demon Supreme immediately changed the subject and said, "Even if Supreme Master Yan Luo is a master of swordsmanship, what I said before might be too arbitrary."

"I have a cruel environment in the **** world. Although there are many people in the immortal world, in terms of experience, there are not many monks in the **** world. I think that our monks have a greater chance of victory in battle with you."

"Ghost Demon Supreme, you are too self-confident, the **** world is cruel, but just too closed, it has caused a lot of shortcomings."

Chu Yi was also not anxious, "You know, to what extent have today's battleships developed in the outside world, and to what extent have today's fairy weapons?"

"I have seen your immortal artifact, the strongest, but it is to kill the general supreme, but the immortal artifact of the fairy world has been able to seriously hurt the high-level supreme."

"This is still a relatively slow development. In terms of kendo, the outside kendo is changing with each passing day, but your kendo's kendo moves are still the same as before."

"As a result, the pinnacle of Xianzun has already been produced, and what about you?"

"There is also a painting path... This fellow Taoist, you should be a painter, and please paint in the void."

An old man raised his beard, but still did as he did, painting in the void, a landscape painting, leaping above the void.

"Er Niu, broke it."

"Young man, little meaning." The white fox pawed a little, and the painting suddenly twisted strangely.

The old man is struggling to resist, but in the painting, mountains and water begin to interlace, and heaven and earth begin to reverse.

From the painting of the old man to the painting of the white fox, but in a flash.

"This is the change of the painting." Baihu said proudly. "This is a showdown between the painter and the painter, turning the other's painting into his own painting."

The old man is like a funeral.

Chu Yi then said: "In the chaotic age, hundreds of schools contend, and various magical skills are emerging one after another. After the chaos broke, the universe as a whole began to decline. Now, it has risen again, various new races have been born, and various methods are constantly changing. Writing."

"I have been in retreat for a hundred years, and I am afraid I don't know this world, let alone you?"

Ghost Demon Supreme and others looked muddy and stiff.

Chu Yi took a sip of tea and said, "Of course, this does not blame you. Hell Realm is closed, and the number of creatures is not much. The Immortal Realm also relies on a sufficient number of creatures to bring about the explosion of spells. "

Chu Yi's remarks were not nonsense.

In today's era, everything is changing, even the swordsmanship is also changing. Various swordsmanship methods are emerging in an endless stream, and some even praise him when he sees it.

The emperor sat upright, his back straight, very regular, even drinking tea, did not make a sound.


"Why is my heavenly court so powerful? It's all because of the inheritance of the chaotic age."

"But now, the chaos of the Immortal Realm and the Hidden Realm is coming again. If my heavenly court is closed, I am afraid that it will lag behind the Immortal Realm in various ways after tens of thousands of years."

"It seems that this time when I go back, I want the patriarch's proposal to let the heavenly courts come out to walk."

The emperor was surprised. He felt that Chu Yi was the kind of rogue. He was unruly and ignorant of etiquette, but he could say this.

Fan Xin and Mu Huang looked at each other and shrugged. They agreed with Chu Yi's remarks. After all, Xuanji has always been born and is getting stronger and stronger.

"Yan Luo Supreme, full of self-confidence, is really amazing." Ghost Demon Supreme's words are very ironic.

Chu Yi flicked the dust on his clothes and said, "The supreme scale, King Yan Luo, don't hide it. It's dangerous for you to be so close to me. Once you start, the two of you will become the corpses first."

In a flash, everyone was murderous.

"What are you talking about?" At this time, Tu Shengren looked over.

The demon supreme stood up and said: "Sovereign, Supreme Master Yan Luo said that outside monks are stronger than our **** world, we are not convinced, so we refuted a few words."

"Oh?" Tu Sheng raised his eyebrows.

"The outside monks are really powerful, but our monks in the **** world are not so annoying."

"Supreme Yan Luo, how do you think children?"

The saint Tu Tuen called for Meng Feng, which was honest in front of many supremes.

"It's a good seedling. I'm afraid that practice is the wind path, supplemented by sword path." Chu Yi nodded.

Tu Shengren is proud: "Yun Luo Supreme has been honoured, you have created a sword way, few people in our **** world know, I also just heard recently, this does not see you coming, I called the dog back, I want Yan Luo Supreme to enlighten me."

Chu Yi said briskly: "What's wrong with this, so that the son's sword intention is not bad, but it is only a middle class in the whole fairyland."

"Midstream?!" Meng Feng was slightly dissatisfied.

"It's not the fault of Prince Gong, it's my reason. I sent the master swordsmanship to the world, so the swordsmanship of the fairy world has almost exploded."

"Spread your own swordsmanship?!"

Tu Shengren, King Yan Luo, and others were all stunned. This Supreme Lord Yan Luo was really bold. Isn't he afraid of the enemy studying his shortcomings?

"Senior, I wonder if the junior has the honor to see the sword of the senior?" Meng Feng's eyes flashed.

"Naturally, but the sword is in enlightenment. Let my disciples practice the sword with you."

"Xiao Jiu." Chu Yi shouted.

Xia Houcheng's mouth was still full of pastries, and quickly came out.

Meng Feng frowned.

Tu Shengren said: "The Supreme Master Yan Luo may not be clear. My son, from small to large, is invincible to his peers, and even the son of Dizang Wang is defeated in his hands."

"It's okay. The key is that the dog's hand is not light or heavy. I'm afraid it might hurt the life of the apostle. Isn't it better than Yan Luozhi?

Chu Yi waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, Xiao Jiu's talent is not good, and the practice is not Kendo, but there are still two children. There is no problem dealing with this small scene."

Little scene! ?

Everyone was stunned, and the Lord Yan really dared to say anything.

"Either it is." King Yan Luo suggested, "This is not only a sword practice, but also a competition between the monks of Hell and Immortal Realm. We also have a look at who is more powerful."

"Since this is the case, I'll wait and see." King Zizang narrowed his eyes.

The saint Tu also nodded happily.

"You are the Lord, he is the guest, don't go too far."

"Yes, father." Meng Feng smiled.

Xia Houcheng didn't care at all. He still had a plate in his hand, which was full of various cakes and specialty fruits.

With a chuckle, a bright red fruit swallowed into the mouth, and the juice was splashing.

"Don't eat it!" Meng Feng was annoyed.

"How can the host not let the guests eat?" Xia Houcheng touched his head. "Senior Tu, these things are good for you. I don't know if I can pack some for me to try. "

The saint slaughtered with black lines.

Not to mention them, even Tianzi and Anxie were so embarrassed.

Only the sword worms were at ease, and even the white fox secretly hid many cakes.

"If you can't eat, you still want to walk around!" Meng Feng couldn't help but anger.

"Anyway, it doesn't hinder the game, you come, despite the move." Xiahou Cheng said with a mouthful.

"Look at the sword!"

Meng Feng clapped his wrists, and in an instant the lines glowed, and a black sword fell into his hands.

He slipped on the soles of his feet and ejected. The black long sword left a thin thread in the air and cut it towards Xia Houcheng's throat.

Ruthless and fierce, one move to defeat the enemy!

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