My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1379: Half fairy

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The crowd stopped, attracting the famous Shenlou, and the craftsmanship of the lonely emperor era came from the hands of the heavenly craftsman.

Yinshenlou shone with golden awns, shrinking continuously, and finally turned into an inch-long pavilion, which fell on Chu Yi's hands.

Over the years, Chu Yi has been hiding him in a void, never summoned it, and now that he is powerful, it will naturally be no problem.

The power of Yinshenlou is not in itself, but in the creatures buried in it.

Chaos creatures, even the existence of various peak supreme levels, more or less, have left a trace of resentment.

In front of him, the Emperor struck, and a shot pierced the Batman's head.

The Batman grinned and was about to recover, but suddenly he found a fierce blood on his body. From the blood, a small red snake crawled out, devouring his flesh.

"You guts?!" The batman's skin boils up and down. At the end, a group of scarlet snakes drilled out, like the batman devoured himself.

Heavenly Almighty has almost no means he would not.

It's just that when looking at Yinshenlou, there is still a slight pause. There are golden runes in his right hand, which reflect each other with Yinshenlou. Apparently, the genes in his right hand are related to the Lone Emperor.

"You guys, how bad it is to fight, kill and kill, it is better to stop and talk about life and ideals." Chu Yi's hearty laughter sounded.

The saints, the sons of demons and others have no discoloration.

They did not expect that the scene would even reach this point of stalemate.


"this is!"

Suddenly, Chu Yi suddenly raised his head, and the King of Tibet beside him also erupted into a terrifying atmosphere.

Even the slaughter, the demon leader, were all horrified at this moment.

I saw the void split, and a young figure appeared. The figure was handsome, with a quiet expression and a faint smile, but it seemed somewhat indifferent and proud.

The golden robe, the clouds lingering, the stars disappeared.

The purple fragments of the whole body flew around, and this man was extremely handsome, as if every part of his body was perfect.

Chu Yi looked at the person coming and said, "The Supreme Philosophy!"

Mingzhe grinned, but his smile, only his mouth was moving, and his eyes, eyebrows, and cheeks seemed to be fixed, as if a body suddenly smiled at you.

"This name is really harsh, you call me Mingzhe Supreme, it's better to call me Mingzhe Xian, Ban Buxian, it's still nice."

Half step fairy!

The emperor and the peace of mind were all horrified. This man dared to call himself that way, it definitely exceeded the ordinary peak supreme.

Even the saint Tu, at this moment, felt an extremely powerful oppression.

His face was horrified. Is anyone really beyond the peak in this era?

"Brother Mingzhe..."

Mu Huang didn't seem to have a good relationship with the other party. He was restrained and his eyelids jumped wildly.

"Why are you here, Master seems to let me come alone."

"Sister Sister, Master is afraid that you can't handle it, so let me come and see. Now it seems that you are in trouble."

Mingzhe's gaze swept away, his eyes were not oppressive, nor aggression, but it made everyone tremble.

"who are you!?"

Sage Tu is very dignified. This person gives him a sense of oppression, and he does not know how many times he is more powerful than the Tibetan King.

"A half-cent immortal pieced together, even half-cent immortal has not arrived yet, what's so proud." Chu Yi said, he knew that the other party will not let themselves go, and naturally exposed Mingzhe's old man directly.

"Oh? Supreme Master Yan, you know a lot about me. Is it what my fiancee told you? It seems that you are still secretly connected. This is not a good phenomenon." Ming Zhe laughed again, and his mouth was still moving.

"Fairy pieced together!" Tianzi's eyes narrowed, how similar to himself.

Mingzhe looked at Tianzi and commented: "You are good, Tianting is really rich, and it is really a great idea to be able to come up with such a method, extract the best genes from each strong body, and then merge into one person."

"You grow up now, it's also terrible, there are almost no weaknesses, every aspect is perfect, but because of this, you are not in my eyes."

"You have taken the genes of the strong, but during the growth process, the genes are always unstable and will mutate, and I have directly extracted the body parts of the strong."

"There are many parts of the fairy king level on my body, and the rest are all the highest level. I have changed all except Yuanying, so you have no value to me, you are not as good as me."

Ming Zhe smiled and looked at An Xinyou: "Heaven's home? I heard that the pedigree is very special. It has been traced back to the past. It comes from the age of gods and demons and can suppress monsters."

"You are good, your blood, I booked, although I am the blood of the Supreme Supreme, but it is estimated that you are not as powerful."

"Moreover, you look so shocking, even if it is blocked by a veil, even I am tempted."

"Children, practice slowly, and wait for you to reach the summit of supreme supremacy, I will come to take your blood and skin sac, this skin sac placed on me, it must be quite beautiful."

Mingzhe spoke very calmly, as if he was telling what dishes are available at noon today.

An Xinyou was glanced at by him, only to feel that his blood had coagulated.

Mingzhe whispered softly: "Relax, it won't hurt, my skinning technique is good."

"TuTu wants to vomit, Master, let's ignore him." TuTu just feels trembling all over, which is a kind of fear from the depths of the soul.

"I happen to be missing a rabbit specimen, but you are too thin." Ming Zhe smiled.

Tutu immediately became stiff and vowed not to eat meat after being killed.

"The king of Dizang..." Mingzhe looked at the king of Dizang. "I have seen your father, and your father is very similar to you. When you saw me, this expression is the same, and your eyes are exactly the same. ."

"Unfortunately, your father had only the cultivation practice of the peak Xianzun at that time, and I knew that he had taken one of his eyes, and the pupil surgery of the king of the Dizang is still good. Look, my right eye is your father. s eyes."

"Now that you have grown up and become the pinnacle of supremacy, then I will take your eyes and use it as a collection for future needs."

"It's you!"

Dizang's silver-white hair fluttered, terrifying, shaking the world.

"My father was inexplicably missing an eye, but he never said that the rest of his life was spent in fear, and I didn't expect you to be a ghost."

"Is he so afraid of me?" Ming Zhe smiled. "That's really sorry."

He didn't care at all. In his body, only his own baby was his own, and the rest had already been changed.

"Sage Saint Tu, let me see. Forget it, your qualifications are too poor, there is nothing good-looking, and you still bully my mysterious people, bullying my sister, and later I will kill you first." Ming Zhe said lightly.

"Ah..." Tu Shengren's lips were dry, and he had never met such a strong man since he achieved the pinnacle.

This is not a person, but a half fairy!

"Son of the devil?"

"The leader of the devil's son... meet again."

Meng Yu looked directly at each other, and the sunken eyes continued to shrink and expand.

"Ming Zhexian, do you want to take the flesh of our ancestors?"

Ming Zhe shook his head: "You're wrong. I'm not interested in the monster's flesh, there are mysteries. I have suppressed several times. I have experimented and can't integrate at all. This really makes me a headache."

"However, I am very interested in the people who seal the monsters. I heard that the seals have been removed recently, so I came here to join in the fun. When I thought of it, I met some old friends."

Mingzhe's gaze finally fell on Chu Yi's body, with a sense of oppression, as if heaven and earth had lost their colors, and all the light had become Mingzhe's gaze.

"Yan Luo Zhizun, you should be surprised to see me here. The last time I saw you was still a avatar, but fortunately this time it was the deity who came, otherwise the avatar is really not your opponent."

Mingzhe's eyes suddenly became anxious: "You are beyond my expectations. If you are given the pinnacle of supremacy, then your flesh will be perfect."

"Perfect flesh, perfect supreme heart sea, perfect small world, withstood the baptism of heaven, tweeted, now I hate you and like you again, what do you say I want to do."

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