My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1380: Desperate existence

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Hearing this, Chu Yi's body shook involuntarily.

When Chu Yi saw the other party for the first time, this Mingzhe might have taken into account that Xiaomoxian was also there, so between the words, although indifferent and arrogant, it was not so abnormal.

But this time, Mingzhe expressed his thoughts nakedly, even without any cover up.

Because for him, the whole situation is under his control, whether it is Chu Yi or the emperor, or the king of Di Zang, etc., in his eyes, they can be killed.

Whoever he wants to die, he will die.

"The Heavenly Road is closed and it is difficult to become an immortal. Both me and the emperor are using alternative methods to break through the shackles and become immortal."

Mingzhe laughed, his eyes lingering on Chu Yi's body.

"I thought at first that even if the flesh of the fairy king had decayed or died for too long, most of the mysterious patterns disappeared, but it was better than the Supreme Supreme, but Supreme Supreme Yan, when I saw you, I knew I was wrong."

"And the same, I know what kind of flesh I need."

"I will infuse your flesh and blood into my body, and replace your Daofu and small world. If possible, I really want to use your Yuanying, but it can only be absorbed."

"Huh... It's exciting to think about it."

"In this way, Supreme Master Zhe wants to make me alive?" Chu Yi narrowed his eyes.

"This is nature." Ming Zhe nodded without hesitation. "I will wait until you achieve the Supreme Supreme, or at least the Highest Supreme, before taking your body, but you are too cunning, even I am in mystery. Occasionally I hear your reputation. If you are allowed to grow up, maybe something will happen, it might as well catch you to the mystery and let you practice to the highest supreme."

"Captive me?"

"You can understand it this way." Mingzhe did not deny it.

"Moreover, if you enter my body, then it means that you have become me. In this way, the one who married Xian'er is indirectly yours, isn't it a double benefit?"

Mingzhe did not hide his perverted and crazy thoughts.

In his eyes, Chu Yi, to him, was nothing but a ants, and even a few people from the Dizang Wang were not his opponents.

"Compared to seeing you for the first time, I like you now, at least you have a real temperament." Chu Yi said something.

"Thank you for the compliment." Mingzhe's face remained unchanged. "Xian'er was present at that time, women? I always hope that the person I like is perfect, and this is also a responsibility as a man. I have the ability to deceive her all my life."

Chu Yi's pupils are almost gone, and he just feels that there are even more shameless people under him.

"It's a pitiful fellow, his lower body, shouldn't it be someone else's, then, in this case, he has children, whether it belongs to him or belongs to other people." Xiahou Chengyou said.

"If you want to live a decent life, you must always have a little green on your head." Lin Feiyan added.

The white fox went up and covered his mouth directly with his two paws.

Chu Yi took a step forward, neither humble nor overbearing, just a hypocrite.

No, not even a pseudo immortal, because there are still many parts of the other person's body that are not immortal.

It's not that Chu Yi hasn't seen the existence of the fairy king level, and every wise man can't overwhelm his momentum.

"Mingzhe Supreme, this time you come here, it seems that you are staring at the eyes of Emperor Soul Yuan."


"So, you know, once you take away the eyes of Emperor Soul Yuan, the seal is broken, and you have to release the monster." Chu Yi said again.

"You can rest assured at this point, I came with the hand of the master, and with my strength, I can at least suppress the monster for thousands of years."

Mingzhe Supreme laughed, "These monsters are also my mysterious enemies, and we will naturally not release them."

"It turns out so." Chu Yi's eyes lit up. "You want Emperor Soul Yuan's eyes, that is, to be the enemy of Dizang Wang."

"You have to suppress the monster again, that is to be the enemy of the devil's son."

"You still want to kill the saints, then you are also enemies."

"And with us, nature is also the enemy."

"It means that you are the only one who wants to meet all of us!"

Mingzhe laughed and said nothing.

Chu Yi continued: "Senior Tu Shengren, Senior Meng Yu, why don't we temporarily stop the enemy, turn our enemies into friends, and fight against the Supreme Master of Philosophy, otherwise, no one of us seems to be able to leave alive."

Tu Shengren took the topic: "Yan Luo Zhizun said that our contradictions were all misunderstandings. Now that we have common enemies, we must naturally work together."

In fact, he also felt guilty in his heart, and he wished to pull Chu Yi's gang, otherwise, the other party must kill him.

Meng Yu's sunken eyes rolled, and his hoarse voice responded: "Just according to Supreme Master Yan Luo."

These three parties, even if the two parties join forces, will not be the opponent of the other party. Once the civil war, they will be killed one by one.

When they faced stronger enemies, they naturally stood together.

Fan Xin and Mu Huang hesitated and did not say anything. They were all mysterious people. Naturally, they could not help outsiders deal with themselves at this time.

So they can only step back a distance.

Mingzhe had his hands on his back, and he didn't seem to care about Chu Yi's alliance.

"The beasts are all alone, and only the weak will form an alliance. Now that you form an alliance, you have admitted that you are not as good as me, which is really sad."

Chu Yi said with a sneer: "It is not shameful to admit that you are weak. It is shameful that you are obviously weak, and steal other people's bodies, thinking you are strong."

Mingzhe Supreme held his head high, and his robe looked like a universe.

"Then tell me, how to become a fairy?"




Chu Yi was calm and his voice was powerful, and he held the Yinshenlou in his hand.

"Cheng Xian is a self-break, a break from the inside out."

"An egg, broken from the outside, is a broken egg, and broken from the inside, is life."

"You are not a strong man because you have no courage to break."

"Being able to speak well, I'm not good at this point, I don't speak much, Supreme Master Yan Luo, I also like your mouth."

"It's useless to say more. See the real chapter under my hand. I want to see. What is the so-called transcendence of the Supreme, before the existence of the fairy king, what a strength!"

Dizang had no scruples this time, he could only shoot.

His legs suddenly smoked, and in a flash, he appeared in front of Mingzhe.

That leg, like a battle axe, was cut towards Mingzhe's neck.

The void is not moving, the wind is not moving, that is, there is no airflow at all, and even the deity of the king of Dizang looks still in place.

This is not a teleportation, but the leg method is reaching its limit, which is even more terrifying than teleportation.

Easy way!

His legs were undecided, and it seemed that he simply swept in the past, but in an instant, he was fickle.

If it is simply intercepted in the material space, I am afraid it will die miserably.

Because even Chu Yi, it is difficult to judge which level of void the Di Zang is already in.


However, Dizang's body flew out directly, and around him, the void shattered like glass, whistling.

The dizang king head down, hit the ground with a head, hit a big pit.

The white fox quickly ran over and pulled it out.

"The legs are good, but they haven't reached the level of one leg and one world."

Supreme Master Mingzhe touched his right leg, "If the legs are out, you must have the momentum to destroy a world. Although my legs are not the legs of the fairy king, they are the legs of ancient monsters. One foot can break stars, and it is also a gift of magic."

"King Dizang, your leg skills are still a little bit worse, it is better to use the pupil technique directly. Your pulse technique is also inherited from the Soul Yuan Emperor."

Dizang Wang got up and only felt that his legs and feet were soft. When he moved, his trouser legs broke and the flesh inside turned out.

Although the wound was healing, this blow really shocked everyone.

The king's leg technique, even if it is not unique in the world, is enough to make the peak of fellow practitioners fearful, but there is no room for resistance in front of Mingzhe.

"He has surpassed the fairy king!"

Dizang Wang is very dignified.

Chu Yi sighed: "Although his bodies are all pieced together, but they are all the bodies of the strong, connected together, and produced a linkage effect, naturally surpassing the peak supreme."

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