My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1381: Unable to kill

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

This is very bad news.

Chu Yi originally thought that the other party's bodies were all pieced together, so there was alienation. As long as a suitable opportunity was found to give medicine, then Mingzhe's body could attack the body and let them kill each other.

But now it seems that although the opponent's body comes from different creatures, but because of the practice, they have interacted with each other, they have already merged, at least there will be no violent rejection, and it is almost impossible for Chu Yi to start from this aspect. Yes.

"I don't believe it, this pervert has no weakness!"

Tu Shengren felt that his life was at stake. He was the pinnacle of supremacy. He Weiwei's name, even the king of the earth, was already not afraid of it, but some people blocked his way when he was about to succeed.

He shot, and a three-tailed giant snake appeared on the back. The giant snake was covered with silver and black scales, which shook and rattled.

A pair of huge snake eyes, revealing scarlet.

Especially the three tails, each representing three merged paths.

"Three-tailed holy snake... Gee, I didn't expect this to be your body. I was really surprised." Ming Zhe's eyes flickered, and he seemed very happy.

"This kind of chaotic creature is from the age of gods and demons. Although it cannot be used as my body, it is extremely medicine."

"Your snake gall, I made a reservation."

"Then see if you have any fate!" Saint Tu Tu screamed, and the three-tailed horror behind him roared, and the three tails were like a rushing down from the sky.

"Sovereign, let's assist you!"

Ten high-level supreme supremes, from different sects, headed by a high-level supreme suprepot of the Tu Renzong, in the formation of troops, a terrible formation emerged and turned into Tianshan.

Everyone carried Tianshan and wanted to seal each other.


The robe on Mingzhe's body was chaotic, as if the sky and earth were opening, the stars flickered, and in an instant, countless stars and flint burst out.

The burst was broken, and many high-level supremes spit blood one by one, and were shocked by it.

Saint Slayer blocked a blow, and he moved forward again, although the ghost was huge, but it was extremely fast, and the lines appeared, turning into a little snake, strangling towards the other side.

"Sacred Saint, I'll help you."

The leader of the devil's son, Meng Yu, stepped forward, his jaw clucked, as if to drop.

Suddenly, with a click, the skin on his chin was almost torn apart, and the chin fell to the chest.

From his mouth, a muzzle sticks out, but the muzzle is made of flesh and blood.

At the same time, the attack of the Tusheng has come, and countless small snakes like the ocean, encircling the Mingzhe regiment, they are with their own adsorption force, extremely powerful.

A black beam of light, with a viscous liquid, burst out of the demon leader's mouth.

Ming Zhe smiled slightly, and when the beam of light approached, he opened his mouth and swollen his abdomen. Suddenly a large amount of white waxy liquid quickly fell. Those little snakes touched the white liquid and were directly blocked.

The liquid formed a wall, and the black beam just smashed it.

Meng Yu's hollow eyes were startled, but he knew the power of this attack, he couldn't even hurt the opponent a little.

"Look at Lord Jian, I'll kill you, this deadly pervert!

The sword worm followed. It followed behind a group of demon sons, and its body became extremely elongated, like a jellyfish.

It opened its mouth, and suddenly a small rune was born, like a group of black tadpoles. These tadpoles turned into a black sword rune.

"Even if you changed your whole body, but your Yuanying did not change, your mind is still your mind."

The sword symbol fell and exploded, and the characters collided with each other, forming a strange aura.


Mingzhe's body is stiff, and the characters sink into the opponent's eyebrows, and they must attack Yuanying directly.


Suddenly, Ming Zhe's body exploded, his internal organs flew, his heads and legs flew, Yuan Ying fled the Daofu, and then one of his arms expanded into the void, and a large pile of organs left from the crack of the void, away from the aura , Returned to the material space, and then combined adults.

Mingzhe's forehead shed a drop of cold sweat, but his face was full of excitement.

"Can you hurt me?"

"What a weird sword symbol, this sword symbol is not only a sword, but also has a curse, with a mind attack, almost my Yuanying was infected, and once Yuanying was contaminated with the sword symbol, then the body might be no longer Nor can they be grouped together."

"You actually know how to crack this method."

"I am very interested in you, a worm, so powerful, it is really interesting."

"I won't kill you. I will leave you with you to study. You should know a lot of weird skills."

"Mother, this pervert, actually turned the lower body upside down." Sword insect shouted.

Mingzhe frowned. He was talking about this matter very seriously, but the other side didn't take it seriously.

He turned his lower body over and continued: "It seems that this time I came, and the harvest is good."

At this moment, a galaxy fell into the sky, the galaxy flickered, and the light was shining, and it instantly shrouded the world.

This is the world in the painting of the white fox.

In this world, some actions of Mingzhe will be shackled.

"White Fox, your painting is not worth mentioning in my eyes. You should know that my left hand is made by my mother's hand."

The white fox gritted his teeth.

Ming Zhe's left hand was a little empty, and the painting was suddenly broken, and a large number of galaxies were like fireflies, dots and dots.


Suddenly, the emperor came, and he stepped on Mingzhe's head. He saw that the sky collapsed and the void was broken. This is the supreme body method, comparable to Chu Yi's dragon and phoenix body method.

At the same time, Chu Yi also shot, and Long Ying and Feng Ying also fell together.

Ink appeared on the tip of Mingzhe's left finger, and wiped gently towards the top of his head.

"You two, stay in the scroll first."

He made a painting in the void, sealing both Chu Yi and Tian Zi into the painting.

However, he saw that the Tibetan king attacked again. This time, the eyes of the Tibetan king began to blink, a huge phantom came, the surroundings began to reverse, and the time and space began to twist.

The Dizang King gently reached out and even removed Mingzhe's head.

"Just illusion!"

Mingzhe's head smiled slightly at the King of Earth, "You don't forget, my eyes are just like you."

The surrounding space shattered and Mingzhe recovered as before, but at this time, the King of Tibet was bleeding from both eyes.

They didn't know how many moves were right in the illusion, and the king of Dizang was furious, and he stumbled, almost falling.

He raised his breath again and rushed up again.

Pig Bajie also joined the battle, heroic and invincible.

"this is?!"

Mingzhe took one move, but found that his body was a little tingling, and the opponent's strength was insane. He had been destroying his body and even affecting his emotions.

He kept retreating, waving his hands, and the stars were shining brightly.

But the pig eight precepts are advancing, the five eight precepts are flashing, condensed and mysterious, those characters are circulating, and they are to be disintegrated and destroyed.

"Eight Commandments!"

Mingzhe shook his heart, and then showed the color of ecstasy, "I have a mysterious machine, there is an eight commandment, but the negative emotions of the eight commandments are too strong, and for the monk, if used, it is easy to fall into the evil way, although it gains powerful power. , But also lost his original way."

"I have been researching and I don't know how to use it. Unexpectedly, you have always been able to use a small beast."

"I've learned so much today!"

Ming Zhe laughed, his mouth grinning to his ears, his eyes were from different monks, so he was doing different movements.

The nose is crooked, but the cheeks are trembling, like a cramp, extremely strange.

At this time, his internal organs were glowing, his body was almost transparent, and eleven purple mansions burst out of the body to suppress the pigs.


Pig Bajie didn't hesitate to turn around and walk away, but the eleven mansions were so horrible that they shrouded them directly.


Suddenly, the scroll where Chu Yi and Tian Zi were located shattered, and Shenshenlou burst into the air, falling from the sky and crushing eleven mansions.

Pig Bajie relieved, twisted his buttocks, riding the breeze painted by the white fox, ran out of the smoke a long distance away.

"Good, really good." Ming Zhe looked at a group of people, his mouth twisted, "I'm very happy today, I didn't come in vain."

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