My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1382: Black moon

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"It's not the way to go on like this." Chu Yi frowned, this was an absolutely powerful enemy, even strange.

He used the Yinshen Tower to suppress only part of the opponent's method, which didn't do much at all.

In particular, the opponent's strategy is even more terrifying.

The inheritance of the emperor comes from the heavenly court. The heavenly court occupied the position of the **** and demon temple in the past. The natural heritage is extremely rich and extremely terrible.

But the mystery is definitely not weak. Every attack of Mingzhe has almost all sources and allusions. Even what makes him stronger than Tianzi is that some parts of his body have become immortals.

This is an invincible existence under a fairy.

"Meng Yu, your devil's son has multiplied to today, and there are a large number of people, why not consume him with a sea of ​​tactics," said the Tibetan King.

"Why, want to take the opportunity to destroy my devil's family? Even if I die here today, I won't use the juniors in the family." Meng Yu was very determined.

This is already a complete and mature race.

"It hurts me to fight!" the sword worm shouted, his tentacles were already reddened, and the roots were very weak. The other's physical body was almost invincible, especially the part belonging to the fairy king. This part alone is enough to make people desperate. .

"He has been completely integrated, no wonder he dares to walk out, otherwise he will be seen through the weakness and directly beat the flesh."

Even the Yuanying of the other party, although it belongs to the only weakness, has also been cultivated to the peak supreme state, coupled with the protection of various secret methods, it is difficult to break through.

Mingzhe was standing on the spot, surrounded by stars and mist, he was indifferent, without any slight tension.

In this city, one after another mysterious patterns are woven into the sky, and they are to be killed, but they have already melted before they are physically present.

He doesn't need to do anything, he has countless ways to live by himself.

"I like to watch your frightened and desperate expression, with a little struggling to survive."


He moved forward one step, and the next moment, the large piece of land behind him was rolled up, the huge rock rolled, the sand and dust covered the sky, and it seemed to be engulfed here.

"However, be careful, lest you run away, after all it is a terrible existence."

Those boulders and sand dust stars spread all over the sky and underground, pulling each other to form a weird aura, making it difficult for Chu Yi and others to move.

"Let's take a look first, what's better."

"Emperor, I will not kill you. I know that you have taboos. If you are on the verge of death, I am afraid that the Lord of Heaven will appear instantly. I am not his opponent."

"The girl of Anjia, I won't move you either. Your strength is too weak. At least you must enter the high-level supreme to trigger more blood lineage inheritance."

"Both of you, for the time being, will you keep it first."

Mingzhe collapsed in one step, and came to the Saint Tu in an instant, he grabbed it.


Saint Tu's body was stiff, he was grabbed by his neck, and Mingzhe's palms grew stronger and stronger. At some point, with a bang, Tu Shengren turned into his true body.

A huge three-tailed holy snake, dying, fell into the hands of Mingzhe.

"A good snake, not only can be used as medicine, but also as a gift to the Master."

Mingzhe laughed lightly. These monks were too weak in front of him. He became a fairy and could easily penetrate each other.

"Save me quickly..." Sacred Tu Tu suffocated, he had clearly reached the pinnacle of supremacy, but in front of this person, there was no room to fight back.

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you now. I will take you back to raise for a period of time. I will be fed with chaotic liquid every day to wash away impurities in your body, and then brewed into a medicinal wine, dedicated to the Master.

"Sister, you have a share of seeing. I will share with you. This is what you and I got together." Ming Zhe smiled.

On his robe, the star fog formed a chain, which locked the saint's body layer by layer.

Chu Yi gasped. He knew that before the opponent, he didn't use his full strength, but only played with them. Until now, he used some of his strength.

"His hands are refined from the fairy king level!" The sword worm was extremely dignified.

Those hands, like the purest jade made, have no flaws or even palm prints, and are as clean as ivory.


Everyone's face was extremely fearful. Although the emperor was calm, he also lost the calmness of the past.

The saint slaughtered was tied to the ground like a dead tongue.

"Son, what should I do?"

Chu Yi shook his head. He didn't know how to deal with it. His eyes looked towards the end of the sky, and suddenly his eyes flashed to the leader of the devil's son.

Meng Yu was silent for a moment.

Chu Yi also transmitted the sound to the King of Tibet, who also fell silent.

Anxie was worried and confused, and did not understand what the three people were talking about.

Mingzhe slowly handled the saints, and then slowly looked at Chu Yi and others.

"Leader Meng Yu, this time when I come here, I will also be responsible for destroying all your clan. To be honest, you can really use the power of the clan to fight me."

"Yan Luo Supreme, it's your turn next."

On Mingzhe's robe, big stars circulated round and round, suddenly appeared, and fell on Chu Yi's head to suppress it.


Chu Yi's milky sword air burst into the sky, and then bloomed like fireworks, countless sword air penetrated nine days and ten places.

At the same time, Yinshenlou was also thrown up by Chu Yi, like a shuttle, puncturing the stars.

Those star fragments turned around and finally returned to Mingzhe's robe.

"It's worthy of being the first person in Kendo. Your kendo even surpassed the scope of my cognition. My kendo reached the supreme realm not long ago, but compared with you, it's nothing."

"It seems that Kendo is more than that, there are more mysteries, I really want to find out, Yan Luo Supreme, you are making me more and more curious."

"Are you thinking about poisoning my star fragments and waiting for my recovery, the venom will permeate my body."

Mingzhe's robe is still like the universe without any change.

"You know the poisonous way too!" Chu Yi's face changed greatly.

"Not only understand, but also more proficient than you. I have to change my body frequently, which involves countless ways, especially deducing one with medicine and toxicologist. If I don't understand, I would have been killed by my own body."

Mingzhe Supreme seems to appreciate the terrified expression on Chu Yi's face.

"Using poison to me is useless. I want to see if you have any other means."

"Mingzhe Supreme, do you really want to kill everything, if you kill me, you are not afraid of the little demon fairy looking for you?" Chu Yi gritted his teeth.

"It’s just a dead man. I believe Xian'er can tell which one is more important."


Chu Yi sighed heavily, and then said, "Mingzhe Supreme, you are powerful, we are naturally not your opponent, but don't forget where is here."

"You are nothing but a hypocrite, but there are two people here who can suppress you."

"What do you want to say?" Mingzhe frowned slightly, and suddenly he turned his head and looked away.

I saw the originally clear sky, from the end of the sky, the dense black clouds surged like waves.

Those dark clouds seemed to be beasts, and there was a horrifying roar between them.

The dark clouds did not appear out of thin air, but carried round after round of the black moon.

The Black Moon may seem small, but it is really strange, exuding a dim light, like a bead of eyes, suddenly bright and dark.

A breath of evil reached its limit, and finally carried through the world, the breath came along with the black moon and swept everything.

Chu Yi suddenly changed color. He did not expect that the breath of this monster exceeded his imagination. The previous encounters were all sealed. However, this time, the power of the other party has mostly spread out.

The leader of the demon's son, Meng Yu, saw one hand on his chest, kneeled on his knees, and said something in his mouth.

A pair of sunken eyes, like a dark moon.

Then, all the children of the demons on their knees bowed down, their eyes wild with enthusiasm.


"Boy, are you crazy, even let this guy out!"

"Are you going to destroy the whole universe!"

Mingzhe's complexion changed, his breath swelled, and he was not calm.

Chu Yi grinned and said: "Mingzhe Supreme, don't you call yourself a fairy? Now that a real fairy appears, you can enjoy it!"

This was Chu Yi's only countermeasure. He discussed with the King of Tibet and let him remotely loose some seals that he could control, so the monster's power escaped a lot.

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