My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1386: Ji Dao Xian

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"Mysterious..." Chu Yi gave a slight pause, because he didn't understand the meaning of Soul Yuan Emperor.

Soul Yuan Emperor said: "Ji Dao Xian, for a period of time, is contrary to the idea of ​​my condemnation."

"At that time, we discovered the destiny, and the idea of ​​the old bald donkey was to fight against the destiny, even if it was death, it was all about it."

"One after another, we have come into contact with some things in the age of gods and demons. I am afraid that it was at that time that Jidaoxian changed his mind."

"He believes that destiny is generated by the entire universe for balance. The existence of destiny is to maintain the order of the universe and even clean up some strong and evil."

"Fate is like a scavenger of the universe."

"It is useless to kill destiny, because once killed, then another destiny will appear next."

Everyone listened in silence, for this statement is the easiest to accept.

Why is destiny called destiny, why does it exist, why is it so powerful, and why do you want to destroy one powerful force after another, because he is born in accordance with the way of heaven.

"Fate is strong and unstoppable."

Soul Yuan Emperor said: "At that time, the three of us joined forces and vaguely predicted a catastrophe in the future, that is, the collapse of chaos."

"This further strengthens Ji Dao Xian's idea."

"He believes that since destiny cannot be destroyed, why not destroy it by itself."

"Self-destruction?" Chu Yi flashed through his mind, and there was an amazing idea that made him all creepy.

"Yes, as you think." Emperor Soul Abyss said, "a madman's idea."

"Destiny exists to clean up the universe. Destiny can't overload the universe. Ji Dao Xian believes that instead of letting Destiny clean up, it is better to do it yourself."

"At that time, he wanted us to condemn and directly destroy the majority of the universe, so that it would not lead to fate."

"Crazy!" Tian Zi frowned, saying this rarely.

"It is true, but at that time, although I was occasionally mad, but there were old bald donkeys, his idea would be difficult to realize."

"Just unexpectedly, he survived and created the mystery."

"Although Ji Dao Xian created the mystery, but with my heavenly court, he can't be alone, let alone, my heavenly court's power is much stronger than mystery." Tianzi said.

"You can see the whole body through a glimpse. You are excellent. You can imagine that the Heavenly Court will also be strong. But this person, Ji Dao Xian, is also a ghost."

Soul Yuan Emperor said, "At that time, he had been studying a certain virus. This virus was a virus against Shennian, and it was extremely infectious. It would cause violent emotions for souls."

"Once this happens, the fighting between creatures will become more and more intense. The more you kill, the more terrible the virus will bring. In the end, at least half of the universe will die."

"I don't know where he got the virus, but I have spied on it, and in an instant, I felt a very wicked thought."

"I have become an immortal and will still be affected, not to mention you, and those ordinary creatures."

"However, the virus at that time was not yet formed, it was very unstable, and it would self-destruct itself when exposed to high temperatures."

Chu Yi was awe-inspiring, but said: "There can be no perfect thing under the sky. Since this virus is so terrible, it is very likely that it no longer exists now. Perhaps the Dao immortal will not be studied anymore."

"Impossible." Emperor Soul Yuan directly denied, "I asked him at that time, what is the name of the virus, he named it, mysterious!"



Chu Yi took a deep breath.

What is mysterious is heaven's will and heaven's will.

Soul Yuan Emperor's voice is majestic: "The old monster thought that the appearance of destiny was to clean up the universe. Then the appearance of this virus was also a providence, so that we can purify ourselves, so we named it mystery."

"I'm afraid this is the purpose of Xuanji's top management."

Chu Yi has a headache.

Undoubtedly, Ji Dao Xian is a terrible guy, a madman. The key is that this madman has control over what can destroy the universe.

What is even more terrifying is that this maniac is still a strong player of the fairy king level.

If the destiny is a hidden killer, then the mystery is a time bomb.

And this time bomb, once exploded, is silent, and will not suddenly affect all creatures.

But when they reacted, it was too late.

"Once this virus named Xuanji explodes and affects the entire universe, I am afraid that only the Dark Council can survive. They must have any special means." Chu Yi sneered.

"In the final analysis, Ji Dao Xian is also a person who is afraid of death. He only wants other people to die, but not himself. So he has this extreme idea."

"You are right, the old monster is indeed like this, otherwise it will not have children, used as a spare body."

The strong are all convictions and crazy.

Chu Yi thought, like Yan Huang, Lone Emperor, Soul Yuan Emperor, and his gang, seeing destiny is an enemy of it and changing their destiny.

But like the elders, they chose to avoid the world.

In Heaven Court, the method was a little softer, and even a little fate, and set up the Supreme Tribulation directly in the Realm of Immortal Venerable.

As for the mystery, it is extremely extreme.

This is a collision of several different views, and no one can convince each other.

Since Chu Yi was difficult to convince the elders, it was also difficult to convince the Ji Dao Immortals.

"Fate is already troublesome enough, there are so many messy things." Chu Yi only felt the temple shaking.

"I will let the Sect Master, immediately sweep the mystery." Tianzi expressionless.

"Sweep mystery?"

Soul Yuan Emperor chuckled, "I'm afraid you don't know the old man's insidious, mysterious forces, I am afraid that it was just for the research and creation of the old monster, and searched a lot of resources."

"After so many years, I am afraid that the old monster has studied seven or eight eight, just to see when to start."

"He himself is a strong player at the level of the fairy king, and he is determined to escape, and no one can stop him."

"However, maybe as he said, once the number of strong creatures in the universe drops sharply, perhaps this piece of universe will return to its original state again and flourish."

Looking at Chu Yi's weird eyes, Soul Yuan Emperor quickly changed his mind.

"Of course, I am different from him."

"What's more, I'm dead, and the power left behind can only help you suppress this monster."

"The way forward, you still have to go by yourself."

"Boy, you and my heart are close. I like people like you best. Only in this way can I survive longer."

"The first time you met, there was the smell of old baldness in you, and I will give you a chance."

Soul Yuan Emperor's words just fell, but he saw that the skin sacs outside Chu Yi shattered layer by layer, revealing a body covered with gritty lines, and a devil horn growing on his forehead.

Tian Zi's mouth twitched, and Anxie bite his teeth.

No wonder they feel that the behavior of this guy is completely incompatible with the lines on his face. It turned out to be deliberately covered up.

This is the true face of this guy.

Soul Yuan Emperor looked at Chu Yi, and the two didn't know what they were talking about, and even Dizang Wang couldn't hear.

"Okay, I should leave. This force must be retained for future needs."

"King Dizang, you don't have to sacrifice anymore this time. After all, you are the one I owe to you. Go back and teach the next generation."

"Thank you, Senior." Dizang Wang arched his hands.

"See you in the future, no, I hope we never see you again. The next time I meet, I am afraid it means a disaster."


Soul Yuan Emperor's ideas slowly dissipated.

Dizang's eyes narrowed and finally fell back into his eyes.

Everyone's heart is very heavy.

Although the problem of the seal here has been solved, the mystery and the pole figures may be more troublesome than destiny in a short time.

"No, this matter, we must tell the suzerain as soon as possible, otherwise, the entire universe will be buried in the hands of Ji Dao Xian." Tianzi was very solemn.

Chu Yi looked at Tianzi and his eyes flickered. He didn’t say a word, maybe the universe would be buried in the hands of heaven.

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