My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1387: Trial Group 1

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!


Tingtian was repairing a potted plant, but somehow, he was in a trance, and the scissors in his hand were careless, cutting off a green leaf that should have been left on it.

He looked at the potted plant in front of him, frowned, and waved his palm, the whole potted plant turned to ashes.

"It's still the same personality as before, and you can't tolerate any flaws. This is your fault, too perfect." The stone box floated out, exposing the **** brain inside, and the eyes above were full of smiles.

"This is my advantage and my weakness. This makes me go to this point, and it will also kill me." Ting Tian said lightly.

"I want to know, what are you worried about?" Destiny's brain asked.

With his hands on his back, Ting Tian looked at the sea breeze and laughed and said: "The sword-man, the earth, the gods and deities, and the Yanhuang clan."

In his eyes, his eyes were as bright as the ocean, bluer than the sea in front of him.

"It turns out that you will also worry, I thought, you have been letting them develop."

Ting Tian smiled and said: "I didn't care, but since the appearance of chaotic creatures on the earth, it was also somewhat unexpected to me. Although the old fellow of the Yan and Huang clan did not intervene, who knows if he will jump out, In addition to the strength of the gods and demon religions, if these three parties join forces, even I will have a headache. There are also mysterious tigers looking outside, who may attack my fairy world at any time."

"But I still want to thank you for this. If you didn't let me attack the earth, I haven't found them hiding such a huge force." Ting Tianda has nothing to hide.

His breath became more and more ethereal, and since he became a true fairy, his eyes seemed to be able to see a farther future.

Destiny stunned, and his eyes split open, as if people were laughing: "So what do you plan to do?"

Ting Tian glanced at Destiny: "I was thinking, how much backhand did you arrange? I didn't plan to fight with them, just to guard you, but if you go on like this, I'm afraid it won't work."

"Their strength is so strong that the universe will have a second destiny?"

Destiny's brain took a break, and then smiled: "I'm curious, where are you coming from?"

"Is it funny? I don't think it's funny. I don't know much about you, but you know me very well, even if you become immortal, you are all done."

"I have stepped into your trap and have to do what you say."

"Although you are in my hands, I am in the light, and you are in the dark, I can't take what you do."

"I've had enough for all these years. I have to do it boldly and try your reaction."

"For example?" Destiny's brain asked.

"For example, the gods and demons, the Yanhuangs, and the earth, they are all connected by one person, that is, the swordman, Yan Luo Supreme."

"I want to kill him and give it a try."

"If you want to kill him, then I will kill him despite killing. At this point, our goal is the same." Destiny's brain said.

"The existence of the swordman is also a great danger to me. Once he successfully controls this universe, my existence will be eliminated."

Tingtian looked at Destiny directly: "I can't understand you, I don't even know if you are telling the truth or falsehood, even if you have been asking me to kill Yan Luozhi before, but I still can't see through."

"But this time, I always have to try it."

"You can rest assured that I have sent someone over. Supreme Master Yan Luo should be there with the Tiancon family, and when he comes out, it will be when he dies."

"Since the swordsman is so important, then I want to see how this world will evolve after the swordsman dies."

"You are really an extreme person. Although your talent is not the best, but your character is enough to let you survive the chaos." Fate praised.

"I don't need your praise."

Sea breezes, waves come.


The universe is vast, hell, and the king of Tibet is seeing off for Chu Yi, and then he leaves slowly.

"Tianzi, feel at ease, goodbye, and see you again in the future, I'm afraid it will be the opposite." Chu Yi smiled.

Anxian frowned: "Yan Luo Zhizun, I think you really misunderstood the heaven and the suzerain. Although there is some contradiction between the suzerain and the predecessors of the Yan and Huang clan, it is difficult for our younger generation to comment on."

"But overall, the Sect Master is dedicated to this universe, and he uses his own cultivation every year to help me settle down the monsters in the heavens."

"He did what he did, even if he was selfish, but also for the common interests of the universe's creatures. You and the suzerain are standing on different levels and seeing different things."

"If you have a chance, you should really come to my heavenly court to see and understand it. There are also many weak creatures in the heavenly court, which is really not as ruthless as the world describes."

Anxie worried somehow and said a lot.

Emperor nodded silently.

He was born to prevent wars, so he understands this truth deeply.


"If I were to go to heaven, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to return."

Chu Yi said with a smile: "The roads are different, and they don't make any conspiracy. I understand that Heaven is also for self-protection. In fact, in essence, we are all for self-protection and dealing with the fate of the world, but the method is different."

"Emperor, we will be hostile in the future. Remember, not for private enmity, but for ideas. You have your ideas, and I have my ideas."

"I don't want to compromise my destiny in order to survive."

"Beauty, goodbye, Sword Master, I really don't want to be an enemy to you, and an enemy to a beauty, it is the most painful." Sword insect shouted.

"Little pig head, Bunny will not kill you in the future, Bunny will take you to heaven, play with Bunny, and White Fox, even if you are a little cow, Bunny is an elegant Bunny. Don't want you to be a rough heifer."

"Little Bunny!" Niuniu jumped like thunder.

Xia Houcheng and Lin Feiyan are already on the battleship and are preparing to greet Chu Yi to leave.

Suddenly, compasses emerged from all around. The compasses were not slap-sized, about thousands of paths, and they were intertwined with each other, and directly fixed this void.

"What happened, what happened?"

"this is?"

Chu Yi's face changed.

The voids around are completely imprisoned, which means that they cannot leave through the law of space.

Tian Zi and An Xing frowned: "Judge!"

"Why are the judges here?"

"What judge?" Chu Yi asked.

Tianzi explained: "The judge is the violence and punishment agency of Heaven Court. In Heaven Court, if they make a big mistake, they will be executed by them."

"The judges are extremely terrifying, and they have great power and strength in their hands."

"The suzerain will not let the judges come to pick us up unless... they are here to kill you!"

Tianzi's pupil shrank.

Chu Yi's mouth twitched, and he had just survived the disaster. Unexpectedly, he was stopped here by Heaven.

The void splits like waves, and nine figures emerge from it.

The nine figures, dressed in black robes, had a white symbol in front of them, which seemed to represent the meaning of judgment.

The head of the person, holding the judge pen, wearing a tall felt hat, looked serious.

The remaining eight people each have a token on their waist.

"Great judge!" Even with Tian Tian's heart, there was a tremor.

At that time, when he was very young, he was taught by the Grand Inquisitor. The Grand Inquisitor was extremely stern. From the perspective of the emperor, he was like the Yan Luo in hell, so that he now has a shadow in his heart that is difficult to erase.

Moreover, he later heard that the woman who gave birth to him was killed by the magistrate.

Heavenly Son is God.

And that woman is just a mortal.

How can mortals produce gods?

So the magistrate judged the woman.

"It's them!"

Anxie could not help shaking, obviously knowing the reputation of these people.

"Heavenly Court, the most cruel nine people, the first trial group!"

The first trial group, this name is enough to frighten the souls of the entire heaven, even the supreme, invincible supremes dare not provoke this group of people.

They also have the blessing of the power of the Lord of Heaven, representing supreme authority.

"Great judge."

"The first trial group?"

Chu Yi dignified, backed away a few steps, the sword worm had stretched out his tentacles.

A few people across from each other, are not high-level supreme, and not the kind of parallel imports, but the real achievements.

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