My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1388: Time master

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Lord Magistrate, why are you here?" Tianzi's expression was blank, and there was no trace of emotion. He had relaxed a little before, but when he saw these people, he was immediately restrained and returned to his previous state.

The chief judge's face was cold and pale, as if he had noticed the emperor.

"Emperor, the Sect Master ordered me to come over and take Yan Luo Supreme."

Tian Zi clenched his hands involuntarily: "Great judge, a Supreme Master Yan, the Sect Master is too nervous."

"Sovereign's order, I will naturally obey. The emperor just came out of the land of condemnation, and his body has a dirty atmosphere. Remember to clean it up before going back."

The space is bleak, the stars seem to be separated by a long distance.

"Yun Luo Supreme, you are leaving!"


"The farther you go, the better, go directly to the direction of hell!"

Anxiety was heard, Chu Yi heard her anxious voice for the first time, even with fear.

"Don't think about it, run away immediately, the emperor is giving you time."

"The first trial group is the most terrifying group. No matter who is in their hands, it is more terrible than death. Many people would rather die than be caught by them."

"Anxiety." The cold voice of the grand judge sounded.

Anxinyou's voice came to an abrupt halt, her lips pale and she looked at the magistrate sharply, the cold sweat behind her slipping away.

"Great judge, what's the matter?"

"The Sect Master asked you to go back as soon as possible, and the Sect Master pointed out a marriage for you." The chief judge remained expressionless, and the remaining eight people seemed to have no one in front of them.

They are the first trial group, from the grand judge to the nine judges.

"Family affairs?" Anxiety worried, "Who is it? I and the suzerain have already said that my prosecutors will take charge of their own affairs, and the suzerain will not violate the promise."

Tianzi was also in a tight mood. He loved and worried since childhood, but obviously, the other party did not like himself, but it did not prevent the two from becoming friends.

"I don't know, just ask the suzerain," the chief judge said coldly.

Don't dare to ask more.

The magistrate turned to Chu Yi, and even the sword worm and other people beside Chu Yi would not take a look.

He looked at Chu Yi, with a taste of scrutiny.

"Great judge?" Chu Yi's heart was solemn, but there was still a smile on his face.

"I don't know if the Grand Inquisitor will take me away. The so-called crimes always need a crime, otherwise, it will become violent law enforcement."

"Naturally guilty." The magistrate opened a scroll, saying one word at a time, "Yan Luo is supreme, illegally integrating basic swordsmanship, this is a sin."

"Sovereign Yan Luo, killing my heavenly army, this is the second sin."

"Yan Luo is supreme, has no heavenly court, colludes with chaotic creatures, destroys the heavenly coalition army, and kills countless people. This is the third sin."

"These three crimes are serious crimes, so the judge ruled that Yan Luo was the supreme crime and brought back to heaven."

"The second magistrate seconded!"

"The third magistrate seconded..."


The remaining judges spoke coldly, just like a robot, the program was set up, and even the sound was almost the same.

The magistrate put the scroll back between the sleeves and looked at Chu Yi: "Yun Luo Supreme, you can be guilty."

Chu Yi grinned and said with a smile: "The great judge is worthy of being a great judge, fair and strict, and I really admire it."

"But I'm curious, if I insult you in public, will you also convict me."

"This is not the scope of my jurisdiction, and it is only a personal attack."

"It turns out that, if one day, someone betrayed Heavenly Court, it would be like the Son of Heaven." Chu Yi laughed.

The emperor was startled, but expressionless.

The magistrate solemnly said: "This is a serious crime, and it should be punished with thousands of knives, endured thousands of robberies, stripped of Yuanying, and thrown into purgatory.

"Isn't it good?"

"Naturally not work!" the magistrate said with certainty.

Chu Yi suddenly said, "What about the sky!"

"At that time, Tingtian was the great steward of the Yan and Huang clan, how good was the Yan and Huang clan, and even the descendants who settled him could be passed down in one vein, but Tingtian, but betrayed my clan and led the wolf into the room, Directly let countless creatures die, and you say, is this a big sin?"

What Chu Yi listed is what happened in the past. Most people don't know about it, but these judges know it absolutely.

The magistrate was stunned, and did not expect Chu Yi to ask this question.

"The suzerain is not under my control."

Chu Yi ate a word, angry at the galaxy: "A good one is fair, a good one is selfless, it turned out to be just for one person."

"If I guess correctly, I am recorded as history and become a sinner, which is also the conclusion of your trial team."

"You know the truth, but you reverse the truth, and you know the true face of the old thief, but let him do anything wrong."

"So, what reason do you have to judge me and convict me."

"You guys, just for private purposes in court, come to catch me and come to kill me, why say so sounding."

"Tianzi, I am at ease and worried. I originally wanted to go to Heaven Court to see it. Maybe Heaven Court is really different from what I imagined, but now it seems that I don’t need to go to see it. Most people in Heaven Court are probably just like these judges. With the same face and face, only a few creatures are blindfolded."

The emperor, the peace of mind, the speechless.

The magistrate also did not refute, because he could not refute.

"The Sovereign is the Lord of the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Court represents the Heaven, and the Sovereign represents the Tao of Heaven. We are just mortals and cannot judge the heaven, and naturally cannot judge the sovereign."

The second magistrate spoke, his eyebrows were thin, his lips were thin, his cheekbones were slightly tall, and he looked sour and harsh.

"The Sect Master's actions are Heaven's Way, and it's about conforming to Heaven's Way. The Yan and Huang people were destroyed, and that's also conforming to Heaven's Way."

"The Sect Master is in your Yan and Huang clan, but it's just to investigate you. It's normal for you to disobey the heavenly path, do the great things, and be destroyed."

"The black ones can be said to be white by you, then it seems that I don't need to chat with you." Chu Yi sneered.

The grand judge said: "Yun Luo Zhizun, although you have a serious sin, don't worry too much. When you go to heaven this time, you will see the suzerain first. As long as the suzerain nods, then we will let you die peacefully."

"That's really thankful." Chu Yipi smiled flesh.

"Yan Luo Supreme, please!"

"Considering your special status, we will not put you on shackles."

"Please?" Chu Yi shook his head. "Why should I obey your words."

"Since you say that I am a great wicked person, how can a wicked person be taken away so easily."

The magistrate nodded: "Understandably, your heart is similar to other sinners. Just like the weak, when you meet the strong, you will always resist, but once you realize your strength, you will succumb."

"I hate people who pretend to be more powerful than me. I talk to you, just like constipation. I just pull a bit with a stick and sometimes retract it." Chu Yi shouted.

"Supreme Yan Luo, pay attention to words."

"Oh, don't you say that insulting you is not guilty?"

Chu Yi embraced his arms, and at the next moment, he suddenly attacked, and Jian Guangling came out from his palm.

The other sword light attacked from behind the opponent.

Two sword lights, one after the other, directly penetrated each other's head.

The chief judge looked at Chu Yi with no expression.


Chu Yi was shocked and quickly backed away.

I saw the blood hole in the head of the magistrate, extremely terrible, and the blood trickled out.

But the next second, the blood began to flow backwards, and then the flesh began to heal, recovering as before.

"It's not healing. He used the power of time. He knew the power of time very well, and directly let his injury retreat. The time before the injury." Sword insect coagulated.

"Mr. Chu, this time it's really troublesome."

"He has control of time, which is more terrifying than any peak supreme. The realm of time, this is a taboo realm, even the fairy king can only control it in a small range, and the supremes will act on themselves at most. There is a very short time on her body, and you can't mess up the time at will."

"But this person seems to know the time well. I'm afraid that in this respect, it has reached the level of the fairy king."

The sword worm was sad.

The muscle behind Tianzi couldn't help but be stiff. He stayed with this man for a long time, and naturally knew the horror.

"Great judge, time master."

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